
The revenge of a vampire prince

Praise_Olumide · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter 1: THE ESCAPE

Running for their lives, Michael pace was forced to be slowed down because he was running with his wife and his son. Overshadowed by the darkness of the night they ran for their lives deep into the woods from the blood lust felt from the dozens of people after them.


About 4 years ago, Michael experienced the same thing from his own people. Chased by a bunch of rogues, Michael fought for his life and fortunately made it to an unknown land through the help of a river that flooded his unconscious body to the river bank of the land.

Cover in the pool of his own blood and unconscious, a mysterious strange man found him and help him from his predicaments. After regaining consciousness after 3 weeks of lying unconscious he woke with an excruciating headache. Sensing his consciousness, the old mysterious man approached him and said

"Hi, thank God you finally awoke". The man said indifferently. Michael on the other hand blinked a few times before understanding what the man said and replied

"What happened and where is this". The mysterious man said

"I know you must be feeling an extremely painful headache" trying to avoid the question.

"Where the fuck is this ??" Michael lashes on the man's intention of trying to avoid his question. With no option, the man rolled his eyes, let out a sigh and said

"I don't know you but I have a feeling you are not ordinary. I found your unconscious body while I went fishing" he said after a short pause. When Michael tried remembering what happened, he started feeling he pain in an extreme high level to the extent that he feel unconscious again.

I didn’t expect to write this but I hope you enjoy it

Praise_Olumidecreators' thoughts