
More Relevant than the Imperial Occasion 

The silence lasted for a few moments, with some weaker individuals swallowing their saliva in fear of the tension forming in the surroundings.

At the same time as this, Minos was looking in the direction of the one who had asked this, the master of the Mountain Sect, with whom Oswald had had a disagreement years ago.

"What are my interests? First, peace for my territory. Then the development of it and then the strengthening of my family. That is what I desire and what my actions are for." Minos said after a few moments of thought. 

"On rare occasions, I had fought when there was no need. I have always desired peace but have always been prepared to fight."

"But just because my hands are stained with blood, does not mean that I am not a peaceful person... That depends only on those who may or may not stand in the way of my empire." He gestured with his hands as he spoke.