
The Rise of the House of Black (A Harry Potter Fanfic)

The most ancient and the noblest house of Black is facing the end of its line. It would seem Arcturus Black will witness the demise of the Black family with no remaining heirs to continue to the line, the legacy, and the fight in the wizarding world to retain their culture and their way of living. But fate is watching in the House of Black and soon the House of Black will see the sun rises again and that will start with Harry James Potter, the abandoned child of the House of Potter who not only takes the family name but will lead the wizarding to the new century.

WordySmith · 書籍·文学
6 Chs

What Happened to Sirius Black?

"Are you kidding me, James?" Sirius Black yelled at James Potter.

"Sirius! Please!" Lily tried to chastise him. "Charles is sleeping!"

"Oh, boho! At least Charles has a bed to sleep in and you think your sister will provide a bed for Harry and Nathan?!"

"Watch it, Sirius! That is my sister you are talking about!"

"The same sister that you said not too long ago would be the worst person who would raise your children!? Those are your words! Did you forget what she did at your wedding? What about during her wedding? Lily, what is the matter with you?!"

"Sirius please calm down!" James said trying to help his best friend to calm down.

Sirius Black, best friend to James Potter ever since their days at Hogwarts has been away during the confirmation of the death of the dark lord, Voldemort. When news about the dark lord's demise reached him, he hurried back to Great Britain only to find out that the house his best friend and his family has been staying in was in shambles and his aunt, Dorea Potter is now dead.

It turns out that Voldemort has found the Potters. That means Peter Pettigrew is a traitor! And while the whole country (and some neighboring ones) is celebrating the death of Lord Voldemort, Sirius has to fight off the crowds to get himself to Hogwarts, happy to finally find his friend and his family and most of all his beloved godson, Harry. But that happiness was short-lived when he found out what James and Lily did to his godson and his brother.

James and Lily Potter have decided to leave Harry and Nathan to Lily's muggle sister, Petunia Dursley nee Evans. Why? Because it was confirmed that they are squibs. Why would James and Lily do that? Even if they are squibs, this doesn't give them the right to just abandon them. Have they forgotten about his sweet Uncle Marius? The same Uncle Marius who attended their wedding? Not to mention of all the people they could have left the boys to, they have to leave them to Lily's sister? They are better off at an orphanage! Sirius only saw red and went off at his best friend.

"We have to, Sirius. Harry and Nathan will be unhappy living in a magical world being squibs and all." James argued.

"And I want them to have a much normal life and get more opportunities. They can't have that if they are in the wizarding world." Lily said. "You know how hard it is for squibs to live a life in the magical world."

"And you couldn't think of any other person to take care of them instead of your sister?! I'm sure there are more qualified people than her! You can still raise them regardless. What about me? I'm their godfather! If you can't take them, I will!" Sirius yelled back.

"I'm afraid that would not be possible, Sirius." A calm voice interrupted the three when Albus Dumbledore entered the room. The twinkly-eyed, long-beard old man turned to the three people in the room. "I could hear the yelling downstairs."

They were currently in Dumbledore's office. A few feet from them are a cradle where the boy who lived, Charles Potter has been trying to sleep. Lily has to return to the cradle to rock him back to sleep as he was awakened by all the shouting.

"And why is it not possible?" Sirius hissed, still furious.

"I was the one who suggested that the Potters send Harry and Nathan to the Dursleys."

"And why would you do that?!"

"Charles is the boy-who-lived, Sirius. The prophecy didn't just state that the boy will vanquish Voldemort but that the man will also come back and Charles will have to fight him in the future."

"Are you kidding me, Albus?! That is a lot to put on a child! Not to mention, James and Lily could still be able to raise Harry and Nathan even if they are squibs. Why would you separate them?! Squibs or not, they are still their children."

"Charles will need to be trained heavily. I'm afraid James and Lily would not have the time to deal with three children and with Harry and Nathan in the muggle world they will be able to grow up with love and care and opportunities in the muggle world that most squibs will never get."

"With love and care? Are you joking right now? Have you met Petunia?"

"Sirius, please-"James started.

"I can't believe you would do this to your children, James. I know what it feels like to be kicked out and abandoned by my own family. I have a squib uncle that I love so dearly and you thought tossing away your children like this is a good thing. I can't believe you! If you can't raise them, why can't you just let me take them!"

"Because- "

"There are concerns about your behavior during the war," Albus added.

Sirius looked at the old man during the war.

"Sirius. I know we were told to use dark magic to fight off the death eaters but the other members of the order have concerns about your excessive use of it."

"Excessive? We were sanctioned to use them. This is war, James. It's either kill or be killed," Sirius responded.

"But it was too much Sirius. We suspected that you were a bit less reluctant on using it. And well we are concerned about your influence over the children over it especially since you are a Black." Lily said looking a little wary at him.

There was silence. Sirius couldn't believe what he is hearing. The look of wariness on Lily's face and the look of concern on Dumbledore. Sirius, as someone who comes from a dark family, was aware of some of the stares, concerns, and even discrimination he faced when he sided with the light. Hell, he is aware that even Dumbledore never truly trusted him during the war. He always have that look whenever they meet with each other but he never expected of all people that his own best friends would look at him like that. He thought James, of all people, believed and trusted in him as Sirius not because he is a Black. But it would seem no matter what side you are, dark or light, a Black is a Black.

Sirius could feel his teeth seething. "Really? After all, I have done for you, for the order, for the light, you think just because I'm a Black, I'm still "dark magic" or "dark wizard" as you call me just like the rest of my deranged family. All my efforts and I'm the still bad guy because of my family name."


"I don't want to hear it, James. If this is how the light thinks of me then what's the point in siding with you." Sirius hissed.

"Sirius." Albus looked surprised.

"Shut the fuck up, you hypocrite!" Sirius yelled at Albus. This surprised Albus as the man has never really insulted him before. No matter how unruly of a man he was, he has always provide a sense of decorum. Sirius then turned around and marched towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to find my godson and his brother and I'm going to raise them in a loving and accepting home!" Sirius glared at them.

"That's impossible. I placed wards around them for their safety. No wizard or witch can find or even break in." Dumbledore said. "Not even Bellatrix Lestrange can get in."

"Like that will stop me, Dumbledore." Sirius glared at them. He was no longer calling Dumbledore by his first name.

BANG! Sirius slammed the door shut.

After Sirius Black left, no one heard from him since. He was classified as missing.