
The revenge of a vampire prince

Praise_Olumide · ファンタジー
3 Chs


Late into the night Michael awoke from is state of unconsciousness with the same feeling it headache. Trying to get out of bed, he heard the deep voice of the mysterious man

"Stay still you were seriously injured and you need to recover". Michael answered with a grunt and stayed still.

"Can you remember anything or anyone the night before I found you?". Michael trying to remember discovered that his memory of the night and before that was a blur. Yes he lost his memory even as a vampire.

Knowing the situation, the mysterious man tried comforting him saying

"At least we know your name". The man said throwing him an emblem(necklace) with the name "MICHAEL" on it. Catching the emblem midair Michael looked at it and said "Michael ?"

"Yes; I found this on you the other night" the man replied.

"How long was I unconscious?" Michael asked

"About 3 weeks, 4 days and ...18 hours" the man answered.

"I didn't expect you to be that specific" Michael replied. Within the blink of an eye, the sun was already out shining it's beautiful light upon the surface of the earth.

Throwing Michael a set of clothings, the man said "Freshen up, get dressed we have some business to attend to". Without a response from Michael the man stepped out and within some minutes Michael was out dressed beautifully in the set of black long sleeve shirt and deep black jeans trousers. He was beautifully breathtaking. But due to the fact that the man have gotten used to seeing him, he quickly snapped out of his daze and said "Let's go". Attacking the meters distance of trip by taking one step at a time, people were fascinated by Michael's appearance. Meanwhile he was becoming uncomfortable with the way people are staring at him so he asked the mysterious man "Is anything the problem". The man smiled and replied "Yes; you ate the problem. And that's because you are too beautiful". The mysterious man said the last part while grinning. "Hope you get used to it very soon".

He is a vampire!!!

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