
The Revenge Story Of The Ferocious Ant General

Living a tragic past on the normal world as we know it. Kira harbors hatred against the human race. Given the chance to be reincarnated in a new world, she takes it to release her anger on the humans but as an ant. Going by the codename, Karma, revenge may be the only thing in her mind. Will she trample on her enemies or will she be seen as bug that humans can easily step upon?

DaoistpRhzfs · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 1. Prologue - Kira's Life

* SPEECH * describes what the characters are thinking. It is like a thought bubble to help us understand their thought.

* when alone is used for sounds like *BANG, *BOOM and so on.

Chapter 1. Prologue - Kira's Life

POV Kira

Life is always so predictable, we all know what happens next. It all starts with birth, after birth the cycle begins. Wake up, eat, work, relax, eat and sleep. Wake up, eat, work, relax, eat and sleep. This was basically my life but like all things end, life also ends... with death. A story has "The End" written boldly that is the same way "Death" is written boldly at the end of one's life.

My name is Kira, everyone has a surname which is like their mark of identity but me, I am not proud of my surname. It brings shame and disgrace to me. My father is a drug addict while my mother is obviously a prostitute. My life never went the way I imagined, it always went downhill and I was soon going to be trapped in depression but the only ray of light in my life was my childhood friend, Koharu.

My dad was an employee of his father's company, Bizz Buzz. When I went with my dad for 'Bring your child to work' day, I met Koharu in the daycare unit of the company. Both of us kept each other company and became best friends. Every day from that day onward, we began to spend time together. It was as if he was my only closest family member, even closer than my birth parents.

When it clocked my 13th Birthday, Koharu surprised me with a gaming set. He knew I wasn't like all those girly girls, I was proud to even call myself a tomboy. I didn't care if ladies were given stereotypes, I was going to be an independent woman and Koharu knew this. Before I knew it, Koharu and I spent most of our time gaming and even developing our friendship into a relationship.

By 16 years old, Koharu had become my boyfriend and I was his girlfriend. Life was perfect and Koharu had already planned a secret surprise for my 18th Birthday that was two years away but I knew it was going to be a blast.

My 18th Birthday came and it wasn't like I expected. Blood was splattered everywhere while the bodies of my mom and dad laid lifeless on the floor. The plain but beautiful white rug was stained with blood and there was only a question in my mind.

*Who did this to my family? Which bastard did this to my family?*

"Babe, you're home already. Hope you love your birthday gift", Koharu said in a psychopathic way.

"You did this to them, don't you know they are family?", I asked him as I walked up to him delivering a slap on his face.

Koharu completely enraged by Kira's attitude towards him, pinned her down and began punching her. Not knowing what he was doing, he pulled out a pistol and shot her not only once, not even twice rather ten times on the head.




POV Koharu

It happened when I was 7 years old on a sunny day. I remember it so well, it was the day I met Kira. My dad's company, Bizz Buzz, was celebrating 'Bring your child to work' day and I begged him for me to attend because I never had a friend and this was my only chance to make a friend.

In the daycare unit of Bizz Buzz, I was the only child in the room playing with a toy truck. I had officially given up on finding a friend before the ray of light in my life finally pierced through my sky of darkness.

We played all day and I wanted to keep in touch so I asked my father to schedule a playdate for me with Kira. Every day I was with Kira playing, laughing and smiling. Until that day.


Kira was crying in front of me and this pain Kira felt was inflicted upon her by her father. He made my sunshine to cry, he was a pest that I was sure I would exterminate in the future.

"Don't worry, let's get some ice cream today", I said pulling out some money from my pockets.

Kira's favorite meal, even though it was a dessert, was ice cream. She had only taken it once but her parents never bought it again cause they had other financial burdens like drugs, cigarettes and more. I knew how to keep my sun smiling and I made a promise with her.

"On your 18th Birthday when you're an adult, I'll make all the problems in your life disappear", I promised as we held hands walking to the ice cream truck.

I prepared for the day I would keep that promise. When I turned 16 years of age, I started to hit the shooting range with my first ever gun, a rifle, I bought thanks to dad's money as well as a fake ID.

I trained for 5 years to take out Kira's family. At first, I planned on hiring a hitman but decided that I was a man myself. I knew I could clean up the mess so I didn't hesitate a bit in my training. The only thought in my mind while training was Kira crying because of her parent's abuses.

Finally, Kira's birthday came and I was set to prepare the surprise. Kira wouldn't be home till noon so I used the opportunity to kill her parents. A shot to the head was all it took to kill them. I expected a 'thank you' from Kira since I did her a huge favor but instead, I got a slap to the face.

*Did she just slap after everything I did for her?*

Enraged, I couldn't control my anger. I pinned her down and started beating her up. Before I could do anything, I brought out a pistol and shot her. The grief I felt at the moment made me to continuously shoot, I don't even know how many times I shot her. I had covered the only sunshine in my life with darkness, this feeling could only be described as grief, pain and sorrow.

"Come and arrest me. I have done an unforgiveable act. Please, hurry and arrest me", I said to the 911 operator I had dialed on my phone.

Need your comments! First time writing, some rookie mistakes may be spotted so help me out. Share your opinions and so on.

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