
The Returners Mistakes

Brought back from the Dead 5 years before the Disaster. What will he do to change it.

HenryLigmintin · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 0: The end

The Blue Sky is a Site to see, Just being able to look up at it was refreshing to the people of the Planet Kurt. It was a rare sight to see people relax in their spare time as monsters roam the world. Over time, things got worse as stronger creatures started appearing, leaving humans in bad condition.

This Main reason is because of humans fighting for land in the secured areas. Since the major groups lived on the borders they didn't have any cities while the minor groups started making cities. This lead to more war as it turned into some weird monarchy. It all broke when King Markus Declared war on King Ben. Ben had 5,000 troops while Markus had 7,000 nothing compared to the borders but still enough.

This war turned upside down as a new Nation took advantage of them the Knights of Servonce, They were under the Direct control of King Neros, He was the King of Brix. The Knights of Servonce Crushed both Partys and brought them Under Control of Brix.

Brix had over 20,000 Knights while the Knights of Servonce had 8,000

Brix had a Population of 289k.

They Were Considered the Strongest Nation in the CR Republic (Confederation of Oxalite). There Were 82 Nations, 6 Knight Orders, and 12 Border Clans. The 12 Border Clans had 200k Together they would make the Inner Countries Pay for Defence ethier 10 people a month or 1 Million Gold a Month.

Gold was hard to get for the inner nations unless your Country Bought a Mine.

Mine: A Specialized building that can be bought for different amounts based on size and ore. After running out it will be refilled every 120 days. It requires manual work.


Small: 1 Billion Ducets/ Comes with 100 tons

Medium: 100 Billion Ducets/ Comes with 10000 tons

Large: 10 Trillion Ducets/ Comes with 200000 tons

Others would be the same but cheaper or more expensive

Mines allowed the country to produce armor and weapon but most of all build a stronger city. The poorer countries lived in wooden shacks making only about 1 thousand Ducets a month. Brix made over 80 Million a month. This allowed them to expand their industry but what limited them was land.

They had 3 mines which were their max since they only had 3672 miles of land and you can have 1 for every 1000 miles.

Brix decided to destroy another clan called the Sakura which the leader of was considered the weakest leader. This was the war that ended it all.


Battle of Heno

"Soldiers this may be the last day but we must keep fighting for the people," Said a Brasian Middle aged man

"Even if it costs are life," said the Brasian Middle aged man

Before he knew it an arrow hit his leg destroying it and the enemies ambushed them, They all died that day, But the Middle-aged man had one thing to say before he died "Protect my family". This was not taken to heart but who we really care about is a knight for that clan his name being Consta. He died from being stabbed in the back