
The Rise of the Domineering Son-in-Law

A beautiful CEO marries the disdained second son of a noble family, enduring scorn and ridicule without leaving his side. She stands by him until, after years of lying low, he rises to prominence in a single day, stirring up storms and becoming the most powerful husband. Marrying you was the wisest decision I have ever made in my life.

FromCat · 都市
237 Chs

The Name of the Tyrant

"I'm telling you the truth, stop shooting!" Yang Sandao said with tears.

There was a hole in each of his right and left hands, in which not a drop of blood had flowed, and all the flesh had scorched away.

This is the terrible thing about the laser gun, he penetrates your body with a high temperature beam, so that your body is instantly scorched, this injury, even if you do surgery is difficult to recover it.

And what is more terrible is that the laser gun can adjust its own output power, just Dong Jian hit the two shots in his hand, the power should be very low, so only hit the finger to play a small hole, if the power is high, it may hit a hole as big as a fist, it can be finished.

"Go ahead." Lin said as instructed.

"I did hear an old man in my family mention that many young people in my family once had such an eardrop, which was said to be worth a fortune, but later, when my grandfather's generation was in trouble, my grandfather sold the eardrop." Yang Sandao said.

"Sold? Who did you sell it to?" Zhou Wenwei asked excitedly.

"Sold to a pawnshop, which has no name, but which was famous in the Straits more than fifty years ago!" Yang Sandao said.

"A pawn shop over fifty years ago..." Lin Zhimin took a look at Zhou Wenwei and said, "This is not easy to find, at that time, there were many pawnshops."

"Do you know how much you sold it for?" Mr. Zhou asked.

"I think I sold it for hundreds of dollars." Yang Sandao said.

"Hundreds of dollars!!" Zhou Wenwei could not help crying, "What a waste, rare treasures sold only a few hundred yuan!"

"More than 50 years ago, it was a difficult time, there was not enough to eat and wear warm clothes, and the monthly salary of civil servants was only a few dollars. Selling hundreds of dollars is equivalent to millions of dollars now, which is also OK." Lin Zhi said, looking at Yang Sandao said, "At that time, a few hundred yuan can be a lot, how did your family not take advantage of this fortune?"

"My dad was a gambler." Yang Sandao said.

'I see! Lin understood the point of the nod, once hooked on gambling, what kind of wealth are not enough to lose.

"According to what you said, a pawnshop that could afford hundreds of dollars for jewelry more than fifty years ago should not be a small pawnshop either!" Zhou Wenwei said.

"HMMM! Lin Zhi Zhi nodded, said, "To check the Strait City more than 50 years ago in the end there are several big shops, and then one by one to find the past, but do not have too much hope, pawnshops are doing business, spend a few hundred dollars to receive things can not be hit on the hand, I think it should have been already."

"It is better to check, if it is really still there and has not yet been shot, that is our opportunity!" Zhou Wenwei said earnestly.

Lin Zhimin smiled and said, "Even if two of them were found, it would be useless, and the third one would have no clue."

"It's all about people!" Zhou Wenwei said in a deep voice, "If it was really that easy to find, the Roselle's treasure house would have been taken away long ago."

"Roselle's Treasury, what is that?" Yang Sandao asked.

"You want to know?" Lin asked with his eyes narrowed.

"No." Yang Sandao quickly shook his head, and then said, "What you want to know I have answered truthfully, can you let me go?"

'Of course! Lin Zhi turned to Zhou Wenwei and said, "You go first."

'Good! Zhou Wenwei nodded, Lin told Yang to tie three knives, which in his opinion has been illegal, he does not want to stay here more, if the police came for a while, it can not be said clearly.

After Zhou Wenwei left, Lin Zhi said to Yang Sandao, "Let's go! I'll get you out of here."

"Yes! The master of the Lin family is indeed a man who keeps his promises!" Yang Sandao said, stood up with Lin Zhimin behind to go outside the warehouse.

Lin Zhi Zhi walk in the first, Yang Sandao walk in the middle, Dong Jian walk in the back.

The three walked out of the warehouse one after another, and then Dong Jian took a few quick steps to walk to the car next to him.

Just when Dong Jian was ready to get on the car, Yang Sandao, who had been preparing for a long time, suddenly burst out, and directly strode to Lin Zhimin, who was less than three meters away from him.

Dong Jian seems not to react, so he took a gun to Yang Sandao, Yang Sandao has come to Lin Zhimin behind, from behind a hug Lin Zhimin,? His right hand was firmly on Lin's throat.

"Do you really think I'm stupid?" Yang Sandao shouted with a fierce face, "You told me in front of my face what the treasure house of Roselle, it is obvious that you did not intend to let me leave alive!" Lin Zhi life, although you are ruthless, but you are not smart enough after all!!"

"So you're not stupid. But is the wound on your hand really all right?" Lin Zhiming asked with a smile.

"What is injury compared with life? I didn't get to where I am in Strait City with just three knives! Throw me the laser gun or I'll kill your boss!" Yang Sandao shouted to Dong Jian.

"I wouldn't do such a stupid thing if I were you." Dong Jian sighed.

