
The Ring Bearer System

Written by Rowben. A young man has been working as a vigilante for the past year, though it seems nobody appreciates his help, and it’s all became too much weight on his shoulders. Just as he decides to quit, he’s brought into something else entirely. Nico Ryoto learns that the world’s more then he thought, a world full of suffering, where power often goes into the wrong hands. Discovering special rings that control the concepts of reality, and the horrible things wearers have done with such, Nico searches to find every ring to refrain from those with tainted hearts from using them.

Rowbenverse · アクション
44 Chs

“Psycho Reborn”

They all blinked, staring at Bennett in confusion as Reece had fully healed, standing back up.

"Bennett, we have no idea what that is."

They all nodded in agreement, Bennett frowning to such as he looked back at Reece, who was rubbing her head.

"Reece..! Surely you know about the eyes of commandment, right?"

Reece looked at him in confusion, staring into her eyes as she shook her head.

"No, I have no idea what that is."

Bennett gritted his teeth before stomping off, looking into the distance. They were in an old timey town, likely in the 50s. There were people around, dressed in suits and blouses, as Bennett crossed his arms.

"I'll show you.."

He picked up a can and threw it at a man, in which the man would be pissed off, stomping towards him.

"Why I outta!"

The man was about to punch Bennett, but in the blink of an eye a flash was released, the man suddenly confused, and no longer angry, as he looked around before returning what he was doing.

He then turned back to the group with a smirk, holding his hands out to the side, the symbols in his eyes shifting as he began to see the auras of others, representing their negative emotions.

"Nico is stuck in a state of regret, Kiara in fear of Aku, as the only one here without any negative emotion is Kiara, though she is bored."

They were starting to get quite surprised by the versatility of his ability. Bennett's eyes changed to a blue glow as he stared at Reece.

"Reece is wearing a red br-"

He was suddenly met with a punch to the dome as he shutted up, his eyes returning to their original state.

"That is NOT anyone's business..!"

She growled, continuing to beat him to the ground before placing her hands om her hips, looking around.

"To think Uvie could create all of this.. Wait, isn't she still just in the circus?!"

They all looked back to the circus, though it had disappeared without a trace of it's existence. Reece sighed, signalling everyone to follow her as they began to walk through town.

Everyone looked at them strangely, talking about them to one another. It made sense, as they were all from a different time, and overall had strange appearances.

A siren could be heard as a police car pulled up on them, a cop walking out as he twirled his moustache.

"We got a call about a suspicious gang of foreigners.. What are ya guys, Canadian?"

They looked at eachother in confusion, Reece stomping in dront of the cop as she glared to him.

"I'm clearly American, most of us here are..!"

She looked back at the group, raising an eyebrow as she examined each one of them, determining their nationality.

"I'm pretty sure Bennett and Kafka are British.. So buzz off..!!"

The cop got upset by this. Being a different time, women typically didn't speak up to men, as he grabbed her by her wrist, quickly putting handcuffs on her.

"That's it, you're under arrest..!"

Reece was surprised by this, struggling around as Nico body checked the cop into his car, then snapping Reece's handcuffs in half.

"Alright, let's go."

Their were gasps throughout the townsfolk as the group began running away through the street, more sirens heard.

"Well shit! Barely 5 minutes here and you already got the cops on us..!"

Evan exclaimed, pulling out his pistol as when cop cars caim he'd quickly firing at the windows. Having a far more modern gun, the cop cars' windows were easily shattered.

Once the coast was clear they rushed into a bar. Unlike the 50s style town, the bar was in the style of the old west, cowboys glaring to them.

"Hm.. Uvie's really made quite a diverse world, you never know what to expect."

Reece looked around, her eyes widened as a familiar figure sat in the back of the bar. A woman sat with her heels up on the table, one leg over the other, her hat tilted over her eyes with weed in her mouth, and a revolver in her hand which she twitled around.

"Chronos..? She's dead, this is likely one of Uvie's creations.. Now that I think about it, was Aku fake..?"

Reece questioned, Evan shaking his head, as he explained.

"You can't just replicate a ring, even with Uvie's insane control of her own.. He likely did just come back to life, in fact that'd explain where he got a ring in the first place… Chronos is definetely fake, Morell on the other hand.."

Evan had to think more about Morell's appearance. Uvie described her reasoning to define Morell as part of the illusion, but it just didn't seem right..

Reece walked over to Chronos. She was an older woman, tilting her hat up as she revealed her green eyes, matching the color of her straight hair. Beside her sat her bodyguards, both wearing sunglasses and smoking cigarettes.

"Oh, Morell's friends.. What do ya want?"

Reece picked Chronos up by her collar, glaring into her eyes as she glared back. Reece tore her shirt open, trying to find her ring. Unlike most ring wearers, Reece remembers Chronos having hers imbedded into her chest.

Reece expected to see a ring but.. Evan's assumption seemed correct as rhere was none there, Reece's eyes widened as she was met with a slap to the face.

"What the hell, perv.."

Chronos zipped up her jacket to keep her chest hidden, Reece holding her slapped cheek as she felt embarassed, Nico stepping forth.

"Listen, we're not here to cause harm.. We're looking for someone Uvie.. heard of them?"

Bennett pushed Nico out of the way, looking at him as if he's stupid.

"First of all everyone knows who Uvie is, she rules the entire city.. Second of all Uvie created this all, you think she'd make it so easy to find her that you could just ask one of the people she created?"

He looked back at Chronos.

"And third of all, you don't know this but Chronos is Morell's sister.. Chronos, do you know where Morell is?"

Chronos raised an eyebrow, a small smirk on her face as she put her finger to her chin, looking up with a long thought.

"I do, actually… But it'll cost ya. Follow me."

I once mentioned Kafka was in a wheelchair. She still is! Whenever I say the group is running, Evan is pushing her around in her wheelchair! When they’re walking she’s just pushing herself.

Rowbenversecreators' thoughts