
The Rich Thieves

2 men. Same Backstory, Different age and different recent lifestyle. These 2, Jack and Anthony, stay side to side until the end. Will the plan end all because of their love for each other?

just_nick · アクション
31 Chs

Fun Times, Same Pain

As Anthony was making food while Jack was asleep, he couldn't stop thinking about his mother. They used to make so much delicious food together and now that he's doing it alone, things just aren't the same anymore. Some tears were running down his cheeks as he was cooking but when Jack woke up, he instantly removed them. Once he woke up, they began eating and they had another fun day planned. "So, where are we going today?" Jack asked. "So, we'll go to where the road takes us but, at 6:00 pm, we head to the beach for some personal time. The house has too many security guards for us to be having personal convos." Jack then laughed. He then finished eating, put his plate in the sink and he left to bathe. Anthony had done the same. In the shower, they were cutely laughing about their life choices while growing up and they took a long time. "That was a fun time," Jack said while giggling. "Oh come on! I was only a minor!!" shouted Anthony. They both moisturized each other and they wore casual clothes for the day.

They first went to the warehouse for a weekly report of how things are doing. They needed to buy some guns because they were running out. "Can we please not forget the fucking rocket launchers?!" Jack said trying to look angry. The crew members had nodded. Jack handed them the list and they left. Jack and Anthony had left as well.

They then went to a carnival that was close to the warehouse. It had so many fun things like roller coasters, bumper, countless trampolines and so much more! "Oh.....Oh, my days....." Jack said as he was hyperventilating. "I'm so fucking tired." Anthony had laughed. "Fine, let's go to the food bar so that we can get you some water." He said. They then went to the food bar and Anthony got Jack some water and they sat down. "You're lucky you're not old," Jack said. Anthony laughed. "You're only 25!" He said. Jack laughed.

"Well, where to next?" He asked. "I'm thinking we're done here." Anthony laughed. "No, we're not! What about the cotton candy?!" Jack had forgotten that cotton candy even existed. "LET'S FUCKING GO!" He shouted. They got cotton candy and as they were eating, Anthony put some of it on his face. Jack had laughed and done the same to Anthony. They then took a picture. "that one's a keeper!" Jack said. "And would you look at the time?! We've been here since noon and this carnival closes at 4:00. we've been here for so long! We need to leave." He added while he was laughing. they then left the carnival and headed for a restaurant.

"So, what are you feeling?" Anthon asked. "Cause I've been dying for crabs. You know those crabs that have like a whole lot of spice on 'em?" Jack laughed to an extent that everybody looked at their table. "You want spicy crabs?! You must be a strong guy!" Anthony laughed just like Jack. "Of course I am! In this relationship that we have, I'm practically the daddy!" Anthony said with his chest out. "Ok," Jack said. "Let's have a little competition. Whoever wins gets a raise from one another. Got it?" Anthony nodded. "Hey, waiter!" He said. "Could we get 12 spicy crabs? We're having a competition!" The waiter had immediately dropped his tray and said, "on- on- on their way!" The waiter then went to the kitchen. "WE'RE HAVING A COMPETITION!!!!!" The chefs looked excited about a challenge. "WE NEED 12 SPICY CRABS. 6 ON 2 PLATES!" The chefs then started working.

After 20 minutes, the crabs were ready. "Ready to lose, Gramps?" Anthony said. "You really don't know me, Anthony. Back out now." Jack said while he was laughing. Anthony, however, decided to ignore the older one.

They then began eating the first crab. Both of their tongues were already watering. Anthony started the first bite! Jack then followed. He didn't seem worried. It seemed..... That he had more experience with spicy foods! Anthony was dying already. He needed water but he never backed down. They finished the first crab in a matter of minutes. They then headed for the second one. Anthony was sweating so much but again, he never backed down. "I'm.....going to beat you...Old man!" He said. Jack however was just relaxing and he said, "You do you, buddy." Jack was already done with the second one and Anthony was still struggling. The waiter put ice-cold water next to him in case he needed the water and he just left it there. After a few minutes once more, he was done with his second crab. "I can't!" Anthony said. "I give up!!" Jack had won and he didn't touch the third crab! Everyone cheering for him and Anthony had just dabbed him. "Please get him the water." The waiter then got a huge cup of water and instead of slurping it like crazy, he took long sips of it! "You're really strong aren't you?" Jack asked. Anthony had just laughed and he go out of the restaurant.

"It's 6:00 pm." Jack said. "it's time we head for the last destination. The beach!" They then headed to the beach at such a late time. When they had arrived, Anthony got out so quickly that even the car was moving. He then began walking like his tongue didn't get burnt just an hour ago. "Mi Mamá and I would always come to the Beach just to relax," Anthony said as jack was coming out of the car. "I wonder if she's here now..." Jack then pulled up his pants and ran after Anthony. He then picked him up while Anthony was still laughing at the memories he had with his mother. "Memories may be forgotten but they won't be lost," Jack said. "In fact, You're making a new one right now!" Anthony then smiled with a look of acceptance. "I'm happy I'm making them with you."