

… You know, the more he thought about it, the more Naruto wasn't quite sure it was right to keep chasing after Sakura. Sure, she was his first and longest crush. She was his teammate, just like Sasuko was, and that would always mean something to him. Sasuko had been a friend, or at least Naruto liked to think so, but her 'better-than-everyone-else' attitude had made it pretty easy to have an adversarial, competitive rivalry with the Uchiha girl, rather than harboring romantic feelings for her.

Sakura, meanwhile, had never returned Naruto's feelings or anything like that, but she'd always been so much weaker than him and Sasuko. Even when she was hitting him for being dumb or saying something silly, Naruto had barely felt it back in the day. It'd been super easy to fall into the age-old dynamic of wanting to protect her and in turn expecting affection and love from her for doing so.

Naruto was a bit more grown up now though. He knew the world didn't truly work like that. He'd always known, after all Sasuko was an example of a badass chick, but it'd taken years under Jiraiya's tutelage to drive the point home. As much of a pervert as the Toad Sage was, he had drilled it into Naruto's head that girls could be just as strong as boys, and that the dynamic of finding a chick to protect in the hopes that she would in turn fall in love with you… it was something of a pipe dream.

All of that was to say, Sakura had never ever shown interest in him, not in the way so many other women had. To say nothing of the numerous beauties that Naruto had honed his skills with on the road with his teacher, there were all of the Konoha chicks he'd ended up banging since he got back to the village. From Ayame over at the Ramen Stand, to Tsunade to Anko and Ino… there were plenty of women who were showing him interest in that manner.

Sakura, meanwhile, had been happy to see him sure, but she'd also seemed irritated with him more than anything else. It was a return to their old dynamic, except Naruto could tell how much stronger Sakura had gotten by this point.

As much as he may have wanted Sakura to join his budding harem… it wasn't really fair to Naruto to hound her about it when he already had other girls interested and Sakura hadn't showed a single iota of interest herself. Better to just let sleeping dogs lie, right? Either Sakura would come to him eventually… or they would end up being Just Friends… and honestly, that would be good enough for Naruto.

That said, he departs his apartment with purpose, leaving Anko and Ino to sleep off the effects of his techniques. But his purpose isn't to find Sakura, oh no… he'll give her all the room in the world if that's what he needs. Instead, he heads back to the Hokage's Tower in order to figure out what the hell to do about the fact that he needed a Clan Compound if he was going to go about making an actual clan.

In the back of Naruto's head, he can feel his foxy passenger's approval over this. Kurama presses feelings of needing a proper nest for the numerous kits that Naruto will soon be fathering. The apartment is already proving how small it is with just two chicks in it, anymore and it'll be fit to bursting, and that's BEFORE any of Naruto's women give birth.

So yeah, he needs a compound. Striding back into the Hokage's Tower, Naruto approaches the ninja currently sat behind the front desk and gives a megawatt smile.

"Hey there! Is the Hokage in? Just needed to chat with her about something we discussed yesterday."

The moment that Naruto meets the ninja's eyes, he knows he's in for a hassle. The cold look on the older, slightly wrinkled kunoichi's face makes it absolutely clear that she recognizes him not as himself, not as a proud shinobi of Konoha, but as the container for the demon fox… or worse, the demon fox itself.

"The Fifth Hokage is very busy right now. What exactly did you need to discuss with her? Perhaps I can pass along a message."

Well used to dealing with these sorts by now, Naruto doesn't lose his cheer for a moment, though it does become a tad more… forced.

"Oh, it was nothing major! Just accommodations! I'll come back later, or something."

It was silly of him to walk in through the front door in the first place. Just how many times had he been stonewalled over the years, back when it was him and the Third Hokage. Sarutobi had doted on Naruto like a grandson, and Naruto had in turn affectionally called him 'Jiji'. But even at a young age, the blond boy had not failed to notice the sheer amount of hate-filled adults doing their level best to keep him from the Third Hokage at all times.

They didn't always succeed because… well, Sarutobi was the Hokage and Naruto was a persistent little fuck. If they wanted to see each other, nothing and nobody was going to stop them forever. But the amount of times where the Third Hokage had simply not known that Naruto was being stonewalled, where his 'Jiji' was kept out of his reach when Naruto needed affection the most…

The young man turns away from the old bint behind the desk and lets out an explosive exhale, heading for the door. He'd just scale the tower and enter through a window. If Tsunade was legitimately busy with something serious, her ANBU guards would stop him. But if not, he'd be able to talk to her right off the bat.

However, before Naruto can fully get outside and put this plan into motion, a familiar voice calls out behind him.


Turning around, Naruto's smile returns, and is even genuine as he gives Shizune a carefree grin. The medic nin is currently juggling some papers as she comes down from a hallway.

"Oh! Hey Shizune, maybe you can help me out."

She'd helped him out the previous day after all, perhaps his problems were solved without him having to scale the tower and upset the ANBU.

"Of course, Naruto! What can I do for you?"

If Naruto notices the slight blush on the older kunoichi's face, he doesn't mention it. Instead, he gets right to tackling the issue at hand.

"Well, it's pretty simple. Did Tsunade tell you what we talked about me doing, now that I'm back in the village?"

He wasn't sure if Tsunade wanted the fact that he'd been tasked with starting his own clan spread around, so he goes about things a little subtly. Luckily, Shizune nods her head in confirmation, though oddly enough, her light blush does darken slightly.

"A-Ah, yes she did…"

"Great! Well, if I'm gonna make that reality… I kind of need accommodations, right? Was hoping Tsunade would have something in mind for that."

Equally strange, Shizune blinks for a moment, and then her shoulders slump. Naruto really can't place the beautiful medic nin's emotions if he's being honest, but after a second she offers him a wavering smile.

