
Returning to the Continent of Beasts

When the bodies of the last two Demigods fell to the ground, the battle on this island of terrorists was finally over!

After a few minutes of fighting, Minos and his two subordinates had eliminated all the opponents in the area, with this emperor being responsible for more than 99% of the deaths there.

Even after killing so many people with his supreme weapon, Minos didn't seem tired!

With the progress he had made since the last time he used his supreme weapon, Minos could now withstand the use of the Divine Sword without any major losses. 

Before, he would have had to sacrifice months of cultivation or use a very high-level resource to fully recover. Now, all he needed was a few days of meditation, and he would be back to 100% of his best.

The two Demigods, still at level 96, realized this as they looked at Minos, feeling great respect for him but also awe.