
unexpected visitor

After Teacher Qi left, the students seemed to want to vent their suppressed emotions for three years. They started shouting and making a fuss. Some invited friends to go out to play or go out for dinner. Others asked everywhere, "Who is following?" I am a school".

 Yan Duo saw Hao Yunshu saying a few words to He Jiashu and the two went out together, thinking that what should come will always come.

 She remembered that something else should have happened that day. A boy in Class 4 who was almost beaten seemed to have escaped over the wall. It probably didn't cause any serious consequences, but many people saw him climbing over the wall. It was true. It was so brave and made many people laugh.

 Zhou Jiang, Li Xiang and others in the front row were discussing which restaurant to go to for dinner. When they mentioned the food stall that ruined many people's stomachs, Yan Duo couldn't help but remind them: "That restaurant is not clean. I heard they use gutter oil." "

 Li Xiang and others glanced at Yan Duo doubtfully, and said "Oh": "Then let's go to Sichuan flavor. It tastes good, but it's a bit spicy..."

 A collective food poisoning incident was eliminated. As for whether anyone else would eat at that food stall today, Yan Duo was really powerless.

 Xi Yin didn't like to participate in these group activities very much. She packed her bag and asked Yan Duo: "Are you going home?"

 Yan Duo: "Yeah."

 The two left the school side by side carrying their bags.

 In the evening, Gu Liping took the military training notice and complained that the military training in August was just random. At the same time, she took a pen to record the things to be brought to the military training. She wrote down what she thought of.

 Yan Jianjun finished washing the dishes and came over to help with the details.

 The family of three was talking animatedly, but unexpectedly a guest came to the house at this time.

 When Yan Duo opened the door and saw the people outside the house, he was somewhat shocked.

 The people outside the door were actually Hao Yunshu and her parents.

 Hao's father and Hao's mother were extremely enthusiastic when they saw Yan Duo. Hao's mother held Yan Duo's hand and said, "We should have come a long time ago. Hao Yunshu, a child with a tender face, told us about this today. Thanks to you. Help My family, Hao Yunshu, is very busy."

 He was probably embarrassed to speak too directly. Although the words were vague, Yan Duo immediately understood why they were here.

 Yan Duo immediately said: "It's not a big deal. Uncle and aunt, you guys are so polite to make a special trip."

 Dad Hao was still carrying large and small bags of things. Yan Duo used his appraisal skills to scan them. In addition to fruits and walnut powder, there was also a box of bamboo fungus. It was not easy to buy bamboo fungus at this time and the price was not cheap.

 Even more surprised were Gu Liping and Yan Jianjun. They had no idea what was going on. Seeing that the other party brought a lot of things that didn't look cheap, they began to get confused.

 Most of the people who live nearby are from the same work unit. Although Gu Liping and Yan Jianjun don't know Hao's father and Hao's mother, they can be considered familiar faces if they look up and look down.

 After some pushing and pushing, the couple finally figured out the whole story.

 "Hey! What do I mean? It's my duty to help my classmates. You guys are too polite." After saying this, Gu Liping glanced at Yan Duo. Yan Duo instinctively sensed that something was wrong, shuddered, and quickly shrank his neck.

 The group sat down, and Hao Ma expressed her gratitude to Yan Duo again and again, wiped her tears and said, "My Yun Shu has been timid since she was a child. She doesn't dare to say anything when something happens outside. How is it like your Yan Duo?" , at least I won't be afraid of being bullied when I go out."

 Yan Duo thought to himself, if something like this happens, there are a few girls who can beat him back without hesitation. Your Hao Yunshu is actually a pretty good boss when he is outside.

 Parents in this generation are experts when it comes to being humble to each other and their children.

 Gu Liping hurriedly said: "My Yan Duo has a rough temper and doesn't look like a girl at all. How can she be like your daughter who is cute, well-behaved and quiet."

 Mother Hao: "What's the use of being quiet? In the future, no unit leader will like her when she enters the society. If Yun Shu is half as capable as your Yan Duo, I won't worry about it."

 Gu Liping: "She is reckless. She often does things without thinking. If she is really capable, why can't she even be elected as a class cadre? I heard that Hao Yunshu is still a propaganda committee member in the class."

 Yan Duo listened numbly, not wanting to speak at all. She raised her head and glanced at Hao Yunshu. From the moment she entered until now, Hao Yunshu had never said anything except "Hello, uncle and aunt". Hao Yunshu happened to be looking at her with the same impatient look on his face. . Yan Duo remembered that her eyes were still a little red when she came in. She didn't know whether it was because she was scolded by her parents or because of He Jiashu.

 When the two girls' eyes met, Hao Yunshu immediately said "Go to your room".

 Yan Duo nodded, spoke to the four parents who were trying their best to find the shortcomings of their daughter, and then went to Yan Duo's bedroom together.