"Ah, of course. In fact, she assigned that very task to me. I don't think either of us expected you to think about it yourself though. You'll be happy to know everything has been taken care of. I… could show you there myself right now, if you like?"

Whoa, was Tsunade really on top of things that much? Had the top-heavy blonde already picked out a clan compound for him? Blinking owlishly, Naruto nevertheless quickly recovers and offers up another cheery grin.

"Sure, that sounds great!"

And that's how he finds himself walking through the streets of Konoha with Shizune leading the way. She'd even dropped all of that paperwork she'd been carrying onto the desk of the old bitch on her way out, and the sour look on that cunt's face left Naruto soaring on cloud nine of he was being honest. Though, he had to admit to being curious.

"So like… if there's already a compound for me, was it my mother's or my father's or something?"

Shizune startles at that, glancing at him wide-eyed.

"You… know who your parents are?"

Letting out a carefree laugh, mostly to hide the pain of how long it'd been hidden from him, Naruto bobs his head up and down.

"Yeah, Pervy Sage told me, no worries. He declared me mature enough to know the truth himself."

Shizune flushes at that, and seems to see right through him judging by her hurried response.

"I… I confess, I did not know myself until a year or two back, during your travels. Tsunade kept such things close to her chest, but she finally told me about you and your unique parentage."

Naruto just nods along, not blaming Shizune. Hell, he didn't even really blame the people who'd actively kept it from him. From Tsunade to Jiraiya to Sarutobi… he got it, he really did. Naruto knew exactly what he would have done if he'd been told who his dad was back when he was a kid. He would have shouted it from the rooftops, along with an unhealthy dose of 'Believe It!' probably.

But they'd given him his mother's last name, so a couple stories about Kushina Uzumaki really wouldn't have been amiss in Naruto's opinion. Maybe they thought he or someone else would be able to connect the dots between Kushina and Minato… but then why the hell name the blonde, blue-eyed child of the two Uzumaki in the first place? Not like there were many other Uzumaki to give birth to him…

"But no, the compound that the Hokage has decided to allocate to you belonged to neither your father nor your mother. In fact, neither of them ever had a clan compound in the village in the first place. Your father was an orphan, and your mother came from a far away land. They both lived on the Hokage's Estate when your father was elevated to the position of Hokage… but of course, that Estate is now occupied by Tsunade."

Naruto chuckles at that, half-tempted to make a joke about declaring the Hokage's Estate his new home for his harem, since Tsunade was already a member or something. But… he wasn't exactly sure that's what was going on between him and the older woman, nor did he know if Tsunade had told Shizune about that. So he stays quiet on the matter, opening his mouth to ask another question only to discover they'd arrived.

As Shizune comes to a stop, Naruto clicks his teeth shut, looking at the partially overgrown walls in front of him, blinking owlishly. Turning to him, Shizune smiles a soft smile.

"I'm not sure if you're aware, but there's a reason that the Hokage is commonly referred to as The Last Senju. A descendant of both the Senju and the Uzumaki, not even Tsunade still uses the clan name. There aren't any true Senju who live in Konoha anymore save for in the history books… but the First Hokage's Will of Fire continues to live on in us all. That said, this is Tsunade's gift to you. The Senju Compound, for your new clan."

Naruto slowly steps past her, pushing through the creaky old gate and looking out on a somewhat overgrown compound. Although, even as he notes how overgrown it is, he starts to notice bits and pieces of it where things are already beginning to be cleared away and cleaned up. Dusk has fallen and the evening has arrived, so no one is working on it at this point, but clearly it's being fixed up.

"It still needs a lot of work, of course. Tsunade is currently having me assigned Rank D missions to the genin teams daily in order to get it properly repaired. There's a lot of history in these walls… and she-!"

Before Shizune can continue any further, Naruto whips around and grabs her in a gigantic bear hug, letting out a shout of glee.

"It's perfect, Shizune! Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Oh! I-I'm glad to hear it, N-Naruto!"

Laughing, Naruto whirls Shizune around a few times before setting the medic-nin back on her feet. Only to have the older kunoichi… lean into his chest, not quite letting him step away. Making eye contact with Tsunade's first apprentice, Naruto blinks at what he sees there… he's always seen Shizune as a sort of sister-figure… but nevertheless, she's very, very beautiful. And at this point, after fucking Tsunade and Anko, to say nothing of his adventures in older women on his travels… Shizune is downright close to him in age in comparison.

"I'm really… really glad to hear it, Naruto…"

And then she's kissing him, just like that. Naruto kisses her back of course, his hands automatically gravitating to the busty, curvy medic nin's ass cheeks as he gropes and squeezes them to his heart's content. Shizune just moans into his mouth and wiggles and writhes in his grip, but it's quite obvious where all of this is heading. Pulling back, Naruto meets Shizune's eyes and does the gentlemanly thing of asking if this is really all okay.

"A-Are you sure about this, Shizune? You should know… you aren't even the first kunoichi who's already willingly joined me on this whole 'Making a Clan' thing…"

Eyes dark with lust and arousal, Shizune just smiles.

"I'm sure, Naruto. As sure as anything. You've always been so strong. And seeing you come back even stronger than before… I'd be happy to join your efforts in building a clan. Take me, Naruto. Here or in one of the homes of your new compound, I care not. Take me and make me yours."

Well shit, it was always the quiet ones, wasn't it? How… how should he go about doing this then? Take her here, right on the overgrown path leading into the former Senju Compound, all rough like? Or travel to the buildings that have been cleaned up and see if there's a bed so that they're fucking a bit more like humans then animals? His cock strains in his pants and Shizune isn't helping but moaning wantonly and rubbing up against him.

One way or another, he's gotta make a move and fast…

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