
Minos' Second Challenge

Arriving at the inner Challenge Arena, Minos and Diazzos soon found themselves on one of the battlegrounds in the area.

There were always creatures around the guild's inner and outer Challenge Arenas. As a result, when Minos and Diazzos entered one of the platforms, the seats in that area were quickly filled to 50% of their total capacity.

Ruth and Minos' allied judge sat in the stands with some of the Intermediate Officers who had gone to arrest the two judges accused of corruption.

Soon, the man who had brought them to this place stood in the middle of the stage and said. "Diazzos, this could be a fight to the death for you. Are you sure you want to do this?"

When one guild member challenged another of equal rank, such as two Junior Officer judges, the challenge lasted until one was unconscious or unable to continue. Neither side could kill the other, and the referee would have to intervene if either's life was in danger.