
The true meaning of handsome

After the instructor left, Qiu Yong, who had been silent just now, couldn't help but said anxiously: "I, I, I... my money is missing! Is there a thief?"

 Yan Duo's heart skipped a beat, remembering that when he reminded everyone to hide their money and snacks, Qiu Yong happened to not be in the dormitory.

 When everyone heard that there was a thief, they hurried to check their belongings and found that everyone's bags had been rifled through. Fortunately, they were reminded by Yan Duo that money and other items had been hidden.

 Unfortunately, the snacks were too big and most of them were not hidden, so they were still searched.

 As a result, four people lost snacks. After asking around, they found out that except for Huang Xiaomin and her dormitory, who had also been reminded by Yan Duo just now, there were people in every dormitory who lost money and things. There were indeed thieves, but they were just friendly guest appearances by the teachers. , stealing under orders.

 Everyone who has lost something is exhausted. Who dares to ask the teacher for money? Only Li Jing happily showed off: "Fortunately, I hid the snacks on the bed board."

 When everyone saw it, Li Jing actually brought a dozen vacuum-packed braised eggs and braised chicken legs, which were placed between the quilt and the bed board.

 Everyone said that Li Jing was too foresight, while several others were crying and complaining about why they didn't think of this method...

 This time everyone looked at Yan Duo's expression very differently. Even the classmates from the dormitory next door came over to thank her for the reminder.

 Some people also curiously asked Yan Duo how he knew that the dormitory would be searched on the first day of military training. Yan Duo all blamed the senior brothers and sisters from the previous batch. Everyone marveled that they did not expect Yan Duo to have such a wide social circle.

 Only Qiu Yong sat motionless by the bed for a long time. Zhang Ying, who was sleeping on the bunk above her, glanced at her when she climbed out of bed and exclaimed: "Oh, why are you crying!"

 Everyone gathered around and asked her what happened. After asking for a long time, she answered timidly: "Because the money was lost."

 "How many were lost?"

 "Four...forty dollars."

 Ding Mingxue said angrily: "I thought it was too much. I lost fifty or sixty yuan just for snacks, and I'm not like you."

 Qiu Yong cried even harder.

 Although Qiu Yong's name looks like a boy, she is actually a little girl with a fragile and vulnerable heart.

 An attentive roommate asked her: "Are the conditions at home not good?"

 Qiu Yong just didn't say anything, and there was nothing anyone could do to her.

 After such a lively session, Yan Duo was surprised to find that the atmosphere in the dormitory had greatly improved. Except for Li Jing and Ding Mingxue, whose noses were not noses and eyes were not eyes, the others had begun to exchange names and could still be subtle. Have a few words.

 It's probably all due to the thief incident.

 At around three o'clock in the afternoon, the whistle sounded again. This was the hottest time of the day. Everyone angrily put on a handful of sunscreen and hurried to gather. If you are late, you will be punished.

 As a result, someone was still late...

 The late boy was directly ordered to stand next to the instructor and face everyone.

 The man stood up calmly and calmly, neither ashamed nor pretentious. His face was expressionless, as if it was as natural as asking him to stand up and answer the question.

 Not surprisingly, Yan Duo heard someone whisper in her ear: "So handsome..."

 Needless to say, the eyes of many girls in the audience lit up. Yan Duo has a new understanding of what high school girls call "handsome". It turns out that the appearance of the face is secondary. The most important thing is to understand the true meaning of being handsome unintentionally. The more "handsome" you are without realizing it, the more important that girl is. The crazier they get.

 This is probably why handsome guys with facial paralysis are so popular in certain periods.

 That boy is Jiang Wei, whom Yan Duo often runs into every morning during morning exercises.

 Yan Duo could guess with his knees why he was late. This kid had a mysophobia, and it was most likely that he was causing trouble again.

 Yan Duo's guess was correct. When the whistle sounded, Jiang Wei was washing the clothes he had worn in the morning by the pool. He wiped himself by the way. He felt unhappy because the sweat-smelling clothes were left unwashed. Waiting for him to rush back. It was already too late to put the basin and clothes in the dormitory.

 Now he was standing next to the instructor, feeling extremely sad. He had run too fast just now, and his snow-white sneakers were stained with mud. What if he forgot to bring a shoe brush?

 The arrangement for the afternoon was for each team to get to know their instructors first, and then line up and stand in military positions.

 Yan Duo's team has forty-eight girls, which is exactly a rectangle. Xi Yin, Jiao Yang, Hao Yunshu and others are all in this team. Happily, the instructor named Hong in their team has a good temper.

 Instructor Hong is young and good-looking, and he looks even more handsome in military uniform. Except for his expression during training, which is exactly the same as that of the instructor they trained with in the morning, he will also joke with everyone the rest of the time. After a few words of gossip, the concerned students suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

 As a result, everyone spent the whole afternoon kicking their legs back and forth, up and down, left, right, and right, standing still and standing still on one leg. Well, no up and down.

 During the break, Instructor Hong taught everyone to sing military songs as usual. He just didn't open his mouth. As soon as he opened his mouth, visions suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. He experienced immersively what it means to "fly away birds from thousands of mountains and disappear from thousands of people". Everyone Immediately I was in high spirits, and the forty-eight little faces were white with red, and red with black.

 Instructor Hong said without changing his face or heart: "Why are you laughing? Sing along!"

 Everyone sang along happily, but then they were rejected by Instructor Hong over and over again. Sometimes the voice was too soft, sometimes the momentum was not enough, and sometimes the emotion was not enough.

