
The Rise Of The Void God

After awakening god-like powers Neo had to become as powerful as the God's who first handled said powers. When he couldn't meet the standard, he must now protect his family after he himself escaped death

GhostofChristmas · ファンタジー
40 Chs

Rewind part 6

The duo reached the area where the explosion occurred, as it was terrifying It was 


The explosion they saw was a firecracker. They then turned back and saw hundreds of thousands of people charging at them. Ray would grab Ezekiel as he tried to conjure up a barrier, but to his dismay, he couldn't use it. As he then looked at his arm, it was Jason's seal mark that was restricting his power. As they were then thrown to the ground by the horde as they rushed towards the market, Ezekiel and Ray were crawling around on the ground as if they were in a war. 

as Ray looked at Ezekiel and laughed as Ezekiel laughed as well. They then made their way out of the crowd, as Jason would be seen slowly crawling towards them as well. He was covered in dirt as Matthew walked towards them from the left side of the town as Aisha to the right, both covered in various merchandise as they looked at Ray. Jason and Ezekiel just sighed as Aisha spoke up.

"Jason For the love of God, do your job and protect the ki—I mean, protect your nephew."

Matthew would nod in agreement as Aisha just sighed and looked at Ezekiel with Ray as she smiled. Before her smile turned to horror, she felt a dark presence looming nearby as Jason got up and would get in front of Ray, wanting to protect him. As the dark presence came closer, it was revealed to be Akumu The future king of these lands riding upon the horses back as he looked down at the crew and just chuckled and looked at them in disgust as he spoke in a thunderous voice

"Ezekiel, what are you doing here with these commoners? They are not worthy of your presence! Go back home; I'll deal with these 4 myself.

Ezekiel would try to speak up but would stop himself as He met the gaze of Akumu, who looked at him in a wrathful gaze as Ezekiel fell silent and nodded as he left the crew and went back to his house. Akumu just stared at the crew and would grab the hilt of his blade before he noticed something in the distance. He just chuckled, let go of the hilt of his blade and rode away into the distance to check something that he saw In the distance, the crew looked at each other and just shrugged

As all 4 of them then walked away, kept walking as they would encounter some people needing help and would provide there aid to them as they kept walking around town before exiting the town and heading to a random location as they then came across a mountain with a weird shape It was strange how this mountain felt. It felt divine Something doesn't seem right Jason would touch the mountain as he closed his eyes. And then he opened them back up, as a bright blue glow would engulf the mountain as Jason would. then connect his vision with the rest as they saw the Ark of Noah They then noticed the area around it was the same Area where Noah's Ark had stopped after the great flood. They were surprised to see the Ark still in good condition. Other than being swallowed up by mother nature, Jason would then remember God's word as he spoke:

"God said it himself that nothing could destroy the Ark  as he commanded it but mother nature hasn't destroyed because she can't. But God never said that she couldn't cover it with her powers."

They were fascinated by the power of mother nature, as Aisha just smirked and giggled as her eyes glew a dark purple as she approached the mountain and placed her hand on it. She then began chanting something before talking to Ray.

"Ray, have you ever wondered what me and Matthew's magic are? And have you ever wondered how strong Mother Nature is?"

Ray would be confused as Matthew would be alerted as Jason would be too as Matthew would gulp, chuckle and speak.

"Aisha, are you serious right now!?! You want to do that here and now !?! especially against the King !? We don't know if he can handle it."

Aisha would just giggle and laugh maniacally as she held her head as her smile widened

"If we never do it, How can he ever Learn!"

Matthew would bite his lower lip and just sigh and nod as Jason interrupted them as he flexed his Aura as his left eye turned back to golden as both his eyes glew as he looked at Aisha and spoke.

"Aisha, you do not want this fight. He is our King Not some random mage Under our guidance, we must protect him, not harm him!"

Then, Aisha looked at Jason and laughed at him, her eyes crazed as she flexed her aura and a purple energy aura burst out of her body. Ray, on the other hand, knew exactly where this was going and did not know how to bring out the Demon form voluntarily; he only did it against the angel because of the evil energy the Leviathan had gathered by eating evil people and the Nephilim, but this time there was no outside help. He would nod as he agreed to battle Aisha and Matthew, and Matthew's eyes glowing bright green as a light blue energy aura burst out of his body as he looked at Ray. 

Ray would take a battle stance as he would charge at Aisha, but he wouldn't even be able to move as he then looked down as he saw a tree root grabbing onto his leg as he was confused before he was flung away and crashed into a mountain. He groaned in pain and would try to charge back at them, but before he could, he would look up as he saw a giant tree coming at him at blinding speeds He couldn't dodge this, as it was already in his face He would then be sent flying deeper into the mountain as blood splattered all over the rocks as Ray's energy slowly faded away as Jason was horrified. Aisha was horrified as well. Did she just accidentally kill the future king? Matthew would also try to sense Ray's energy, but to no avail; he was really gone.