
The Rich Thieves

2 men. Same Backstory, Different age and different recent lifestyle. These 2, Jack and Anthony, stay side to side until the end. Will the plan end all because of their love for each other?

just_nick · アクション
31 Chs


"Don't let the money go!" You might be asking yourself, What's going on? Well, a bank robbery is in progress. A guy named Jack, he's the leader of this criminal group, The Jocks. They had found the money and left the bank with 10 bodies bleeding. "The police are coming, dude!" one of the crew members said. "Step on it!!" They were in a speeding black van that was upgraded with a really fast engine and very useful armor. They were swerving through traffic as the police were chasing them. "I've got my eyes on them." one of the officers said. They tried shooting the crew's tires but they were bulletproof. as the crew was retaliating, one of the members shot a missile and the police car had exploded! what was left was a burning car and the ashes of a dead police officer. Unfortunately, another police car was behind the first one and he began shooting the back of the van. "Begin evasive maneuvers!" Jack shouted. 2 Men had sat on machine gun seats, opened the 2 side doors, and had begun shooting the police car down. "Caution!" The police officers had said on the microphone. "We need a helicopter. Now!!" the police car had also been blown up. the 2 gunners had high-fived and they rode off. Before they had arrived, Jack had called his partner in crime, Max. They were best friends. "Hey. We pulled up. open the gates!" he said. "Got it!" Max said. As Max was opening the gate, the speeding van had rushed in. Fortunately, the helicopter was too late. The police had no trace anymore. "Good job, guys!" Max said. Jack dabbed his friend and they went up to the bar in the warehouse. "There were a few setbacks here and there but we pulled it off," Jack said. "Glad you made it through," Max said. they got the whiskey for drinks and they made a toast. "To being rich!"

Jack wasn't really an "I'm stealing just cause." type of guy. He needed the money. He had a sick mother that he would always check up on after a heist. His mother was a 78-year-old that had heart disease and arthritis. His father had already died due to lung disease. They grew up in a sad home. Not much money was being earned in his past job. He wanted more for his mother to get better. He loved his mother with a passion. He would tell her everything about him. Having to see her die would be a terrible thing to see for him and he would be deeply devastated. That's why he started stealing. He's been getting enough money to at least help with medication. He grew up with Max. They were very close together. They supported each other with everything. Which is why they are in this stealing thing together. Having to see him still by his side for such a long time grew his heart.

"Let's go help your mom," Max said. Jack nodded and they left the warehouse. They got into a luxurious Mercedes and they drove off. They had arrived at a middle to high-class house. Once they had opened the door, They had found his brother, Diego. "Hola, Hermano Pequeno. Cómo está mamá?" Jack had asked in Spanish. "She's ok. I gave her pills and she slept." Diego said. "do you have the money? I took such a long time to switch on that heli so you could escape." Diego was a police officer that controlled the skies. "Don't worry. We're fine. We made it safely. We blew up a few people but you know, life goes on." Diego nodded. Max and the 2 brothers stared at the beautiful lady that was reaching her end. "I really don't want her to leave me," Jack said. "But I don't want her to feel this pain too. This is what makes me weak. What makes me lenient on the jocks. I don't want to say this but I guess it's time to let her go. I'm tired of seeing her like this." Diego looked at him. "Are you sure?" Jack had looked at his mother one last time and he nodded. "It's time." He then left the house and he looked back one last time. "Adiós mamá. Protégeme siempre cuando estés en el cielo." He said. "Come on, Max! Let's go."

When they had gotten back to the warehouse, Jack needed the bathroom. after he had gone, he looked at himself in the mirror. "Man up." He said. "it's time to be a better criminal." He had nodded at himself and he had left the bathroom. "Ok, boys! regroup!!" He shouted. When all of the guys had arrived, he began saying a speech. "Boys, I'm glad to be with you guys but we need to be stronger. It's either now or never. We could potentially be caught if we keep slacking ok?! Let's pull our socks up, chin up and let's show those lifeless police officers who we are! We are the Mighty Jocks. No one messes with us! Touch one, Touch all! Now, who's with me?!" All the guys had cheered for their leader and they continued drinking alcohol. "Max, I need you here," Jack said. Max had dabbed Jack. "Good speech, bro." Jack had smiled and thanked him. "To be honest, all I said was true. We almost died due to how poorly shot that missile was. We gotta pull up more and train enough. Those police officers won't know what hit them if we're the perfect crew." He said. Max nodded. He put his glass up to show that he was agreeing with him cause he was still gulping down whatever was in his mouth. "You got it, boss!" He said sounding a bit tipsy. Jack thought to himself, "He's already getting drunk? Well, fuck it. Let's have some fun then." He called some strippers and his supplier and his supplier and they had fun the whole night.