
The black and white evil spirits in the culinary world

As for the incident that caused his grades to decline, it is even more bizarre to say. It is said that Sun Shucheng was in love with a girl in his class. His class teacher called his aunt and his wife to school, and they only found out about it.

 Naturally, he got very angry when he got home. I heard that he and the girl's parents were blaming each other in the school, which made the entire school public.

 Later, the aunt and his wife's behavior became even more unacceptable. Not only was Sun Shucheng not allowed to chat online or make phone calls, they were not allowed to answer calls from girls. What was even more exaggerated was that they actually called Sun Shucheng's classmate's home every now and then to ask if Sun Shucheng was still with him. That girl comes and goes.

 In the end, even the relatives couldn't stand it anymore, and after persuading them several times, they calmed down a little, that is, they just stopped calling their son's classmates, but in other aspects they still strictly guarded against it.

 Later, Gu Liping sighed several times at home, saying that the decline in Shu Cheng's grades was probably caused by this incident, and that a good child was delayed like this.

 Yan Duo privately believed that this was probably the reason.

 Now when I heard Sun Shucheng compare high school students' love to children playing house, Yan Duo felt awkward and wanted to laugh.

 As for Gu Ruirui, she had seen many rigid adults, but this was the first time she had seen such a rigid student, and she was obviously unhappy.

 Yan Duo was afraid that they would quarrel, so he quickly answered: "Falling in love is not common in our school. After all, we are still junior high school students!"

 Gu Ruirui said "Oh" and asked again: "It should be common in high school, right?"

 Yan Duo said: "Probably."

 Gu Ruirui asked again: "Will anyone elope?"

 Yan Duo: Girl, you know too much.

 Gu Ruirui glanced at the TV with disgust again and asked, "I feel like vomiting after watching it. Do you want to watch it? If not, I will change the channel."

 Yan Duo naturally applauded with both hands.

 As a result, I changed a lot, but there was really nothing to see, and finally I settled on the second part of Naha Gege from another channel...

 Gu Ruirui threw the remote control on the bed like a collapse, holding her ice cream box, and asked Yan Duo: "Sister, do you want to eat it? I am losing weight."

 Yan Duo was embarrassed and was about to tell her to solve her own problems. By coincidence, her uncle came back from shopping for groceries and shouted: "Duoduo, Duoduo, come and help uncle. Today we will have another double sword fight." , and scare them to death by cooking a table of delicious dishes."

 Gu Liping smiled and said, "Who do you want to scare to death?"

 The aunt also said: "Ask your uncle to do it alone. Duoduo goes back to the house and asks your brother Shucheng to take you to play."

 My aunt has a bad mouth, but she is a little bit nice and doesn't hold a grudge at all. Although she made a fuss a little unpleasant last time, she has completely forgotten about it now.

 Yan Duo smiled and said, "It's okay. I've been learning to cook recently and I like the atmosphere in the kitchen." He took the opportunity to stuff the untouched ice cream back into the refrigerator.

 What was left unsaid was that she asked Sun Shucheng to play with her... Let's forget it. According to her memory of more than 20 years, the only time Sun Shucheng took the two of them to "play" was when he was forced to play by his aunt and uncle when he first entered college. He wanted to take them both to eat Western fast food, but he ordered a children's set meal and took away the toy he was given without making a sound.

 Although it is natural for him to take the money he paid, but isn't it generally given to the youngest of all? The most speechless thing was that when he put away the toys, he still had a look of disgust on his face...

 Today she really wanted to go to the kitchen and cook some dishes. When she prayed in the morning, she got an ability called "Golden Hands". She could directly and accurately detect very subtle changes in weight with her hands, and her dexterity was greatly improved. Unfortunately, There is no use for such a good ability, and it is overkill when used in cooking.

 My uncle's specialty dish now is braised pork, which is a must-cook, plus a vegetarian dish, a beer duck, a minced pepper fin, a steamed mandarin fish, and a nine-turn large intestine.

 Because of Yan Duo's "golden hands", her hand speed has greatly improved, and she cooks most of the vegetarian dishes.

 Cold preserved egg tofu, oil-consuming lettuce, tomato and beef brisket soup, crispy chicken wings, stir-fried broccoli, each dish is served on the plate, which makes people dazzled.

 It's not that these dishes are complicated, but the knife skills and presentation are so beautiful!

 When the meal started, the whole family sat around the dining table. Gu Liping said with a "haha" smile: "Oh, it really scared people to death."

 The aunt also rarely nodded in approval: "It looks good."

 Gu Ruirui came over and said, "You don't call this a pair of swords, it's a black and white evil." When everyone saw that my uncle's skin was dark and Yan Duo's was white, it really looked like that, and they laughed together.

 As for the taste, of course, I can't say anything about it. My uncle cooks all the dishes that he is good at, so it's no problem. Although Yan Duo lacks a bit of experience, at least the saltiness and sweetness are moderate, and the heat is about the same, so there is nothing wrong with it.

 The younger uncle looked at Yan Duo with particularly unwilling eyes, and sighed: "As expected of my second sister, her eyes changed as soon as she entered the kitchen."

 Yan Duo: I just used my concentration...

 The whole family chatted and commented, thinking that my uncle could graduate. For Yan Duo, everyone's expectations were even lower, and her face turned red with praise.

 Grandma touched Yan Duo's hand distressedly and said repeatedly: "A girl's hands are the most important, don't make them rough."

 Sun Shucheng only ate a few dishes under his nose, while Gu Ruirui stared at the chicken wings and gnawed endlessly.

 The aunt was busy picking up the food and didn't say anything for a long time. After a while, she seemed to have remembered something and asked Gu Ruirui, "Is Ruirui going to junior high school?"

 Gu Ruirui bit the chicken bone and nodded: "Yeah."

 The aunt asked again: "I heard that Ruirui's grades are pretty good and she will definitely get into a good class."

 Gu Ruirui answered vaguely: "I don't know, there is a placement test for admission."

 Auntie: "How did you do in the graduation exam?"

 Gu Ruirui: "That's okay, 12th in the class."

 Auntie: "It's just a make do, you have to work hard."

 Gu Ruirui: "..."

 Auntie: "Sun Shucheng should teach you two sisters more, don't just play with them."

 Yan Duo:...

 After a while, the steamed mandarin fish was chewed until only the bones were left. Gu Ruirui could hardly stand up with her belly puffed out.

 The aunt asked Yan Jianjun again: "I heard that many people from your unit have gone to sea, haven't you considered it?"

 Yan Jianjun asked curiously: "Is this the case?"

 Sun Shucheng couldn't help but knock on the table, bang bang.

 The aunt frowned and said, "What are you knocking? It's so rude." Then she said to Yan Jianjun, "No, I heard that there is a director who has gone to the sea."

 Yan Jianjun thought for a while and didn't remember such a thing: "I haven't thought about it yet. After all, there are risks."

 The aunt nodded happily: "My grandson thinks so too, but there is really no hope with that dead salary alone. My grandson is now trying to find ways to make extra money outside. Now he has this amount every month... "

 I heard my uncle cough violently, his face turned red, and he spit out a lot of rice grains.

 The aunt exclaimed: "Slow down, you might choke! I told you before, eating too quickly is not good for your stomach."

 Yan Jianjun was silent.

 Sun Shucheng showed a miserable expression.