In the end, Naruto figures that things with Jiraiya and Tsunade will be more boring than anything else, especially if he's there. There's no reason to cockblock his mentor after all the things Jiraiya has done for him. So, taking Jiraiya's advice, Naruto parts ways with the perverted old man at Konoha's front gates, taking the slow path of walking casually down the main thoroughfare while Jiraiya vanishes in a body flicker technique that likely takes him up onto the rooftops, en route to the Hokage's Tower.
Silently wishing his sensei the best of luck in the upcoming meeting, Naruto hums as he considers exactly where he wants to go… before ultimately deciding that there's no one place in particular. Konoha… the whole of it is his home, and he's happy to be back. Everything about the place feels so very familiar to him, so he decides to just keep on walking, waiting for something or someone to catch his eye, or for something interesting to happen.
Of course, as he walks along, more than a few people stop and stare at him briefly, before going on with their business, shaking their heads in muted surprise. Some though, give him smiles and even waves, and Naruto grins cheekily, waving right back. Naruto has long been used to the village having something of a… negative reaction to him.
Nothing too awful, it wasn't like he'd been chased around by angry villagers annually or anything silly like that, growing up. But the cold shoulder had always been there, always been present, and it was only after Naruto had learned about Kurama that he understood why. People didn't understand what exactly he was. They thought he was the demon fox reborn, rather than it's jailor. They were afraid of him, so they avoided him at all costs, shunning him.
It'd definitely hurt, and it'd led to a lot of Naruto's acting out over the years, especially his prankish behavior, which had in turn done no favors for his reputation. But then he'd become a ninja, and not just that, he'd become a genin under Copy-Cat Kakashi. Even in the scant time he'd spent in the village after the disastrous Chunin Exams, Naruto had seen a general shift in the mood towards him taking place. Probably because when you summon a thousand copies of yourself at once, it's hard to miss you taking the fight to the enemy.
Either way, maybe the village didn't love him with all their heart quite yet, but they were coming around, and Naruto had every intention of winning all of them over by the time he was done. After all, if he was going to be Hokage, he needed the love of the village! And love… love wasn't something that could be forced. It had to be coaxed out, and Naruto had learned a lot about that sort of thing on his training trip with Jiraiya.
Of course, if the young blond had been able to read minds, perhaps he would have been a bit more bewildered by the thoughts running through most of the villagers' heads. Because at the end of the day, most weren't recognizing him as Naruto Uzumaki, resident prankster. At least, not at first glance. Three years away from the village had done a lot to alter Naruto from the boy he once was. He was taller, for one. More filled out, for another. And he no longer wore quite as much orange as before, having discarded his old eyesores in favor of something more modest and streamlined.
As a result, quite a few of the villagers, at least those old enough to have been around during the time of the Fourth Hokage, those who remembered Minato Namikaze, Konoha's Yellow Flash, didn't see Naruto at first glance… they saw a young Minato, smiling brightly, striding down Konoha's main street as if he'd never left them, as if he'd finally come back to them.
And then there were those who didn't see Minato, when they got a good look at Naruto's grown-up features… but instead the face of a crimson-haired she-devil, a wild, untamable young woman who had rightfully earned the nickname Red Hot-Blooded Habanero. It was startling, for all of those who caught sight of Naruto has he walked on, utterly oblivious to the thoughts running through their minds.
He really had no idea what they were thinking about. If he'd had even an inkling, Naruto would have been befuddled, confused, suspicious… and intrigued. As it was, he just kept walking on, that big grin on his face, enjoying being back in Konoha after so long. It was just… it really was good to be home. He had-
Blinking, Naruto stops at hearing his name called out by a familiar, if confused voice. Turning, he realizes to his shock that he was just about to walk past Ichiraku's Ramen Shop. There, standing behind the counter, staring at him with wide eyes, is Ayame Ichiraku, the daughter of the Ramen Shop's owner, Teuchi Ichiraku.
They lock gazes, and Ayame's eyes widen.
"N-Naruto! I-It is you!"
A moment later and she's tossing aside her apron as she hurries out from behind the counter. Naruto stands there for a second, feeling rather sheepish for letting his mind wander so much that he nearly passed by his favorite place to get ramen. That second passes, and suddenly he has a female missile impacting his chest as Ayame hugs him fiercely, gripping him tightly.
Letting out a sheepish laugh, Naruto hugs Ayame back.
"it's good to see you too, Ayame!"
After a moment, the young woman slowly looks up at him, blinking dumbly from under her brunette fringe.
"… You got so tall, Naruto. It used to be that you were shorter than me!"
Snickering at that, because he does indeed have several inches on Ayame now, Naruto just shrugs with a carefree grin on his face.
"I had a growth spurt. It HAS been three years, ya know?"
Pulling away from him, Ayame's cheeks puff out a little angrily and she plants her fists on her hips.
"That it has been! Where've you been all this time? Surely your training trip didn't last this long!"
Shrugging again, Naruto rubs the back of his head, completely missing the way Ayame's eyes alight upon his rippling musculature, hidden just beneath his form-fitting clothing.
"I mean, it did, if you can believe it. Sensei really put me through my paces, that's for sure, but I learned a lot, saw a whole lot more, and met a bunch of interesting people. I'm not the Naruto you once knew any longer, Ayame!"
He barely catches her first response, muttered under her breath as it is.
"… No you are not. Fuck…"
"Hm, what was that?"
He wonders if he heard her correctly, but rather than repeat herself, the waitress claps her hands together and smiles at him brightly.
"So then, you're not the Naruto I knew? Does that mean… you don't like free ramen anymore? Have you changed so much?"
