
The Revenge of the Cannon Fodder heiress

Olivia, the heiress and granddaughter of the wealthy CEO of Logan companies is falsely set up for the murder of her own grandfather and sentenced to life imprisonment. Her husband convinced that she is the murderer, divorces her and takes away their children, she is stripped of her rights from the family will, her family disowns her, her friends all turn their back on her and she is left alone in a prison with nothing. But years later, Olivia is released on good behavior and after being gifted an inheritance from a now dead prison cellmate, she emerges a Billionaire. Fully fledged, Olivia returns to exact revenge on all those who betrayed her, take back her children and find the true killer of her grandfather.

Stephanie_king1 · 都市
1 Chs


Twenty two year old Olivia and granddaughter of Billionaire Alex Logan was tucking in her children to sleep.

She gently kissed each one of their foreheads as she always did everynight.

"Ma'am you do not need to always come up and read to the children every night." Mrs Grundy who was the nanny of the children said. "And I know you have had a very tiring day."

It was true.

Olivia had come upstrairs straight from her grandfather's grand opening party of his new hotel.

The party was being held downstairs in the lavish mansion and she still had on her black slit body con dress and red bottom silleto heels on.

Even her make up was still on.

Olivia smiled as she looked down at her children.

"I know Miss Grundy." She said as she looked down at her sleeping children. "But I promised myself that when I had children I would make sure to love them and never make the feel alone."

"You know I have worked for so many rich families, but I have never met anyone like you." Miss Grundy said in admiration. "You are a good mother."

The reason why Olivia was the way she was, was because she had been born into an extremely poor family.

Her father had been a carpenter and her mother cleaned toilets.

One day when her father was returning back from work, he had been killed by a hit and run driver.

Their mother had been unable to take it and had had a stroke once the police told her the news.

Olivia been the oldest at the age of eight had been forced to be the bread winner of the family and taken care of her two siblings, Camilla aged six and Rufus aged three.

She had grown up on the streets selling fruits and snacks.

She had managed to enroll her siblings in a very cheap school and paid for a space in a slum for the to live in.

Eventually at the age of eighteen she met Nick Mason, a young handsome man from one of the richest families in the city.

They had fallen in love and despite their class difference, they got married.

A few weeks later, Olivia discovered that Logan Howard who was a billoaire was her grandfather and her mother had run away from her father when she had discovered that she was pregnant for her father's driver.

Eventually her grand father had begged for forgiveness and taken her in.

She lived happily with her husband as she manned her grandfather's company for him.

Who would have thought that life would have turned out the way it did for her.

There was a knock at the door and she saw that it was one of the maids. 

"Mrs Mason." The maid said. "Your grandfather is looking for you in his office."

"Thank you, I will be right up with him." She replied and the maid left.

She handed her third child who had been sleeping in the crook of her arm to miss Grundy. "Thank you."

Then she kissed baby eve and stepped out of the room.

She followed the stairs that led up to her grandfather's study when she heard what sounded like three shots of a gunshots.

Her heart stopped at that moment and she froze instantly.

It sounded like it came from the room upstairs and that was where her grandfather's study.

In her heels, she raced up the stairs and pushed the door open.

There in a chair wad her grandfather with fresh blood stains on his shirt.

"No please." She cried as she rushed up to him and hugged him trying to wake him up. "Wake up grandpa."

But he was dead.

As the tears flowed down her eyes, she saw a gun lying down at the foot of his chair.

She picked it up and at that very moment the door was opened and security men along with their closest family members and friends came in.

Her sister Camilla screamed. "You killed grandpa?! How could you?"

Olivia was shocked. "No you don't understand. I…I found him like this and I-

"Why are you holding a gun?" The investigator asked her.

"W..what?" She asked then she looked down and saw that she was stained with blood and also had a gun in her hand. "No I just carried it. I swear I did not do it. Why would I shoot mt own father?"

She tried to ride up but then the investigatior