
The Rich Thieves

2 men. Same Backstory, Different age and different recent lifestyle. These 2, Jack and Anthony, stay side to side until the end. Will the plan end all because of their love for each other?

just_nick · アクション
31 Chs

Roll It Up pt.2

"What's taking them so long?!" Anthony asked. "Is he enjoying it?!" Jack chuckled. "He probably is," He added. Max was still riding Alejandro. Alejandro looked deeply tired but with his energy, holding Max, He was ready to go for another round. Jack couldn't take it anymore. "I want my money back and he's still enjoying his dick?" Anthony tip-toed into the house slowly so that no one could hear him. The house inside had a comfy brown feeling that people would dream of having. The room's door seemed to be in camouflage. Anthony, however, had eyes that could see for miles. He tried opening the door physically and he failed. It was locked. he then pick locked the door and it opened. Unfortunately, IT SOUNDED THE ALARM!

"What's going on?!" Alejandro shouted while he was still trying to stuff his dick in Max. "Gotcha now, Bitch!!" Max shouted. He jumped off the bed and found one of Alejandro's guns. "Stay there or else I shoot." He added. Alejandro was so pissed. "You'd betray me?! Your boyfriend?! Come on, we can talk about this if you can drop the gun." Alejandro said. Max chuckled and shook his head. "You think I'm alone?" He asked. "Jack, the guy you wanted, the leader of this group, he's here with his boyfriend. Anthony, you know him right? The guy you told Jack to run after. He's here too. You stole their money and they're taking it back with a little help from me." He then slowly moved back to the door. "I hope you find someone that's maleficent as you, dumbass. Get a bigger dick by the way." He said as he was chuckling. He then slightly opened the door while he was pointing the gun at Alejandro, took the key from the keyhole, and locked Alejandro in.

Jack then ran in when he heard the alarm. He was worried about his boyfriend and his best friend. He found max naked and he was carrying a gun and some clothes. "I'm just gonna assume you broke up with him," Jack said looking up and down at Max. "We'll figure you out later. Right now, we need to get Anthony." He then got a notification from the back saying that he got his 50 million dollars back. Anthony then came out. "Let's get out of here quickly." He commanded. Not only are the police coming, but his security guards are also coming too. They have more lethal weapons than the police. We need to move now." The 3 then ran out of the house and got in the van. Jack turned the ignition and left the house before any of the 2 services could arrive. They only arrived with 2 men dead on the ground and a 28-year-old man locked in his room crying for help.


"To think I would have gotten something out of Alejandro," Max said. "I just...Never thought he could be like that.." Jack shook his head. "He seemed like a nice guy and he just immediately turned into something crazy. Unbelievable," He said. "I'm just glad we're all together now..." Anthony then entered the room with three cans of beer. "What better way to celebrate than getting drunk and having a threesome?" He asked. "Look, I know we aren't supposed to, but come on! it's just us against the world. Can't we have a little fun?!" The boys accepted an offer they couldn't refuse. They took the cans and started drinking and talking about random things.


"I'm a little dunk now...." Jack said. Max agreed. Same with Anthony. "This is some really strong stuff. Ca-Can we add drugs to this feeling?" Anthony asked. He called some of the crew members and told them they were drunk and they needed drugs. one of the crew members gave them meth and coke to satisfy their needs. After some time, they began being touchy with each other. "I'm-I'm gonna do a lapdance for you guys," Anthony stated. "I want you guys, the people that I love, to watch me." He added with a burp. He then stood up, took his shirt off, and started dancing. His small body was arousing the 2 boys that were sitting down and they ended up standing and dancing with Anthony. Jack then took off his shirt and Max followed. Jack began kissing Anthony's neck and Max started kissing Anthony's lips. The 2 then carried Anthony to the closest room that had a bed and they threw him on it.

Jack was under Anthony and Max was on top of Anthony. While Jack was rubbing his dick on Anthony's bottom, Max was rubbing his dick on Anthony's. Twice the pleasure was portrayed on Anthony by the two boys that he couldn't even hold in his cum anymore. He immediately came on himself the moment Jack tried breathing down his neck. His breath was so warm that even max had felt it. "Oh, we're not done with you yet." Jack said. "I'm gonna make sure you suffer..." Max stated. Both of the boys put lube on 2 of their fingers and they began fingering Anthony. His bootyhole began stretching to the extent that two dicks were able to enter. Anthony kept moaning due to how painful it was. Both of the boys had kissed him to signal him that all was going to be well. Once they were ready, they put them in.

Max was thrusting in and out of Anthony and in that process, he was also rubbing dicks with Jack which gave him so much pleasure. Anthony had never experienced anything like this before. this was his first time and he deeply loved it. He shifted his neck to the left so that Jack was able to kiss Max while he was overpowering both of them. They didn't want to stop. their position had them growing and moaning until they both came in Anthony's ass. At the same time! The 3 were deeply tired and they slept with their jizz all over each other. What a night it was.

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