

Synopsis: In the aftermath of Cinthrax's devastation by the malevolent Gravlok, Thorion inherits a mysterious power ring with ancient, deadly abilities, passed down through his bloodline. Fueled by the death of his father and the ruins of his hometown, Thorion embarks on a suspenseful quest for revenge. As Thorion harnesses the power ring's formidable energies, he unveils a sinister plot behind Cinthrax's destruction—an insatiable thirst for power driving Gravlok's malevolent ambitions. The suspense escalates as Thorion faces dark magic, treacherous landscapes, and unlikely allies, leading to a thrilling showdown with Gravlok.

Jimmyjo005 · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Mother-Son Escape!!!

Cynthia's trembling hands reached out, quivering with fear and grief, as she desperately tried to comfort her traumatized son, who had just witnessed the merciless Gravlok the Destroyer slay his father, Rodrick, in the heart-wrenching battle. Tears streamed down her face, her own heart heavy with sorrow and terror.

She whispered soothing words, trying to shield him from the nightmare that had unfolded before his eyes, but her own voice quivered with the weight of the emotions that threatened to consume them both. Thorion, barely a teenager but with a fierce determination, His fists clenched in anger and sorrow, and his youthful innocence was forever shattered by the brutality of the scene before him.

Cynthia knew that she couldn't allow Gravlok's forces to capture them, nor could she let Thorion's spirit be consumed by revenge. Her motherly instincts kicked in, and with trembling hands, she whispered soothing words to her son. "We have to go, my love," she choked out, her voice quivering with emotion. "We can't stay here."

Thorion's gaze remained fixed on the lifeless form of his father, tears mixing with the dirt on his cheeks. "No, Mother," he murmured, his voice quaking with grief and anger. "I won't let them get away with this."

Cinthia's heart broke anew at her son's determination, but she knew that vengeance would only lead to more suffering. With immense strength of will, she gently pulled Thorion away from the horrific scene. "Thorion, listen to me. Your father would want us to survive. We'll find a way to honor his memory, but we must escape now."

Reluctantly, Thorion allowed his mother to guide him through the labyrinthine streets, away from the nightmarish tableau of violence behind them. The distant sounds of destruction and chaos served as a haunting backdrop to their escape.

As they disappeared into the shadows, a mixture of pain, anger, and love enveloped their hearts. The memory of Gravlok's cruelty seared into their souls, propelling them forward on a journey of survival and redemption. Mother and son, forever scarred by the events of that fateful day, would carry the weight of their emotions as they sought a way to heal and honor the memory of the fallen hero, Rodrick.

The once-proud city stood in ruins, a haunting testament to the devastating battle that had raged through its streets. Gravloks the Destroyer, a malevolent force of unimaginable power, had unleashed his wrath upon the unsuspecting metropolis, leaving nothing but destruction and despair in his wake.

The city, once a bustling hub of life and commerce, now lay in smoldering ruins. The streets, once filled with the laughter of children and the chatter of merchants, were now silent, save for the eerie howling of the wind through the broken buildings. The skyline, once adorned with towering skyscrapers, was now dominated by jagged, skeletal remains that reached out towards the ashen sky.

Cynthia and Thorion had once called Cinthrax their home, a peaceful village nestled in a fertile valley. Life had been peaceful until the day Gravlok the Destroyer, a ruthless man driven by greed and power, descended upon their village like a tempest of destruction. Gravlok's insatiable hunger for power had led him to Cinthrax, and he left nothing but ashes and sorrow in his wake.

As they fled, the land around them transformed from the familiar meadows and cottages of Cinthrax to a dense, unforgiving forest. The canopy of towering trees above them seemed like a protective shield, hiding them from Gravlok's relentless pursuit. Yet, the forest held its own challenges.

Their first encounter in the forest was with a group of robbers and thieves who lurked among the shadows of the ancient trees. Cynthia's heart raced as they confronted the menacing group, their faces obscured by tattered cloaks and eyes gleaming with avarice.

"Give us all you have, or suffer the consequences," the apparent leader growled, a wicked dagger glinting in his hand.

Cynthia's determination, fueled by a mother's instinct to protect her son, flared within her. "We have nothing worth taking," she replied, her voice unwavering.

Thorion clung to his mother's side, wide-eyed and trembling, but the courage he saw in her gave him strength.

The robbers hesitated for a moment, but greed prevailed. They lunged forward, only to be met with unexpected resistance. Cynthia, though not a warrior, fought fiercely, her love for Thorion lending her strength. With a makeshift staff, she fended off the attackers, landing blows with surprising precision.

Thorion, feeling a surge of bravery, picked up a fallen branch and joined the fray. Together, they drove the robbers away, leaving them bruised and defeated. Their victory was hard-won, but it strengthened the bond between mother and son, a bond forged in the crucible of adversity.

Their journey through the forest continued, and they learned to navigate its hidden dangers. They foraged for food and relied on each other for support. Cynthia taught Thorion about the stars, sharing stories of their ancestors and the village they had lost.

Thorion, in turn, helped his mother gather herbs and berries, his young eyes keen at spotting the signs of both danger and opportunity in the wilderness.

One crisp autumn evening, as cynthia was gathering herbs in the forest, she encountered a mysterious figure cloaked in robes of deep blue. His piercing eyes, the color of the clearest sapphires, bore into her soul. She knew, somehow, that this man was no ordinary wanderer.

"Cynthia," he intoned, his voice like the rustling leaves, "I am Syrenthor, a sorcerer of ancient knowledge. I have sought you out for a purpose beyond mere chance."

Cynthia's heart raced, but her maternal instincts calmed her. She spoke softly, "Why have you come to me, stranger?"

Syrenthor extended his hand, and within it, a small crystal orb shimmered with an ethereal light. "Look upon this, cynthia," he urged.

As cynthia peered into the orb, a vision unfolded before her eyes. She saw her son, Thorion, bathed in radiant light, standing atop a hill with a ring of luminous energy raised high. Around him, shadows writhed, and a menacing figure with crimson eyes loomed, threatening to engulf the world in darkness.

Tears welled up in cynthia's eyes as she realized the gravity of the vision. "What does this mean?"

Syrenthor lowered the orb. "It is a prophecy, cynthia. Thorion is destined to be the savior of the world, the one who will confront and defeat the embodiment of evil that threatens to consume us all."

Cynthia's heart swelled with both pride and fear for her son. "But how can I be sure this prophecy is true?"

Syrenthor extended his hand once more, and this time, he conjured a gust of wind that twirled around them. Leaves lifted into the air, forming intricate patterns,

Cynthia watched in awe as the leaves shaped themselves into scenes from her own life, her moments of joy, love, and her profound connection with Thorion. It was as though the very essence of her existence was being displayed before her eyes.

"Cynthia," Syrenthor spoke, his voice resonating with the breeze, "this is the magic of truth. The prophecy is written in the very fabric of the universe, and Thorion is the linchpin of destiny."

But u should be careful not to tell him about this, untill you see the first sign of his late father gift "Rodrick". Cinthia was quiet sure when he mentioned about her late husband gift and was ready to wait for the moment to tell her son.