
The Rise of Rozane

"The Rise of Rozane" tells the captivating story of Rozane, a young orphan with mysterious powers who becomes a formidable villain seeking world domination. Fueled by betrayal and bitterness, he manipulates influential figures and clashes with Superman in an epic battle. As the truth of his tragic past is unveiled, unexpected allies emerge, and Rozane's journey takes an unexpected turn.

XRozane · アニメ·コミックス
48 Chs

Rise of Rozane (ch 1)

Part 1: Mysterious Origins

In a hidden corner of the world, lies a small town named Vailbrook. In this town, lived a young boy named Rozane. Eighteen years ago, he was found abandoned at the doorstep of an orphanage. The staff discovered a peculiar mark on his wrist, resembling an ancient symbol of power, but no one knew its significance.

As Rozane grew, he displayed extraordinary abilities that he could neither understand nor control. The power of complete mind control allowed him to bend the wills of those around him, and the gift of flight granted him freedom like no other. However, his powers came with a price; every time he used them, he felt excruciating pain and experienced haunting nightmares, making him resent his own gifts.

Part 2: The Broken Past

Rozane's childhood was plagued with bullying and isolation. His fellow orphans feared him, and the staff struggled to understand his powers. He craved love and acceptance, but it remained an elusive dream. One day, he overheard a conversation that shattered his fragile heart - he was merely an experiment, an accidental creation by a secret organization seeking to harness ultimate power.

Betrayed and broken, Rozane decided that if he couldn't find love, he would take control of the world, forcing everyone to love and admire him. With anger and bitterness consuming him, he adopted the identity of a mysterious villain, donning a black cloak and calling himself "Rozane."

Part 3: A Clever Manipulator

Rozane began his quest for world domination subtly. He used his mind control to manipulate influential individuals, pulling the strings from the shadows. With every puppet he controlled, he grew closer to his goal. He planted seeds of chaos in various regions, pitting nations against each other while remaining unseen.

He strategically chose the moment to reveal his powers, creating a spectacular spectacle that would draw Superman's attention. Superman was intrigued but wary of Rozane's intentions, sensing the darkness that lurked within him. Their first encounter ended in a stalemate, leaving Rozane hungry for more power to take down the Man of Steel.

Part 4: The Battle with Superman

Rozane began to study ancient texts, hoping to unlock the full potential of his abilities. He discovered a forbidden ritual that could grant him unimaginable power at the cost of great sacrifice. Fueled by desperation and ambition, Rozane decided to perform the ritual, even if it meant losing his humanity.

Superman caught wind of Rozane's dangerous endeavors and rushed to stop him. As they clashed once again, the battlefield trembled with their might. Rozane unleashed his newfound power, putting up an impressive fight against the iconic superhero. But even with the additional strength, he still couldn't outmatch Superman's experience and determination to protect the world.

In a moment of desperation, Rozane unleashed a mind-controlled army, forcing Superman to confront his own allies. The hero fought valiantly, but Rozane's manipulation ran deep. Just as victory seemed within his grasp, a group of unexpected allies appeared, individuals who had once suffered under Rozane's influence but had broken free.

As the tide turned against Rozane, the dark truth about his origins began to unravel. He had been manipulated himself by the organization that created him, and they were coming to reclaim their failed experiment. In the chaos of the battle, Rozane was apprehended, and the truth of his tragic past exposed.


As Rozane was taken away, he stared at the night sky, feeling a strange sense of relief mixed with sorrow. Though his dream of domination had failed, he realized that true power lay not in control but in compassion and connection.

As his captors escorted him to an unknown destination, a single tear rolled down Rozane's cheek.