
CHAPTER 1 : The Tragedy

It is all start on DECEMBER 31 2020 a bright ray of light flashing on my window but i didn't bother to look at it because i think it just a light coming from a fire works because its new years eve or from a decorations from the last Christmas thats why i ignored it and stayed in my bed and continue browsing my phone but suddenly i heard a loud sound just a sound of something explode far from our neighborhood but i just ignoring it because its New years eve come on! . I just think its just only a highly grade fire cracker brought from some Chinese seller.

Then suddenly my ceiling just crack up and start shaking


I shout to call their attention but no one's answering , after that the shaking is stop and i get up and start rushing down stair but suddenly a light flash again to my window and it caught up my attention it is a different light i know its not a fire works or any decorations . My heart start beating so fast and i feel nervous but i try to grab the curtain to look whats that light really is . When i look to the small gap in my curtain the light dissaper and the only thing i see is whole neighborhood flooding with blood the houses is burning the people screaming i feel their agony and pain then suddenly my knees drop and my body tremble when i saw my father and my mother dragging by an unknown people my mother shouting and cursing them and my father is strugle to free from the mens grip. But a man in a military uniform walking close to them and start beating him and then he stop and kneel to my father he just look like asking something to him but my father didn't givw an answer. The man start reaching his holster and get his gun then he ask again my father this time i bearly heard it the man ask

" If you didn't answered my goddem question i will shoot your wife "

he speaks like a foreign man hes accent sound like Russian i keep on listening on their conversation then suddenly my mom shout

" Ezio dont tell him! dont let him kno... "


a sound of a gun echoing in my ear and it make me fall from where i kneeling seeing my mother in front of my own eyes is so depressing to me i want to shout but no words coming out from my mouth my tears start to fall and my father shouting while crying


and suddenly i heard someone's walking in the hallway and i know its going near in my door i think my fall just make a loud sound that why it catch their attention thats why i hide under my bed even i shaking i just manage to hide under the bed . A man start breaching my door and start searching he didn't see me thats why he call from he's radio

" tzzzzzch hello sir its negative sir nobodies here"

and the voice from the other line said

" tzzzzch ok burn the area and leave bring a valuable documents with you do you copy?! "

" yes sir! "

when i heard hes going to burn our house i just got panic but i manage to have grip to my self i start crawling out from my bed and start walking quitely. idont really know what to do back then but i remember i manage to grab the mans pistol and start shooting to him but his to strong to take down by six shoots he start grabbing me and throwing me out to the window i fall from the concrete road in front of our house. My bodies aching and i cant feel my legs i start to crawl but the man jump from my window and fall on top of me i know that my bones just broke then the man with the russian accent order the man to stop

" Vladimir stop the young man is hurt have mercy on him can you?"

" ok boss i got it "

then suddenly the man with the russian accent start pointing his gun in my head and my father shout

" hes innocent dont kill him he know a nothing dont involve him here pls spare him im begging you!"

then the man reply

" i will do that if you tell me where! "

" ok ok i will tell you pls spare my son... "

" ok where is it?!"

" it is in my vault..... "

" where is that vault of yours?!"

" its is in batanes the north of the Philippines"

" give me the exact coordinate and i will spare your son "

i start to move my head to look what this man really looks like but suddenly shoot my father after giving him the coordinates then i head he whisper to me something.

" i didn't want you to get involved but you came along to the picture thats why i sorry and goodbye child.. "

And in that moment i know thats is the End for me