
The Rich Thieves

2 men. Same Backstory, Different age and different recent lifestyle. These 2, Jack and Anthony, stay side to side until the end. Will the plan end all because of their love for each other?

just_nick · アクション
31 Chs

Bath Time

"Can you get done already?!" Anthony said. "I can't finish in a hurry. I'm preparing myself for you." Jack said. The 2 were preparing for the shooting rage and their theme was "Agent." Jack had already taken more than 30 minutes in the shower and Anthony was fuming with rage! "Jack, I promise you. For the love of all that is holy just come out of the bathroom!!" Jack then smiled in the shower. "You could just come in and bathe with me." Anthony Blushed! His feelings for Jack began rising rapidly, causing him to stutter. "I- I- I- Fine." He then went in and found a dashing hot man with his six-pack out in the shower waiting for him. Anthony dropped his jaw! "Surprised?" Jack asked. Anthony snapped out of it and shook his head. "You're just uglier in water." Jack had laughed. He then held out his hand to bring Anthony in. Anthony then pushed his hand away and got in. "We have an appointment at the shooting range. We can't be late!" Anthony said.

"You had better keep up the pace and get out of here by the time I'm done." Jack had nodded. He then went up behind Anthony and hugged him. "Ok so firstly- we're- we're- Naked and- you're..... Hugging me." Anthony said. Jack smirked. "You need to calm down and relax for once. Don't be like some kind of personal assistant. If you're with me, Life'll be good!" Jack said. Anthony then took his advice and started slow dancing. He then turned around and hugged him. The water from the shower was getting warmer and warmer and their bodies were loving each other while they were standing. The 2 felt both of their heartbeats which brought them even closer as Jack was pulling him in.

"Wanna bathe now?" Jack asked. Anthony then nodded. Jack took the soap and rubbed it against Anthony while he was hugging Jack. As Anthony felt the soap, he continued tightly hugging Jack. "You love this body don't you?" Jack asked. Anthony then nodded and hugged him tighter. "You're going to hurt me," Jack said as he was laughing. Anthony let go so that Jack could rub the front of his body. He then analyzed Jack's body and he was thinking of staying. However, It didn't budge.

He thought to himself, "There are more bodies like that. It was just a coincidence that he found me but maybe we could have some fun. No harm done." He then took the soap from Jack's hand and started rubbing Jack's chest. He also took some shampoo and put some on his hair. One hand on the chest and the other on his hair. Jack then pulled Anthony in again for a hug. both of their chests were mixed with soap. Anthony, wanting to finish, had let go and put water all over him. His body was shining! Jack then put some water on the younger one's body and it was also shining. 'Well, that's done. I'll come out first." Jack said. Jack then came out. He opened his hand again. Anthony this time accepted the request to help. He then came out of the shower and life moved on. They continued acting as if nothing happened. It seems they were "Homies." Unfortunately for Anthony, Jack moisturized his body and he wore his clothes before he did which snapped him out completely. "I can't believe I took your advice!" Anthony said. "Now there's only a short amount of time left. We need to hurry!" Jack nodded and wore on his tuxedo in a hurry and left the room. Anthony did the same and they left the newly renovated house.


They finally made it! 5 minutes before time! "You're a fast driver aren't you?" Jack nodded. "If you're a thief and police cars are chasing after you, what would you do? Take it easy?" Anthony laughed. "Nope! I'd be gone a long time ago." The two got out of the car and they ran into the shooting range. "Hey!" Jack said while he was exhaling a lot. "We're here! J...&A!" Anthony just laughed. "It seems your pecks are heavy." He said. "I strongly wonder how you'll ever beat me here." The bouncer ticked the name off and they were let in. They were escorted to their block. They then began shooting the boards for points and so far, Jack kept winning surprisingly. "How?!" Anthony asked. "It's all about strategy and experience," Jack said.


Time was finally up and they were deeply tired. They left the shooting range and went to a nice dinner. "I need to see those pics that we took!" Anthony said happily. "Hi! table for 2 please." Jack said to the receptionist. "I'll show you now. It was so much fun." The receptionist escorted them to their seats and the 2 had sat down. Jack then showed Anthony the pictures of how fun everything was and there was a certain pic that caught his eye. It was a picture of them on the verge of kissing. It made him think about leaving but for the third time, It didn't budge. "See this one? This one's cute!" It made Jack's heart skip a beat. "I kinda love it too." He said. "It's cute!" After they finished eating, they went to the supermarket to buy some groceries that were needed in the house. They played with the shopping carts.


They finally arrived home and they were exhausted. "Bro, I honestly can't at this point..." Jack said. He then plopped on the couch. "We had too much fun and I'm so tired!" Anthony then plopped on top of Jack and they cutely slept just like that. What a night it was.


Anthony then woke up in the morning. He went to the kitchen and started making breakfast. Jack woke up because of the noise but he woke up peacefully because of the smell. "mmm! What's that I smell?" He said as we got up from the couch. "Oh, nothing!" Anthony said. Just some good eggs and a nice sausage for breakfast. Eat while they're hot!"