
Skill tree

Yan Duo was in a mess. She didn't know if some supernatural event had happened or if she had sleepwalked back to the old house. She could only walk around the room. Then she realized an even more outrageous problem. In the early winter, she was wearing summer clothes. clothes.

 He really saw the ghost of his grandfather.

 Yan Duo was still very familiar with her old house where she had lived for more than 20 years. She ran to the bathroom with a pale face and saw herself in the mirror. The person in the mirror looked at her with the same pale face.

 The self in front of me, who has shrunk by at least eight centimeters in height, wears a ponytail, and shorts and a T-shirt, looks more than ten years younger. As for this outfit, she also had an impression that it seemed like she could no longer wear it.

 She calmed down and looked for her phone to check the time, then she remembered that her bag had disappeared and she didn't know where she had gone and where her phone came from. I had to walk around the house a few times and found a wall calendar. The time on it turned out to be the summer vacation of the year I graduated from junior high school.

 It seems unlikely that someone would fabricate such a big lie to tease themselves, but it seems even less likely that a person would lose more than ten years for no apparent reason. Unwilling to give up, she turned on the TV again, wanting to confirm further.

 I watched a random news channel, and Chairman H was talking on the TV.

 Yan Duo changed the channel, which was broadcasting news about the raging avian influenza worldwide.

 Another channel was changed. The Fruit Channel was replaying "Happy Beep Camp". The youthful expression of the host was far from the "mature and steady" in his memory, which made the audience burst into laughter.

 "Pa", she turned off the TV with a blank expression.

 ******Please do not increase the stimulation when you are going crazy******

 Although I have determined that I am indeed more than ten years old, I have changed from a medium fat man with a height of 165 cm and a weight of 148 kilograms to a fat man with a height of 158 cm and a weight of 148 kilograms. The weight has not changed, but the height has become shorter, Yan Duo Not happy at all.

 What exactly made things happen like this.

 Yes, it all started because of a spoiled potato.

 She returned to her room in a daze. The potato that rolled on the floor was still lying quietly under the table, and the game console was still shining brilliantly. Everything was exactly the same as before.

 The dream was dim and the reality was helpless. Yan Duo picked up the potatoes and slumped down at the table. The feeling of helplessness was replaced by the feeling of powerlessness.

 She tried to bring the potato close to the game console, but the game console still stayed on the "Purchase Successful" screen without any response.

 Well, since this game is weird, there should be some hints in the game! Come on, you are cruel.

 Is there anything I need to complete to get back to the correct point in time? Yan Duo skipped the third page and directly clicked on the fourth page of "Tasks".


 The taskbar opens.

 The task bar is usually a place to receive tasks and earn money and experience, and this game is no exception.

 The task list area has very long instructions that take up almost half of the page.

 Mission description:

 1. Task level list:

 Level A: Easy

 Grade B: General

 Level C: Difficult (lower chance of triggering dangerous missions)

 S level: Extremely difficult (please don't try it easily)

 2. Task types:

 Daily tasks: You can use the prop "Seven-Colored Flower" to refresh once a day. There is a very low probability that the difficulty will be C level or above (including C level). After completing it, you will get a small amount of experience and money. There is a low probability of getting additional rewards. Before level 10, zero points are free every day. Refresh (only A-level tasks appear in free refresh).

 Special mission: No time limit. It can be collected from NPC under special circumstances. There is a medium probability that the difficulty will be C level or above (including C level). After completion, you will get random experience and higher monetary rewards. There is a medium probability of getting additional rewards.

 Random tasks: There is a time limit, and the system randomly distributes them. There is a high probability that C-level or above tasks will appear. After completion, you will get random experience and a large amount of money rewards, and there is a high probability of getting additional rewards.

 Now the career task and special task columns are blank, and there are only three seemingly inexplicable tasks hanging in the daily task column:

 1. Recite an article and read it aloud to at least one audience. Reward: 10 points of money, 10 points of experience, difficulty: A level, completion progress 0/1

 2. Use any skill ten times. Reward: 20 points of money, 20 points of experience, difficulty: A level, completion progress 0/10

 3. Use pepper noodles. Reward: 10 points of money, 10 points of experience, difficulty: A level, completion progress 0/1

 The most puzzling thing was the third task. Yan Duo looked at it for a while. Except for the second task of using skills, which seemed to be related to the game, the rest had no clue at all, so he had to click on the "Skill Tree" on the second page to look for it. clue.

 Wow - the third page, skill tree.

 A huge skill tree appeared in front of Yan Duo. The dense branches almost occupied the entire screen. He needed to drag the page down to see it all.

 However, although there are many skills, they are almost all gray. Only the skill ball at the top is lit. When your finger touches the lit skill ball, the description text appears on the screen and also appears in Yan Duo's mind. in mind.