"Shut up and throw the laser!" Yang Sandao cried.

"Do you know why Dong Jian would drive without you?" Lin Zhixin suddenly asked.

Yang Sandao froze for a moment, my heart vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Just then, Lin Zhi Zhi raised his right hand and caught Yang Sandao's hand.

"Because Dong Jian knows... You pose no threat to me. He drove on purpose only to give me a good reason to kill you. But the mere fact that one of your men tried to kidnap my wife is enough to sentence you to death." Lin Zhi said, Yang Sandao strangled his neck hand to pull out.

Yang Sandao face change.

A powerful force came from Lin's hands.

This force is so terrible, heavy, he destroyed the power of Yang Sandao's right hand, and then slowly pulled Yang Sandao's hand away from Lin Zhiming's neck.

"How can that be! Yang Sandao shouted excitedly.

Easily, Lin Zhimin will Yang Sandao's hand completely open, and then turned to face Yang Sandao extended his hand, and then grabbed Yang Sandao's neck.

"Six kinds of martial arts, in the city can indeed be unchecked, but in the battlefield outside the region, you are only a little higher than the existence of cannon fodder, died in my hands of six kinds of martial arts, more than you have seen in your life, even if Wu Qing, I also killed a lot of, you said... What kind of superiority do you show off in front of me as a six-class warrior?" Lin asked with his eyes narrowed.

Yang three knives horrified looked at Lin Zhi.

The battlefield outside the region, it is a very horrible place in the real world, listen to Lin Zhixin's words, Lin Zhixin has been to that place?

How is that possible? Isn't he in Straits City all the time as some incompetent little punk?

"You... Who the hell is that? " Yang Sandao asked in a trembling voice.

"What am I? Dong Jian, tell him who I am." Lin said as instructed.

"You are the master of the Lin family, the rich man who controls endless wealth, and the king of foreign battlefields." Dong Jian leaned down and said.

"Like you, I have a nickname." Lin Zhomin smiled at Yang Sandao who looked horrified and said, "In the battlefield outside the region, people like to call me... Tyrant!"

Say that, Lin Zhimin hand a force.

Click a sound, Yang three knife neck answer and break.

"Don't you feel comfortable telling your secrets to others?" Dong Jian went to Lin Zhiming and asked with a smile.

"Indeed... No wonder so many people can't keep secrets!" Lin Zhi said, casually will Yang Sandao thrown on the ground.

Dong Jian handed a wet towel to Lin Zhi.

Lin Zhi wiped his hands and then said, "Send it to Shen Hongyue." Give her practice."

'Yes! Dong Jian smiled and nodded.

The night is deep, Lin Zhi Zhi alone returned to his residence.

When I opened the door, there was a soft TV sound from inside the door.

Lin Zhi into the living room, found Yao Jing lying on the sofa asleep.

Yao Jing sleep is very light, so Lin Zhi life went to the living room when Yao Jing woke up.

"Come back." Yao Jing said.

"HMM." Lin nodded and walked to his room.

"You wait a minute." Yao Jing said.

Lin Zhi life stop the pace, turned to look at Yao Jing.

"I was wrong." Yao Jing said.

"What's wrong?" Lin asked.

"Everything is wrong." Yao Jing said.

"Go back to sleep." Lin Zhi said, push the door into his room.

Yao Jing sat cross-legged on the sofa and said to herself, frowning slightly. "What a stingy man."

Seven o 'clock in the morning.

Shen Hongyue got up early.

She had been defeated on the battlefield in Strait City and naturally did not want to stay here, so she chose to return to the provincial capital early this morning.

"How's your hand?" Shen Hongyue looked at his brother Shen listen to white asked.

"A little wound." Shen listened to the white expressionless shake his head, his hand was hurt by the greedy Wolf, but after a little medicine there is no problem.

"Lin Zhisheng is very afraid of death now, accompanied by several bodyguards, it is difficult to kill him." Shen Hongyue said.

"Difficult, doesn't mean it's impossible..." Shen listen Bai said with a sneer, "As long as he dares to set foot in Rongjin City, I have a hundred ways to let him die."

"Listen to what he said before, he should go to Rongjin City, he has suspected that Lin Zhennan's death is related to me." With his character, once he really has some evidence, it is impossible for him not to come to the provincial capital to find me." Shen Hongyue said.

'That's good! Shen listen to white face dew said.

"Know, go!" Shen Hongyue shouted.

Lin Zhixing pulled the suitcase out of the room, he is now on bail, theoretically can not leave the place of residence, but the relationship of Shen Hongyue home is tough enough, naturally no one will care about him to leave the place of residence.

When the party was ready, they went to the door.

Lin Zhixing opened the door.

No sooner had the door opened than a foul smell came in.

At the door, several dead animals were neatly placed together.

Next to the dead animals was the body of a man with a grotesquely twisted head.

See all this, Lin Zhixing with Shen Hongyue face have changed, the head strange twisted people, is Yang Sandao.

This is not the most terrible, the most terrible is those animal carcasses, those animal carcasses, is not yesterday Yang Sandao sent to Lin Zhi life? What?