
The Rise Of A Proteus Assassin

He Ming is the youngest daughter of an average accountant. Her life was a bed of roses, although her father wasn't that rich. She was content. But everything changed, when her father died when she was sixteen. Her mother married another man almost immediately. And her elder brother and sister accepted it. She was dismayed, upset, aghast, enraged, resentful, and sulky. She confronted her mother about it , but she said she did it for her and her siblings. But He Ming knew it was all a white lie. They said her father died of heart failure, but her father never had any heart issues. With what transpired after his death, He Ming knew that wasn't the case. Her mother never loved her father like he did. And she was covetous, judging by how wealthy the man she remarried was. He Ming never gave them a peace of mind in the house, to the extent her mother couldn't take all the pranks she pulled on her, and told the truth. The man she remarried was her first love, and the biological father of her siblings. Out of rage, she left the house and never returned. All He Ming ever wanted was to get a good job, find her true love and live happily ever after. But ……that only happens in fairy tales.

Bauhaus · ファンタジー
7 Chs

He Ming

In a large office room filled with monitors, people, and displays with data charts on the wall. Each person was sitting in front of a monitor in their respective cubicle.

The wall clock read 5:30. It was the end of the day, and the people were packing up their things to leave for their homes. A man dressed in black suit, styled black hair, and a bit handsome barged into the room. Behind him were a number of men in suits, but not as expensive as the man in front. It was crystal clear that the man was in a higher position than the rest of them.

The average handsome man walked like a devil towards a certain cubicle that a woman owned, angrily.

At the cubicle, a woman, with long silky black hair, in a cream flared pants and suit,and cream flare-heeled boots, had her head on the table. It was unknown whether she was asleep, but the gentle tap on the table made by her delicate fingers confirmed otherwise.

The man stood behind her chair fuming, while most of the people looked worried. Some were smiling happily.

" What the hell is wrong with you, Miss He?!!! You never delivered the reports. You do not, in fact even know where they are. And you do not know where they are because, you cannot remember where they are . Your incompetence is staggering.!!!" The man bellowed out.

The woman lifted her head up , and turned around to face him. She was. . . . She was a beauty to behold!

A pair of arched eyebrows looked down on sweeping thin thick eyelashes. Ink eyes that complimented her flowy moon shadow mid-back length black hair. A pair of gold rimmed glasses framed her button nose.

" Uhh. . . ?" She had a look of confusion on her pretty face, which looked adorable.

" Are you even listening? " The man asked, his anger slightly dissipated.

" Uhn. Uhn. . . " She shakes her head in denial.

Hearing her response, the man was beyond furious. He turned around to walk away, when the woman said,

" I am sorry. "

The man stopped in his steps, and turned around, facing her.

" Do you know how much we lost from the deal?!!! Sorry? Sorry is not enough!!!". The man bellowed. His chest was heaving, as he breathed heavily due to the immense anger he was feeling at the moment.

The woman stood up and walked a step forward.

" Okay let me rephrase it. " She sighed, and smoothened the crease on her suit.

She looked into the man's eyes, and said,

" I am sorry for every second I wasted working for an untalented, unethical, unbridled, egotistical maniac like you. " She smirked afterwards.

The people around breathed sharply, while the man was stunned. He was probably not expecting such a reply and attitude from her.

" Clear out your cubicle. You are fired. " The man said, and walked out of the room with fisted hands. The people that came in with him, quickly followed him.

" Chief Accountant, you were awesome back there. "

" He was definitely not expecting that response. "

" It was so funny when he tried to keep his anger in check. "

Some of the people came over and congratulated Miss He. She smiled and nodded her head. Even though her smile was forced. They didn't find her reaction offending, because this has always been how she reacted since day one.

Soon, they all left her to pack her things. She sat down, and started operating her laptop. Footsteps neared her cubicle, and a pair of red platform heels came into view.

" Seven years of hardwork ended just like that. How does it feel? " A woman with heavy makeup on , and revealing clothes was standing with a devilish smirk adorning her face.

Miss He raised her head up , and looked at the clown with a bored look.

" To tell you the truth, I am ecstatic. You set all this up , and I am happy you did. You freed me from the shackles that bound me here.

That young CEO would dump you when he has had enough of you. He would probably dump you today, since he lost a very important asset, which is me. "

Miss He spoke. Her words were stinging, but it was pleasing to the ears with her velvet voice.

" You. . . . Old Hag!!! What do you know about fashion?!!! These clothes are made by the Cortex Group. My accessories also come from them. Do you have any idea how expensive these are ?!! He bought these for me, and we are engaged. Dump me ?!!! I am a star.!!! I am everyman's wet dream. !" The woman shouted out, with bloodshot eyes.

Miss He sighed, and rested her back on her chair. She crossed her leg, and looked up at her with raised eyebrows.

" Really. . . ? Look at yourself in the mirror. "

The woman turned around and looked in the mirror.

" You see. . . Even an Old Hag is more pleasing to the eyes than you. A star?! Please, don't make me laugh. You open your ( ATM) for a lot of men to get to the position you are today. And for your information, I am more attractive than a star." Miss He said behind her.

The woman was still looking at herself in the mirror.

" You dare disrespect me ?!! You would regret this.!!!" The woman said angrily, as tears were threatening to spill from her eyes. She turned around and walked away.

When she had walked ten steps, Miss He spoke,

" Your behavior. . . . . Your parents are to be blamed. I am older than your elder brother, and you wouldn't ever talk to him in such a manner. Keep in mind, you will be taught a lesson of a lifetime by someone if you keep up that attitude. And don't ever turn your back on an elder."

The girl now had tears running down her eyes, which ruined her makeup, and made her look like a female ghost. She stormed out of the office, her heels making screeching sounds.

' How come I didn't bash her head on the floor? ' Miss He thought as she packed her belongings in her bag.

Sounds of people leaving the large office could be heard throughout the room. The office was becoming quieter as time passed.

" Okay. All set. " She strapped her bag on her shoulder and walked out of the office.

Before exiting, she stopped before the office gate, searched her pockets, and took out a cream colored rectangular object.

It was her most precious treasure, her phone.

" I have an hour and half before the bus arrives. "

She walked a few meters to a bus stop, and sat down on the lawn seat . As she was browsing through her phone, she heard a commotion. She looked up and saw two men blocking an old woman.

As an enforcer of justice, she stood up and walked over to the scene.

The men were masked. They were trying to collect the old woman's luggage.

" Is this robbery? You guys suck at it. "

The two men stopped what they were doing and turned around to see a beautiful lady. Before they could reply, they fell to the ground. They didn't even see what hit them, before they lost consciousness.

" Granny, you could have hit them with that umbrella. Here, have a seat. " Miss He helped the old woman to the lawn seat, and sat down beside her.

The old woman looked to be in her sixties, and couldn't see well with how thick her glasses were.

" Young lady, What is your name? " The old woman asked.

" He Ming."

" He Ming, for a girl of your age , you did me a solid back there. Thank you. " The woman said, smiling, as she held He Ming's hand in gratitude.

" It's no big deal. Are you alright? No injuries?" He Ming said with a smile. This time her smile wasn't forced. Her smile made her face radiant.

" No , I am okay. " The Old Woman patted He Ming's hand in appreciation.

" That's a relief. Ahh. . . ~ " He Ming rested back on the lawn seat, and sighed. Her eyes were down, tired from the day's work.

" Had a stressful day at work?" The old woman asked.

" Yeah…"