
Sasuko Uchiha Pt. 2

A/N: Just a reminder, new chapter here officially means new chapter over on the P atreon now, where my patrons are currently voting on the future direction of this story!


Keeping his head down? Focusing on the mission? That wasn't who Naruto Uzumaki was. And while he'd definitely matured a lot while he was training with Jiraiya, while he'd definitely done a lot of growing as both a ninja and a man… he was still who he was at his core. That couldn't change. If it did, Naruto wasn't sure what would happen.

With that in mind… well, there was only one option. And while Sakura was pretending to be upset with him, she was still quick enough to go along with his requests. As Team Seven Reunited makes their way down the road towards Takigakure, Sakura pulls forward and begins engaging Kakashi in conversation.

"What chapter are you on, Sensei? Personally, I'm a big fan of Chapter 5!"

For the briefest of moments, Kakashi looks like he might actually be uncomfortable as he does a double take. But its gone as quick as a flash, and only prolonged time with a Spymaster of Jiraiya's caliber allowed Naruto to even catch that small glimpse at what was lurking under the Copycat Nin's surface. Giving Sakura an eye smile with his one visible eye, Kakashi chuckles throatily.

"Oh-ho-ho! My darling student, all grown up? What do you like most about Chapter Five, hmmm?"

It's almost certainly a test to see if Sakura is messing with him… but if Kakashi is at all surprised by the way the pink-haired kunoichi automatically launches into a very detailed description of the scene in question, he keeps an excellent Poker Face. Frankly, Naruto is surprised that Sakura knows what happens in Chapter Five. But then, he supposes he shouldn't really be, all things considered.

Regardless, with Sakura distracting Kakashi (not that Naruto thinks for even a second the Jonin doesn't know what they're up to) Naruto grabs Sasuko by the arm and tugs her back… gently, of course. Thankfully, she doesn't try to fight it as he pulls her back a couple dozen paces so that they're still in eyesight of Kakashi and Sakura but have a bit more privacy.

Silently, the Last Uchiha watches him as they walk along for a few moments, neither of them saying a word. Naruto squirms for a second, before finally opening his mouth.


"Last night, you accepted Sakura's advances. But you did not accept mine the other day."

Sasuko's words are spoken almost casually, but also with a hint of… is that moroseness? Naruto does a double take. Sure enough, the dark-haired kunoichi is staring at the ground as she walks. He can almost imagine her poking her index fingers together and sneaking glances at him… but no, that would be more Hinata's vibe, and even then, that was when they were kids, wasn't it?

These days, they're all very much grown-up, Sasuko included. Except, she's not necessarily well-versed in certain situations… like this one she's forced to confront right now. Naruto winces, considers how best to answer… and in the end, decides that honesty is the best policy.

"It's because your advances felt like they were coming from an insincere place. As you know, I'm rebuilding my Clan. Sakura is one of my fiancés. When she and I have sex, it's for the sake of having sex… and for rebuilding my Clan."

Naruto can't help but flush a little at that last bit, though he thankfully avoids any hitch or stammer in his words. In the back of his mind, he feels Kurama all but crowing in delight. Not in so many words, but in feelings and emotion. The Demon Fox loves how many kits he's producing right now, how many women he's knocking up. And Kurama wants him to do the same with Sasuko as well.

But he's telling the truth. Sasuko had offered herself to him in a transactional basis. It just didn't feel right. And Naruto stood by that decision, even if fucking Sakura last night might have felt a little like he was rubbing her face in it to Sasuko in turn.

"… I see. Because I offered to let you fuck me in exchange for your help regarding locating my brother, you were unaroused. But because Sakura came to you solely for the purposes of fucking, you were aroused."

Naruto blinks and has to bite his tongue to keep from mentioning how he was actually VERY aroused by Sasuko's actions. It was in spite of his arousal that he'd held back and not taken advantage of her, not because of a lack of it. He doesn't say that however, because his time with Jiraiya has taught him a lot about women… specifically broken women.

Don't ask him why, but the Toad Sannin was a fount of knowledge when it came to women with issues, be they daddy issues, or in Sasuko's case, brother issues. And Naruto, somewhat to his chagrin, had absorbed a fair amount of that in the process of learning from the older shinobi.

Thus, he holds his tongue. Because this? This right here was progress, and Naruto wasn't about to ruin it. Instead, he gives Sasuko a small smile and an encouraging nod.

"That's precisely right. And to be clear, it's not you, Sasuko. I've always liked you. I just don't want you to feel like you're forced into anything. As you can see, we're working on finding the Akatsuki and your brother without you having to spread your legs for me, so-mmph!"

All of the sudden, Sasuko is kissing him. Again. If Naruto had a ryo for every time the Last Uchiha had kissed him out of the blue… he'd have two ryo, which wasn't much, but still! The kiss only lasts for a second, because they are walking down a road after all, but still…

Pulling away just as quickly as she outright glomped him, Sasuko faces forward again, acting almost like nothing happened. Except, the faint dusting of pink on her pale cheeks tells a story, one that Naruto figures is probably mirrored on his own gobsmacked face as he just gawks at her for a long moment. Finally, Sasuko clears her throat.

"… And what if I wanted to have sex for the sake of sex too? Or… f-for the sake of helping you rebuild your c-clan?"

Naruto's mouth opens and closes like a goldfish a few times before he finally gets himself under control. It takes all of his training. No, not his ninja training, his "player" training as a student of Jiraiya. Sure, everyone in Konoha saw the Toad Sannin as a huge perverted lout, but out on the road, he could be suave and personable… there wasn't a day that had gone by where Jiraiya hadn't brought a woman back to their room, and once he deemed Naruto ready for such things, they'd started bringing two women back, together.

