
The Revenge of Rana يؤيؤن ㅛㄴㅎㄴㅓㄷㅗㅑㅇㅓ

Mature Content 21+. Please be wise! Kirana must swallow bitterness when Adrian, her fiancé, betrays her love. Adrian married another woman while she was pregnant. Not only did Adrian betray him, but Adrian's family cheated and seized Kirana's family-owned company. Kirana's father even died because he could not accept that reality. Not quite there, the mother even suffered from depression. Kirana was desperate. Her world collapsed until someone came to lead him to get back up and prepare to demand revenge. However, can Kirana settle her revenge? When love comes back, it grows even wilder.

Yuanda9 · 都市
24 Chs

19. Sleep With Me

Adrian was getting increasingly excited to explore Kirana's body without giving the woman pause to stop struggling and groaning.

"No, Adrian, please don't do that!" Kirana's hand kept Adrian's head away from her sensitive area. But Adrian wasn't concerned about Kirana's refusal. He was very sure that the woman wanted it.

"I can't stop Kirana. It's already very wet. If I stop now, we will be tortured," whispered Adrian in Kirana's ear. He then continued to explore every part of Kirana's body.

Adrian finally let go of everything that stuck to his body to be more flexible so that something agitated and challenging firmly could be seen.

Slowly, something sticks to Kirana's sensitive area, then releases it with a little force. "Ah... it hurts," Kirana screamed.

Adrian kissed Kirana's face while continuing to pump his hips. The sound of moaning after moaning filled the silent room until Kirana felt her whole body shaking violently and her nerves tightening. Not long ago, Adrian also felt the release with pleasure.

The sound of their breathing can still be heard rushing. Adrian kissed Kirana and whispered in her ear, "Thank you, Kirana." Soon, he fell asleep beside Kirana's innocent body.

Hearing that, sadness ran through Kirana's heart until clear tears dripped down her face. It was undeniable that what she had just done was so pleasant she wanted it. But now she felt guilty for betraying herself. Again she couldn't keep the resolve within herself.

Kirana slowly got up and let go of Adrian's hand holding her. Slowly, she left the bed. They had just been struggling. Kirana picked up her clothes individually, then headed for the bathroom.

After getting out of the bathroom and getting dressed, she looked for the cell phone that Adrian had taken. The cell phone was still in Adrian's pocket. She then turned it back on and sent a message to Zayn.

[Are you asleep? Can I ask a favor?]

Zayn, who couldn't close his eyes yet, saw the message and replied.

[Not yet, what's the matter? Just saying?!]

[I was taken by Adrian. It's somewhere the surroundings are quiet, and I'm afraid after this, he won't let me go. Can you pick me up? He's asleep now.]

Soon, Kirana sent the location via chat message.

[Wait there! I'll pick you up.] Zayn replied.

Zayn immediately left the hotel where he was staying, not far from the location Kirana had sent. Zayn slowly opened the gate of an unlocked villa. The distance from the entrance to the estate was about twenty meters, so Kirana, who was inside, did not know the whereabouts of Zayn, who was already outside. Zayn decides to send a message to Kirana.

Kirana is confused. She can't go out because the door is locked. Her eyes searched the room for keys but couldn't find them. "Where does Adrian keep the key," she whispered.

When her hand was groping in a cupboard, Kirana's hand accidentally touched a flower vase that was on it. The copper flower vase rolled loudly. Kirana panicked and immediately looked into the room, afraid that Adrian would wake up because of the sound. She saw Adrian move his body and change his position, and Kirana saw a key under Adrian's body.

Like finding the treasure, Kirana finally found the key she was looking for, and she slowly pulled the key under Adrian's body. After successfully locking it, she breathed a sigh of relief. Without lingering, she rushed out of the room and was about to open the locked door.


The sound of the lock opening.

"Where are you going, Kirana?" Adrian's voice surprised Kirana.

"Adrian!!" Kirana sighed. She saw Adrian, who was already wearing shorts above the knee. Adrian approached Kirana and said, "Close the door again! I will not let you go without my permission."

"No, Adrian, I have to go. This doesn't seem right." Kirana said while backing away slowly.

Adrian grabbed Kirana's hand, "There's nothing wrong. We still love each other and still want to have each other Kiran," he said.

"That's not true! You're married, and I don't want you anymore. I hate you so much!" Kirana said that while opening the door and was about to run away. But Adrian swiftly hugged Kirana's body from behind, "Please don't make me act rude, Kirana!"

"Let me go!!" shrieked Kirana. His voice was heard outside. Zayn, who heard Kirana's scream immediately, ran over.

Still in his arms, Adrian took Kirana's body forcibly, and Kirana struggled to escape from the components of the shirtless Adrian.


The sound of the door kicking.

Zayn broke through the door that Kirana had opened.

"Kirana!" Zayn said he found Kirana in Adrian's arms.

Seeing Zayn's arrival so suddenly, Adrian was amazed. His eyes lit up, and he said, "What did you come here for? Don't interfere in our matter!"

"She's the one who asked me to come, she wants to avoid being near you. Let him go!" Zayn said.

"Hahaha ... she lied to you. Kirana enjoyed her time with me, right dear?" Adrian sneered, grinning and kissing Kirana's cheek. The woman turned her face away from Adrian's kiss.

Zayn's face heated upon hearing that. Without a word, his fist landed on Adrian's face, who was smiling mockingly. Adrian spontaneously released his arms to Kirana and prepared to reply to Zayn. But before he could return one punch, the second hit again landed on his face and knocked him down.

The two men were now struggling on the floor, an air of tension palpable in the room. Alternately Adrian and Zayn overlapped each other for a while. Zayn mercilessly continued to beat Adrian, who was now under his body. Seeing that, Kirana attempted to stop Zayn.

"Zayn, stop it! He could die in your hands," Kirana interrupted, holding Zayn's hand, and the man stopped his action.

"I'll make him die so he doesn't bother you anymore," Zayn said. Kirana shook her head at Zayn, and finally, the man complied and got up.

"Let's go!" Zayn grabbed Kirana's hand, leading her out, leaving Adrian curled up on the floor.

"Damn it, Kirana, don't go!" shouted Adrian, accompanied by a curse. He could not catch up to them because, not long after, the sound of a motorbike started leaving the villa.

On the motorbike, Kirana tightly hugged Zayn's body in front of him, leaning her head on the back of the man who had helped her several times in difficult situations.

Zayn took Kirana to the hotel where he was staying. When Kirana entered the hotel lobby, she looked doubtful. Zayn, who realized Kirana's doubts, said, "Since this afternoon, I have been here and booked this hotel for my stay. Then you contacted me, and now we can't go back to Jakarta because it's late at night," he explained.

"Yeah, fine," Kirana replied, agreeing with Zayn's reasoning.

They went into a room where there was only one bed. "Do you want me to book another room for you?" Zayn asked, seeing Kirana's doubts.

The woman shook her head, "No need. I can sleep on the couch," she replied.

"No, just let me sleep on the sofa. Now rest!" Zayn said.

After Kirana cleaned herself, she rushed up to the bed to sleep. Zayn seemed to be playing with his cell phone, and for a moment, the two of them were silent.

Seeing the sofa that Zayn occupied was very narrow and small, Kirana thought Zayn would not be comfortable sleeping there.

"Zayn, sleep with me on this bed!"