
You have to work hard! Come on...

Zhang Ying said with a smile: "We attracted all the teachers who checked the night, and after a few curses through the door, no one dared to argue anymore. But then everyone was so excited that they couldn't sleep, so they secretly chatted until the early morning. There was no emergency gathering until I fell asleep."

 Yan Duo patted his chest: "That's good. I'm always worried that I missed it."

 Zhang Ying pursed her lips and smiled, and then said: "It's strange to say that Ding Mingxue has never been afraid of anything, but yesterday he seemed to really don't want to quarrel with you. I don't know if I made a mistake."

 Yan Duo said: "I'm surprised too. I was already prepared to have a big fight with her."

 Zhang Ying put away her smile and said lightly: "With her bad temper, she will be in trouble sooner or later."

 Yan Duo expressed confusion about her attitude: "You two are not..."

 "Good friend?" Zhang Ying rolled her eyes, "No, I just don't want to offend her. His father is an official, and the teachers in junior high school all turned against her, and no one wanted to offend her."

 Yan Duo thought, it was the same as in her memory.

 "Oh, by the way." Zhang Ying added, "I heard that the vice principal of our school is some kind of relative of hers."

 "Really?" Yan Duo pretended to be surprised.

 "I've heard her show off several times before she graduated." Zhang Ying's tone contained dissatisfaction, "It's hard to graduate from junior high school, and I have to watch her show off her power again in high school."

 Yan Duo's toothbrush has been stuffed into his mouth, and he can't speak. He can only "um, oh."

 Before her rebirth, she had never known Zhang Ying to be such a complaining person. They had only known each other for a day.

 After washing up, Zhang Ying decisively changed the subject and asked her where she bought the insect repellent. She said that the effect was very good and she almost didn't feel any mosquitoes last night.

 Yan Duo had no choice but to recommend it to friends who had returned from traveling abroad.

 When we returned to the dormitory, it was already five twenty, and everyone except Li Xiexin and Li Jing were already awake.

 When Jiang Xiaoai saw Yan Duo, she pointed at Yan Duo's nose and said, "You are so heartless. You dared to leave me alone and fall asleep last night. As a result, I didn't even sleep well last night." If you can't get up in the morning, you have to make it up to me."

 Yan Duo blinked his eyes and asked: "Meat compensation?"

 Everyone felt nauseated and vomited.

 After laughing and joking around, those who hadn't brushed their teeth and washed their faces hurried off. The meeting time in the morning was six o'clock.

 Yan Duo and Zhang Ying pushed Li Xiexin and Li Jing to wake up one by one. After Li Jing woke up, she sat in confusion for a while before she finally woke up. However, Li Xiexin, who seemed very silent during the day, was actually very angry about getting out of bed. She was angry. She stared at Yan Duo and Zhang Ying fiercely, as if looking at her father-killing enemy. After a long time, she stared in confusion and went to brush her teeth.

 At six o'clock, the assembly whistle sounded on time. No one dared to be late today.

 In the morning, the instructors were not there, only the teacher led the team.

 Led by a male teacher named Zhang, hundreds of students lined up to start their morning run.

 Today's task is: 4,800 meters.

 That is twelve circles.

 Wails came from the crowd: "No way, there are so many!"

 That teacher Zhang sneered and said: "This is quite a lot, there will be more tomorrow."

 His voice was not loud, and he didn't know if the people behind him heard him.

 In the first two laps, the team was still very neat, and everyone tried their best to keep the same speed. However, in the third lap, the team gradually became chaotic. The fast runners began to rush forward impatiently, and the slow runners were gradually left behind. .

 Yan Duo's team was also disrupted, and at some point she ran together with Xi Yin, Jiao Yang, and Huang Xiaomin.

 Xi Yin asked as he ran: "How is your dormitory?"

 Jiao Yang was puzzled: "How about what?"

 Xi Yin said: "Is he your roommate?"

 Jiao Yang and Huang Xiaomin looked at each other and said, "Most of our dormitory students are from junior high school, and we all know each other quite well. There are a few that we have just met, and we can't figure out what they are doing now."

 Yan Duo thought for a while and commented pertinently: "It's not bad."

 Xi Yin was very dissatisfied and felt that Yan Duo was perfunctory with her, but Yan Duo felt that there was nothing wrong with her evaluation, it was just "okay"!

 Then Xi Yin laughed: "There is a girl named Si Lili in our dormitory. She can tell jokes and make up her own funny songs. She makes us laugh until our stomachs hurt."

 Jiao Yang let out a long "Oh" and said, "Then your dormitory must be very lively."

