
Independence Day 2

Given that the future of the northern region lay in the Black Plain, there was no reason for the Nash family not to attempt to expand their operations into this territory. Minos had already permitted them to come to this place, so it would be foolish not to take advantage of the opportunity.

Just as the Stone family was given a small plot of land outside the defensive dome of Dry City to build their outpost, the Nash family had gotten the same, and Elen already intended to come and live in Dry City in the future.

Her main business in the Nash family was her trade agreement with Minos. So, since he no longer had to hide in this region, staying close to him was the best she could do now.

Because of this, she warned him about these interests of hers, something that would also make it possible for both of them to have fun.


"Hehe, that's great." Minos slapped one of Elen's buttocks which were full of red marks.