Eyes bulging out of his skull, Naruto rapidly shakes his head back and forth, waving his hands in front of himself before crossing his arms in an X.
"N-No! That's most certainly not true! I love free ramen! Hell, I love all ramen! A-Ah, but Ichiraku's is still the place for me, o-of course!"
Ayame just laughs at his response, and it's not long before she's back behind the counter and Naruto has a big, heaping bowl of Classic Ramen in front of him, waiting to be slurped down. His eyes sparkle as he picks up his chopsticks, even as Ayame smiles brightly.
"First bowl is on me. Father is away for the day, leaving me in charge. You know Naruto, I'm not the same girl I was three years ago either…"
Trailing off, the civilian girl blinks and then sweat drops as she realizes he's not listening to her, mostly because he already has the entire bowl up and tilted back, allowing him to slurp down the ramen-y goodness inside without hesitation, those chopsticks he'd picked up not even being used, even though he's holding then between his fingers on either side of the bowl.
A moment later, and he slams the bowls down onto the counter.
Smirking, Ayame crosses her arms over her chest… or rather, the brunette crosses her arms UNDER her chest, having separated her robe just a little bit at this point, showing off some more of her cleavage. She was a slender girl, so in terms of assets she didn't have all that much to work with, to her chagrin. But she does her best all the same, hoping to draw Naruto's eyes to her chest… and to her excitement, it works! She sees his eyes zero in on her cleavage, before he quickly looks up again, trying to pretend like he didn't look.
"As I was saying, that first bowl was free… anything else, you'll have to pay for."
Naruto, all grown up and looking more like a man than Ayame ever would have thought, nods seriously at that, sobering up quickly as he pulls out… his old wallet, the same damn toad wallet he'd had back when he was a kid. It's stuffed to the brim with money, though from the look of things it's a bunch of different currencies, as he has to look through it to find the currency that is predominantly used in the Land of Fire.
"Right! Another bowl, please!"
As Ayame takes the money, she gives Naruto a nod and a smile, before turning and making sure to put a lot of sway into her step as she walks back into the small shop's kitchen.
"Coming right up!"
She's not sure if it's just her imagination or not, but she feels like she can sense Naruto's gaze burning into her shapely backside. That's good, because where she lacks in the chest region, Ayame feels she more than makes up for when it comes to her ass. And she's come to a conclusion about just what she wants from this young man she's seeing for the first time in three years…
Naruto downs five bowls of ramen before he runs out of the proper type of currency. Maybe he should have stopped by the exchange office first thing instead of wandering, but eh, he can always do that now and come back soon, he supposes. Putting away his wallet, Naruto hops off of his stool and prepares to say his (temporary) goodbyes to Ayame, but the young woman stops him before he can say a word.
"Ah, done eating now, Naruto? Hey… there's something I could use some help with in the back. Would you mind?"
Blinking, Naruto laughs a little.
"You know, I used to hate D-Rank missions back in the day… but after three years of chasing Jiraiya around, helping civilians doesn't seem so bad. Sure, Ayame, what can I do for ya?"
She doesn't elaborate, instead simply leading him back behind the counter, and out of sight of the road. Naruto is just about to ask for clarification again, when the young woman suddenly grabs him by the front of his shirt and pulls him in for a deep, passionate, tongue-filled kiss. Naruto's eyes widen, but he's already responding to the kiss instinctively, his hands going down to Ayame's shapely, feminine hips and his tongue wrestling with her tongue as they swap saliva and spit.
They kiss for what feels like a while, with Ayame growing more and more flushed and flustered, and Naruto taking more control of the encounter by the moment, until they eventually both pull apart and Ayame looks up at him, her face bright red.
"Y-You… where did you learn to kiss like that, N-Naruto?"
He grins, well aware that he's likely left her weak in the knees. However, he isn't expecting her to collapse to her knees, and he doesn't manage to catch her before she falls. However, Ayame seems to have done it on purpose, because the next thing he knows, she's working at his pants, working his cock out of its confines and into the open. And then, without another word, the beautiful young woman takes him into her mouth.
Naruto's eyes nearly bulge out of his head as Ayame begins to suck him off, but there's no denying how good it feels, and once again his perverted instincts are getting the better of him, his hands coming down to rest atop her head, his fingers lacing through her brunette locks. She looks up at him with those big dark eyes of hers, even as she sucks and slurps him down, almost like he's one big, fat ramen noodle for her to gobble up.
… Maybe he was a little ramen-drunk, that was the strangest sexual metaphor he'd come up with in a long time. Either way, Naruto groans quietly as she bobs up and down on his member, tossing his head back in enjoyment of the first sexual encounter he's had since arriving back home. It's a little surprising that it's happening so soon, but he can already feel Kurama purring with satisfaction inside of him. The fox wanted this for him, wanted him to… seek out potential mates, as Kurama had put it.
He wasn't going to be able to stop this from escalating beyond a simple blowjob, that much Naruto was certain of. Already, primal desires and the need to conquer are welling up in his chest. Luckily, from the lustful look in Ayame's eyes and the fact that her hands have disappeared beneath her robes and betwixt her thighs, seem to point to her wanting more than a simple blowjob as well.
But… she was just a civilian. Which meant he had to decide how to handle her. Gentle? Rough? Or should he let her choose how she wanted him to take her? Letting out a heartfelt groan, Naruto can tell he's getting close, so he lets Ayame know as well.
"Gonna cum soon, Ayame…"
Contrary to his expectations that she'll pull away, she only speeds up the pace, clearly intending to drain him of every drop. Perhaps that was all the answer he needed to know how she would want it? Or perhaps he was reading too much into things. Either way, he needed to make a choice sooner, rather than later…
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