 "Yes!" Xi Yin nodded, "We made trouble very late last night, and the teacher caught us twice, and we got scolded badly. After the scolding, we continued to make trouble, and I didn't go to bed until after two o'clock."

 Jiao Yang yawned and nodded: "We are too, we went to bed so late, we are so sleepy."

 Yan Duo felt that it was better not to interrupt.

 On the fourth lap, Huang Xiaomin thought they were too slow, so she ran away first.

 Yan Duo and the other three slowly followed the large group at the bottom. At this moment, they all wisely closed their mouths and stopped talking.

 Yan Duo's usual morning jog, including jogging and walking, is only three or four kilometers long. She couldn't run here or stop and walk for a while, which made her very tired.

 However, the effect of persisting in morning running was still reflected. Although Yan Duo was too tired to speak, he always maintained a constant speed and felt that he still had some energy left and could continue for a few more laps.

 By the sixth lap, Jiao Yang and Xi Yin could no longer run, so they could only support each other and start dragging their feet.

 Yan Duo panted and bowed to them both, indicating that she would hold on for a while longer.

 On the seventh lap, Yan Duo couldn't hold on anymore and began to consider whether to walk for a while, but the teacher didn't seem to care anyway.

 At this time, a boy ran and jumped past her. He also showed two rows of teeth to Yan Duo and said with a smile: "Fat girl! Come on!"

 Yan Duo looked at him in surprise and found that she didn't remember who he was.

 Immediately afterwards, a second boy rushed over from behind. He also put on a scoundrel look and said to Yan Duo: "Fat girl, work hard!"

 Then there was the third boy. He made a martial arts posture towards Yan Duo and said loudly: "Look at me giving you strength, ha!"

 After saying that, the three of them ran away laughing wildly.

 The three little bastards, Yan Duo glared at them with his eyes, and threw an identification technique at them. Then he remembered that these three boys were Yan Duo's junior high school classmates. The first two were named Mao Yikun and Wang Ye, and the third one was a legend. Zhao Qi, whom Yan Duo had a crush on.

 Yan Duo wished he could knock his head to the ground and die.

 I didn't expect that she would be such a naive guy. I don't know if she was abducted by aliens and had her eyes modified.

 So she decided to turn her grief and anger into strength and run to the end!

 Maybe it's like what many people say, after exercising, you won't feel so tired after a certain critical point, or maybe you've finally seen results after jogging for more than a month. On the tenth lap, although Yan Duo's legs were still shaking, it really didn't seem that painful anymore.

 Not only that, Yan Duo found that she seemed to be gradually surpassing some classmates who were running ahead of her.

 Teacher Zhang ended his twelve laps early and stood beside the track and shouted to everyone: "Don't run too fast at the beginning of long-distance running. Now you can't run anymore. Let me tell you, you have to run even if you can't run. It's really difficult." Even if you don't move your feet, you still have to complete twelve rounds."

 Those students who ran too fast at the beginning couldn't help but complain that Teacher Zhang was an afterthought. Aren't you the fastest runner? We all followed you to run faster and faster!

 At this time, the advantages of students with good endurance are revealed.

 There are people everywhere on the runway, and it has long been difficult to tell who is the leader and who is the tail. Yan Duo estimated that he should have rushed from the end of the team to the middle.

 Mao Yikun, Wang Ye and Zhao Qi were also the kind who didn't take long-distance running seriously and ran very fast at first. In addition, they also entertained themselves while running. Sometimes they chatted with girls, sometimes they showed off their "unique" running postures, and occasionally they laughed at those who ran too slowly.

 In the first half of the race, they surpassed the classmates at the end of the team by a full lap, but in the second half of the race, they gradually began to fail.

 Soon they no longer had the energy to play tricks, and no longer wanted to talk. Their legs felt like lead, and their eyes were blurred with sweat. They were basically walking in a running posture, and gradually fell behind the team.

 When Yan Duo ran the eleventh lap, the faster classmates had already completed the twelve laps and left the playground towards the cafeteria.

 The three boys tried to speed up, but finally gave up.

 By the twelfth lap, they were dizzy, their throats were burning, and their hands and feet felt like they were floating everywhere, as if they were out of control.

 But there was finally one lap left, and hope was right in front of them. The three people had tears in their eyes and cried with joy.

 Suddenly, a fair and fat girl walked past the three people.

 Although she was also sweating and panting while running very slowly, every step she took was just a little faster than the three of them.

 Yan Duo was also surprised when she saw the three of them. She was stunned for a moment, then made a motion of throwing something, and said to them: "I will give you the power, work hard! Come on!"

 After saying this, she gradually left them behind little by little...