 Finally, after shouting at the top of their lungs for seven or eight times, everyone's voices were finally as hoarse as Instructor Hong's broken gong voice. Only then did the cautious Instructor Hong let them go. After finishing the song, half of their lives were almost lost. .

 Facts have proved that men are no different from women when it comes to holding grudges.

 When it was time to eat dinner, all the girls in this team spoke with hoarse voices. When the food was served, they finished two bowls of soup first.

 Teacher Zhu, who has been paying attention to students' health issues, asked in surprise: What's wrong with you?

 Answer: In the afternoon, Instructor Hong took us to enjoy the forest and snow fields.

 The atmosphere in the cafeteria was so hot. Yan Duo had just finished his third bite of rice, and someone was already serving the second bowl of rice on the boys' side.

 Seeing that the remaining food was getting less and less, the boys at other tables hurriedly grabbed their rice bowls to grab it. By the time Yan Duo finished the first bowl of rice, the only meat dishes were almost gone, and the vegetarian dishes and soups were already in danger.

 The meal was well prepared and full.

 The basins on every table were as clean as if they had been licked.

 Everyone was quite shy at the beginning of Yan Duo's table, too embarrassed to add food.

 At this moment, two girls were passing by with plates. One of them was very worried: "I've eaten three bowls, what should I do if I'm not full yet?"

 Another one followed suit: "Then just eat it again."

 The two girls walked away, and the ten girls didn't even need to communicate with each other. They picked up the basin calmly and tacitly, and then ran away. If they didn't grab it, they would really have nothing to eat! ! !

 The image is so impressive, it's all just floating clouds.

 How this day has been...

 After eating, hundreds of students marched back to the dormitory with full belly. The scene was extraordinary and spectacular.

 After entering the dormitory, everyone fell down on the bed, and ten cranes could not pull it up.

 "Should we go take a shower..." Someone asked feebly after I don't know how long it took.

 "I don't want to go."

 "I don't want to go."

 "I don't want to go to +10086."

 "I don't want to either..."

 But I really couldn't do it if I didn't want to go. Everyone was almost rotten. After lying on the bed for more than half an hour, I finally carried the washbasin and the towel, and crawled to the bathhouse half-dead.

 You wouldn't know if you hadn't been there, but you were shocked when you went there. It turned out that the bathhouse only provides hot water once every five days, and only cold showers at other times. It is called to train their hard-working spirit.

 Is this good abuse? Yan Duo, who has a certain knowledge of health care, said that taking a cold shower after sweating is quite harmful to the body.

 While he was hesitating, a classmate he didn't know suggested that he go to the water room to get a few bottles of water and bring them in to wipe himself down.

 Everyone thought it was a good idea.

 But then, the problem arises again. There are only four water bottles in each dormitory. Who washes them first?

 Who doesn't want to go back and rest early after washing first, and then go to fetch water after others have finished washing? It will take half an hour to go back and forth.

 Li Jing threw the towel over her shoulder and said, "It's too much trouble, just cold water." After saying that, she walked into the bathhouse without a care in the world.

 Ai Jia and others also went in happily, not feeling unhappy at all. They probably thought that taking a cold shower occasionally would be a new experience.

 Even Ding Mingxue didn't think taking a cold shower on a hot day was a big deal. In the end, the only ones left at the door were Yan Duo and classmate Mei Yimeng, who would collapse if the wind blew.

 When Yan Duo and Mei Yimeng returned to the bathhouse with their thermos bottles, they heard screams coming from inside, and the sounds of "Wow", "Yeah" and "It's so cold" came one after another. The boys next door were preparing to enter the bathhouse. They all said, "My friends and I were shocked." People who didn't know thought there was a terrorist attack inside.

 At this time, Li Jing and others had already rushed out of the bathroom shouting "I can't take it anymore" and were getting ready to get dressed.

 Mei Yimeng quickly asked: "Is it cold?"

 Li Jing said: "Let's make do."

 Aijia said: "Pull him down, you were the one who screamed the loudest just now."

 Li Jing raised her nostrils: "My roar is called anger."

 The corners of everyone's mouths twitched. Ding Mingxue wanted to say something sarcastic, but in the end he didn't speak.

 Jiang Xiaoai added: "When the water first hit my body, it was really cold! I got used to it after washing, but I will definitely not wash in cold water tomorrow."

 Song Yang also agreed: "These people are so bad, they deliberately poured cold water on me."

 "I can't bear it. I can't bear it." Everyone shook their heads together.

 Sure enough, the first time Yan Duo and Mei Yimeng stepped into the bathhouse, they were greeted by a wave of cold water attack and a burst of laughter. Yan Duo quickly pulled Mei Yimeng and ran inside, finding a corner to hide. .

 Fortunately, the crazy girls quickly found a new target, and the two of them finally escaped.

 This bath was really dark.

 After the "bath" of ice and fire, Yan Duo and Mei Yimengding filled four hot water bottles with water and returned to the dormitory with wet hair. There was no hair dryer, and Yan Duo felt uncomfortable all over.

 After returning to the dormitory, the two of them found that the atmosphere in the dormitory was a bit strange. All the students were fully armed and wearing camouflage uniforms and sneakers, and they didn't look like they were getting ready to sleep at all.

 Yan Duo and Mei Yimeng put down their hot water bottles, but they were immediately snatched away by these thirsty guys who were reincarnated as ghosts.

 "Why are you dressed like this?" Mei Yimeng looked a little frightened at the aqua color.

 "Just now, other dormitories told us that there will be an emergency gathering in the middle of the night. We have decided to sleep in this at night." Li Jing said half-heartedly.