
The Revenant's Curse

(Why am I so unlucky?) , (Is this what my fate has decided?) , (When is my lucky day going to arrive?) a mercenary keeps asking himself this questions only to find throughout his death that luck, fate and the gods could not affect him any longer.

johnblackheart · ファンタジー
9 Chs

The Cave

As I enter the cave I notice how dim it is but not totally dark so I let my eyes adjust for a moment. As my eyes get use to the dim lighted cave I get a better look around.

"This is a good place to hide huh" I say

I'm in a cavern that's quite spacious. As I walk and in and have a look around I see that it's connected to a corridor but there's no Tomas at sight.

As I cautiously go through the corridor I notice that it leads to final chamber that's bit smaller compared to the first one but no one is here either.

(Where are you you Tomas?) I ask myself, then I see the robes Tomas was wearing when I was giving chase, on the floor. To the side there's a hole or crack big enough to fit a person.

I can't even see the end of it.

"It's the cavern floor hollow?"

I ponder but then another question comes up.

"Shit! Did Tomas jump down there!?"

"How deep is this hole?!"

Hopelessness fills my mind as I know the consequences if I fail to find him. My only hope is that the Relic's Guild shows me some mercy and gives me more time to find him. My reputation being bad as it is it's hard enough to get a client, even harder to get any Guild to give me a job. Just what will I do if I fail this job...

Breaking my line of thought I see something going my way in the corner of my eye I dodge to the side, only to see it was a sword striking were my head was just a moment's ago. A chill runs through my back as I imagine what would happen if I moved just a second slower.

Then I notice something shocks me greatly.

"What the hell!?"

I see that the sword...no...the short sword is... it's... "flying!?" I question myself as it's hard to believe.

The sword swings at me and I dodge again, but it goes at it again so I block with my all realieable dagger. Then the sword...I...mean the flying short sword?? backs away a bit.

"Is this a joke!? Cause it's not funny!" I say


And then I hear someone snicker at me. I nervesly look around to see who made that sound but there's no one in the room. Only me and the flying short sword?

Then the sword begins to move again trying to cut me down so I

dodge the first strike,

block the second,

and dodge the third.

I notice that the flying sword makes slow and easy to follow swings. As I step away a bit have another look at the flying short sword.

I don't see any pattern that glow that show enchantment so it's not a relic

and I feel no bloodthrust coming out off it so it's not a cursed weapon either.

It faintly resembles an old style short sword a seen that's worth only amount to 10-13 cooper coins.

Focusing on my surroundings I start hearing something.

(No! Its not something it's SOMEONE! and it sounds like there out of breath!)

My eyes narrow as I focus on the sword thats faintly trembling in the air.

The sword tries to stab and cut me a few times but I easily dodge and block as I ponder something.

(Could it be?!)

I take action before thinking to much and dash towards the flying short sword.

Blocking the sword when it tries to stab me I body slam my towards the center in front of me.


I feel as I slam into someone. Yes! someone I can't see but has been holding the short sword...well I don't think he's holding into it any longer cause the sword bounces to the wall then falls towards the floor and it's not moving anymore.

Then I hear someone trying to catch it's breath.

"Do you think I let you?!" I shout as I go towards the sound and pierce down with my dagger. I strike were I believe it's the person that I slammed and then I'm shock that I truly pierce someone as I felt something.

Blinking my eyes I see that the invisibility has worn off?

just to reveal the culprit,

the mastermind,

the wielder of the flying short sword

the one and only

a naked Tomas!?"


"Your the invisible sword wielder...never thought I'll pierce your neck Tomas...sorry about that."


There he was in his small pool of blood forming from behind his neck,

life leaving his naked body as his eyes remain wide open. He dies just like that.

I look at him then something pops up in my mind

like a boomerang,

like the light at the end of the tunnel,

my purpose ,

the reason I'm here.

Job: Bring sir Tomas alive

"Shit I messed up again..."

I hold my head knowing that my job has gone to the drain the moment I killed Tomas. I curse my ancestors even if I didn't meet them for giving me a killers instinct.

"Why does it end like this?"


"Ohh well is not the first time I fail miserably at a job I just have to look for one more job...and client."

I take look at Tomas then I remembered that he used a cloud potion and a haste potion, he also turn invisible something that was unheard off.

"Maybe he has something of value with him"

So I begin to look through his body and robes only to find three things in his robes:

1.a diary

2.a case

3.a small purse

(contaning 20 cooper coins and 7 grand cooper coins)

"No more potions Tomas?"


"Cheep old geezer"