Regardless, Naruto is so floored by Sasuko Uchiha's behavior that he honestly can't think of what to say at first. When he finally does… he winces, wishing he could think of something else.

"Uh… I'd love to. When we're not on the road heading towards our mission objective."

Sasuko's eyes flicker forward, to where Sakura and Kakashi are STILL discussing Icha Icha together. She hums for a moment.

"Ah. Yes, I suppose that now is not the best time, is it?"

Once again, the kunoichi manages to sound morose! Over Naruto refusing to stop and bend her over right here in the middle of the road! He honestly feels a little guilty over it. So much so that he finds himself racing to find a solution to the problem. And admittedly… he does. Coming up with an idea… it's not so hard. After all, he IS a Sealing Master.

"… There might be something we can do. I guess, it depends on if you're sure about this. Are you sure about what you want, Sasuko?"

Looking at him, seeming anything BUT sure, the kunoichi nevertheless jerks her head up and down in a sharp nod. Well, if that's the case… Naruto nods too, and turns so that he's facing Sasuko and walking backwards at the same time. It's not difficult, of course, and there's no danger he's going to trip and fall on anything, given his senses. Sasuko still gives him a weird look, as he produces a small jar of sealing paint and a brush.

"Lift your shirt for me."

Turning like this has the added benefit of blocking Sasuko from view of Kakashi or Sakura were to look back in this direction. Which is good, because it would certainly look odd, the way the Uchiha is now lifting her shirt, exposing her navel to him. Naruto nods slowly at the sight for a moment, considering how he wants to do this. It's not… QUITE experimental. All of the parts and pieces are there. Still, he is about to create a never-before-seen Seal before.

… And all for the sake of sex. Honestly, what HAD his life become?

"Pull your pants down a bit too. Just enough so I can see the top of your mound."

Sasuko's light dusting of pink intensifies into a modest red at that, but she does as she's told all the same. Naruto, after a moment longer of indecision, steps in close to her, uncaps the jar of Sealing Paint, and dips the brush in it before getting to work. The Seal that he puts right above her pussy mound, just over her womb, is a small one. Certainly nothing crazy like the Demon Container Seal, he has on his stomach.

It's tiny, but that doesn't mean it's not intricate, or that a single mistake could have disastrous consequences for Sasuko's health. It's a testament to how good Naruto is that he can smack the thing onto her while walking backwards on a road, rather than having her lay down and painstakingly crafting this over the course of an hour or two.

… Okay, so maybe this is all a little ill-advised, but Sasuko's… attitude towards sex, for lack of a better word, has Naruto feeling a certain kind of way. He just can't help himself. And it's fine. Soon enough the Seal is painted on, and all that's left is to see if it actually works.

"This might tingle."


Touching his finger to the middle of the Seal, Naruto uses a little bit of his Chakra to activate it. Sasuko gasps, her breath hitching and her eyes widening ever so slightly. But then it's over… and the Seal is active.

"You can put your clothes back now. It's on."

Sasuko hesitates for a moment, staring at the Seal with abject curiosity before finally, almost begrudgingly pulling her pants back up and her shirt back down. Once she's got her clothing back in place, she looks at him curiously.

"… What does it do?"

Naruto grins at that.

"Better to show, rather than tell, right?"

Tapping the end of his finger, Naruto uses the Seal. Technically, it's already active. But it's at its lowest setting at the moment, a hum that Sasuko clearly can't even detect. So… he ramps it up a few notches. The logic behind the Seal is sound. It's somewhat like his other Seals, like the sensitivity one for instance. But that… that just increases sensitivity. And while he could have done that to Sasuko and then let her deal with just how GOOD the clothes against her skin felt, or the way the wind brushed across her face… nah, he wanted something special.

And so, Naruto watches as Sasuko's eyes widen much larger, her entire body jolting as she feels a vibration deep in her core. A throaty moan escapes her lips before she can stop herself, and she quivers and trembles for a moment. When she stumbles, Naruto is there to catch her, swinging back around so he's at her side instead of in front of her at the same time.

Sasuko is a kunoichi of no small amount of training to be fair, so she does find her legs again quickly enough, even as the vibrations quaking through her cunt continue. Her moans are soon contained behind pursed lips, and though she shakes, she pushes off of him, once again walking on her own two feet as they continue down the road.

"… You good?"

Naruto's curious question results in a shaky nod from Sasuko, who seems to be focused on putting one foot in front of the other at the moment.

"What do you think? We can stop at any time, just so you know."

"N-No… I l-like it. D-Don't stop."

Naruto grins at that. He can tell Sasuko is… very engaged right now. And though it took him some time to really get it, thanks to their past together as well as their shared history, Naruto is finally starting to understand just how much Sasuko truly cares for him, despite everything. She actually does want him for him, doesn't she?

They walk together for a while like that, him with his thoughts… and her with the feeling of pleasurable vibrations pulsing in her cunt and womb, driving her absolutely mad with arousal. She has to be dripping by this point, but still… Naruto leans over and clears his throat.

"You know… it can go higher than that."

Sasuko looks over at him, blinking in confusion.


Grinning, Naruto nods.

"The vibrations. They can get stronger. Just sayin'."

He has her at about fifty percent power, at the moment. With how she's slowly growing accustomed to it, he thinks she could probably handle a full one hundred percent power, given a little bit of time. That said…

"We're almost in sight of Taki, however. So if you want me to turn it off for now and we'll play later with it, just say the word."

Sasuko hesitates for a moment, looking ahead to where Taki is indeed starting to show up just over the horizon. The Village Hidden in the Waterfall, their ultimate destination and the place where the next phase of their mission is to take place. Naruto knows that, by all accounts, he should shut off the Seal and let her recover as they approach…

But he can't help leaving it in Sasuko's hands, too damn curious to see what her decision is to make the call for her.


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