 Yan Duo's bedroom was very small, with only one chair. Hao Yunshu asked Hao Yunshu to sit down, so Yan Duo had to sit on the bed.

 The two girls looked at each other awkwardly and suddenly both laughed.

 This can be regarded as a different kind of sharing of adversity.

 Yan Duo said helplessly: "I have never heard my parents praise me in front of outsiders when I grow up."

 Hao Yunshu felt sad: "Me too. When I was a child, because I didn't like eating meat, the color of other people's children's poop was often compared to mine."

 Hearing that Hao Yunshu's words were so "down to earth", Yan Duo couldn't help laughing.

 Sure enough, self-deprecating is the best way to get closer. When they talked later, the two of them behaved much more naturally.

 Hao Yunshu seemed to be in a good mood, not at all like the grief-stricken look Yan Duo imagined after a breakup.

 After a few laughs, Gu Liping asked Yan Duo to go out to get some fruit. When she came back, she saw Hao Yunshu looking at the furnishings in the bedroom.

 After looking at the books on the bookshelf, then at the ornaments on the desk, the posters on the wall, and finally seeing the black and gray loose clothes in Yan Duo's closet, Yan Duo dared to say that Hao Yunshu's face was absolutely stiff at that moment of.

 Hao Yunshu: "Where's the skirt you wore during the day?"

 Yan Duo: "During the day? Take a shower."

 Hao Yunshu: "Did you choose the color?"

 Yan Duo: "My mother's clothes were made smaller."

 Hao Yunshu: "Why are you so old-fashioned?"

 Yan Duo: "..."

 Hao Yunshu: "But old-fashioned looks are better than these."

 Yan Duo: "..."

 Hao Yunshu: "Forget it, I'll sacrifice my skin later and accompany you to pick out some new clothes to make sure you look good in them."

 Yan Duo: ...but I have almost spent all my pocket money.

 Seeing Yan Duo's reluctance, Hao Yunshu said contemptuously: "Are you going to take some with you to military training soon? You should always prepare a few summer clothes to change. Those who are training together are all future high school classmates. At least leave a good legacy to others. Impression.

 It seems to make sense. With the little money she has left, Yanduo Balabala can still afford a few T-shirts.

 Seeing that Yan Duo was not hopeless, Hao Yunshu nodded with satisfaction, exchanged phone numbers, and made an appointment to go shopping in a few days.

 But if Yan Duo thought that when he went shopping with Hao Yunshu and only bought a few T-shirts, he was really wrong.

 Hao Yunshu's family sat at Yan Duo's house for more than an hour, during which the two of them finished a plate of fruit together. Hao Yunshu quickly read through a comic and listened to two tapes. Yan Duo eavesdropped at the door several times and found that the four parents quickly stopped being humble to each other and started talking about the work. Yan Jianjun and Hao's father and Hao's mother were both colleagues, but they were not in the same department before.

 Yan Duo discovered that Hao Yunshu was not as high-minded as the rumors said. She was just not used to being too close to others. According to her, her parents were not good at expressing feelings and rarely hugged her affectionately since she was a child. She was also very reserved when praising her, and Yan Duo thought it had something to do with it.

 Hao Yunshu is the kind of girl who sees people and things very clearly. She often speaks to the point when she speaks, and sometimes her sarcastic words can be called vicious. Therefore, when she defends "one of her own people", she will be very powerful. When she was in junior high school She often helped Lu Lu quarrel with others.

 She may not deny it outright if she doesn't have a good relationship with her. For example, Jiao Yang admits that she doesn't actually have any conflicts with her. At most, they just don't like each other.

 Yan Duo also didn't expect that Hao Yunshu would have such a side that dared to love and hate.

 Hao Yunshu was also surprised. She found that Yan Duo was not only not introverted, gloomy and eccentric as rumored, but was actually very funny and talkative. The most surprising thing was that she seemed to know a lot of things, from domestic and foreign forms to various entertainments, almost everything. I can say a few words. Yan Duo was mostly tolerant of conflicts between classmates. For example, people often laughed at her behind her back for being a weird and gloomy fat woman, but she actually just smiled and said, "You are a kid, who doesn't make mistakes sometimes." (The aunt looks at the child's mentality)

 This made Hao Yunshu start to wonder if he had always been sad because others slandered him before, and whether he cared a little too much.

 All in all, both sides' views on each other have changed a lot.

 Before Hao Yunshu left, she embarrassedly gave Yan Duo a bottle of sunscreen, saying that Yan Duo's face seemed to be sunburned after talking to her for so long last time on the road, and she could use it during military training.

 After sending Hao Yunshu and his family away, Yan Duo crept into the room and prepared to apply oil on the soles of his feet. However, he was a step late and was sneaked back by Gu Liping with a gloomy face.