 Concentration lv.1: Put yourself in a "concentrated" state, lasting 10 minutes and consuming 6 points of energy. There are 10 levels of skills in total. The requirement for the next level is: use the skill 10 times. Current progress: 0/10

 Learning the next skill requires "Concentration" level 3.

 Yan Duo was a little frightened when such words suddenly appeared in his mind. Thanks to enough weird things that happened today, he soon became confused.

 The skill ball shimmered on the game console and there was no instruction for use, but Yan Duo somehow knew that he could use it with just a thought.

 The first of the three tasks just came to mind inadvertently: recite an article and read it aloud.

 He casually took out a collection of Xi Murong's essays from his bookshelf, found a relatively short "Four Seasons", and began to memorize it silently.

 Carrying it on my back, after a while, the sounds from the outside world gradually became quieter, and the things around me became less and less present. However, my brain felt clearer and clearer, and all my attention was focused on the article to be recited in front of me. Yan Duo had never felt like this before. Doing one thing with concentration was so enjoyable.

 When the ten minutes are up, the surrounding sounds suddenly become louder, as if suddenly returning from a dream to the real world.

 Yan Duo felt that he must be crazy.

 There is a handmade cake shop opposite the old house. The sound of smashing rice cakes is heard from morning to night every day. Yan Duo has long been used to hearing it. Then when he returned to the real state from the "concentration" state, the sound of smashing rice cakes sounded like a huge thunder. The roar happened to fall right next to Yan Duo's ears, startling her.

 When I came back to look at the prose, I had already memorized one-third of it.

 This is an article of more than a thousand words!

 Yan Duo felt ecstatic in his heart. This was like... finding a treasure!

 Few people know that Yan Duo has always had a knot in his heart, which has troubled Yan Duo for more than 20 years.

 She has a problem, she has difficulty concentrating, and her self-control is extremely low. When she was in class, she would barely listen for the first ten minutes of a class, and then she would basically be distracted, either in a daze or zapping. If you are sleepy, or if you read comics secretly at the table, it is absolutely impossible to finish a class anyway.

 I was even more uncontrolled when I was studying at home. When I was doing homework, I often spent time listening to music, watching movies, and playing games. Every time I played until midnight, I would get sleepy, and I would realize that I hadn't touched a single word in my homework, just like... Like a demon.

 I often worry that I haven't finished my homework, but I still can't control myself to do other things. Even if I force myself to study, I can't persist for less than half an hour. When reciting vocabulary texts, I even fall asleep while reading.

 In daily life, I am basically in a daze when walking, in a daze when riding in a car, and in a daze when eating. If I don't daze for a while before going to bed, I can't fall asleep.

 Just because of this problem, in the last two years of my high school career, I often went to school early in the morning to copy my classmates' homework because I couldn't finish my homework. Thinking about it now, I feel so guilty.

 In fact, Yan Duo is smart, otherwise he would not be admitted to the Xinhai University Affiliated Middle School. However, the courses in high school are not at the same level as those in junior high school. It is only a matter of time before his grades fall due to just a little cleverness.

 The result is obvious. Yan Duo didn't get into any good school and only got a third-rate undergraduate degree.

 Although this problem has improved a lot after work, it is basically an impossible task to completely "cure" it.

 I remember one time Yan Duo went on a blind date with a slightly effeminate literary young man. Because she found the topic boring, she actually started to daze in front of him and silently studied the O'Neal poster on the wall of the restaurant, studying it from head to toe. How on earth did those muscles grow? In the end, the literary young man was so angry that he ran away. I heard that the literary young man's eyes were red when he returned home.

 The consequences of this incident were not only that Yan Duo felt guilty, apologized countless times to the introducer on the phone, and was scolded by his mother, but of course it was impossible for him to have anything to do with that literary young man.

 The most serious consequence is that Yan Duo hates himself even more.

 On his birthday that year, Yan Duo's wish was: God, if I can get rid of this problem, I would rather live ten years... five years, no, no, one year! Three months, three months is optional...

 Yan Duo was feeling a little excited at the moment. This skill was tailor-made for her. Although ten minutes was a bit short and required energy consumption, the feeling of entering the "focused" state was so damn enjoyable.

 Checking the task list, the completion rate of task 2 has indeed become 1/10.

 After understanding what the mission was about, Yan Duo used "Concentration" twice in succession, and finally memorized the entire prose completely, and the mission completion rate became 3/10. Yan Duo is gearing up and preparing for a big fight to upgrade his skills to level 2 within today.

 The doorbell rang at this time, and Yan Duo was stunned for ten seconds before he remembered to open the door.

 The sound of the old-fashioned doorbell was really harsh, Yan Duo complained, and the door opened.

 "It took me so long to open the door. Come on, hurry up." Her mother, Gu Liping, carried large and small bags of vegetables and entered the house sweating profusely.

 Yan Duo was stunned for a moment, is this her mother?