
sexual harassment!

Yan Duo was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked behind Hao Yunshu. A man was quietly approaching Hao Yunshu. Although his movements were hidden, there were many fewer passengers in the car at the moment, and Yan Duo could still see them clearly.

 Yan Duo never expected that what she said was right. He was stunned for a moment and his eyes widened.

 Her expression was too obvious, and she happened to meet that perverted gaze.

 The pervert was obviously frightened, and he immediately put on a ferocious posture, making a gesture of killing the chicken and wiping his neck, with all kinds of threats and intimidation from his movements to his expressions.

 Yan Duo was immediately furious. There was still someone who dared to intimidate her these days. He didn't even know there was such a creature as a strange woman in the world unless he taught her a lesson. As soon as his head was hot, he swung out a straight punch aggressively, hitting her accurately. That perverted waist.

 However, Yan Duo forgot that she got a strength +60 bonus when she prayed this morning... It was +60, not 20, not 30...

 The pervert was hit by a punch and passed through the crowd, flying more than two meters away. Several screams were heard, and several passengers were tragically affected.

 There was an open space in the middle of the car, and the pervert fell in the middle of the open space, grinning and seemed to be speechless in pain.

 The driver braked suddenly and shouted: "What are you doing? Don't move your hands or feet in public."

 An affected woman glared at Yan Duo angrily and replied, "There was a fight."

 Yan Duoleng was stunned for a moment and quickly explained: "No, this person is a perverted pervert. He just..."

 The words stopped suddenly, and she suddenly found it difficult to explain the current situation.

 This pervert was the man with the umbrella and the satchel. This bastard pretended to be swaying with the bus and rubbed his whole body against Hao Yunshu. He was really not the most obscene, only more obscene. His hand holding the bag tightly was just a cover. The bag and parasol were both tools he used to cover himself.

 But how was she going to tell others that she saw this man rubbing his penis against Hao Yunshu's? She couldn't say it out loud!

 The passengers all looked at the pervert in confusion. The guy was curled up and screaming in pain. One of the busybodies sneered: "Who is this pervert? Are you pervert?"

 Then there was a low roar of laughter in the bus.

 Yan Duo is just a chubby girl with an ordinary appearance. She has no appearance and no figure. If she is said to be targeted by perverts, no one will believe her.

 Her face heated up, and scenes of news on the Internet before her rebirth came to mind. Despite being reborn, the world seems to have not changed much. People are everywhere who wantonly hurt others for their own pleasure. They don't even verify whether what she said is true, but first laugh at her appearance.

 Yan Duo is very angry, but she can't close the website now and keep her eyes out of sight.

 He couldn't help but look towards Hao Yunshu for help, and found that she was looking down at her toes, with no intention of standing up for herself.

 Yan Duo sighed deeply, knowing that he would have to fight alone.

 At this time, one of Yan Duo's previous suspects, the thin and dark man, suddenly spoke: "It's true, I saw it too. This guy just molested the female passenger in the car. I was about to catch him, but he was The little girl fell over."

 After saying that, he walked over to the pervert who was still curled up and shivering on the ground, suddenly pulled the hand covering his lower body, and turned him over. Only then did everyone see that this guy's pants were mostly unzipped, exposing his insides. ** and something eye-catching.

 Female screams were heard all around, and Yan Duo quickly turned his head, not daring to look any further.

 "Fuck! That's disgusting."


 "Call the police!"

 "Open the door quickly, I want to get off!"

 For a while, the bus was busier than the farmer's market.

 The driver parked the car on the side of the road, came over and patted the shoulder of the pervert who was still curled up and struggling on the ground: "Get up! No matter how you pretend, I can hear how powerful a little girl's fist can be."

 Yan Duo sweated in her heart and decided to pretend to be stupid to the end. If people knew that she could lift a wooden chair with one hand now, she would probably never get rid of the title of "Weird Girl" in her life.

 The perverted man shook a few times, and finally stood up after being dragged and grabbed by the driver and the thin black man. He lowered his head and remained silent.

 It would be much easier if someone helped testify, and Yan Duo let out a long sigh of relief.

 The driver then decided to drive directly to the police station, where other passengers had to get off early. Because of the special situation, except for a few people who complained a few times, most passengers had no objections. The thin, dark man volunteered to take the pervert to the police station with the driver and serve as a witness.

 The perverted man seemed to have been beaten so hard by Yan Duo that he couldn't even straighten his waist from beginning to end.

 When the passengers got off the bus one after another, the identity of the victim Hao Yunshu, who had always been a coward, was unfortunately exposed, because there was actually more than one person seen at that time, but most of them did not want to meddle in other people's business.

 So Yan Duo and Hao Yunshu were watched (comforted) by three aunts and six wives respectively. Hao Yunshu was already crying with tears all over his face.

 Yan Duo also enjoyed being watched by the crowd for the first time in her life. All the passengers praised her generously before getting off the bus. There was even a person who looked like a reporter and asked her if she could be interviewed. Yan Duo Duo was startled and quickly refused.

 Due to the biased educational concepts of that era, many students regarded this kind of thing as a very shameful thing, so they dared not speak out when they were bullied. After the incident was exposed, they were still unwilling to come forward to identify them, for fear of being ridiculed.

 In fact, Hao Yunshu wanted to get out of the car immediately and run far away, but he was surrounded by people and couldn't walk.

 Amid the consoling voices of a group of people, a young man with neatly combed hair laughed and said, "Beauty, it's better to be more aggressive. I like aggressive girls." As a result, he was brutally beaten by a woman behind him. A hard slap.

 Yan Duo: Why am I the only one who thinks this person is actually comforting her...

 An old man sighed: "What a sin, even such a young girl can do it."

 Hao Yunshu finally couldn't help it, cried loudly "Wow", rushed out of the encirclement with all his strength, and ran away on high heels.

 After all, it was a classmate. It didn't seem good to let her run around on the busy road. Yan Duo quickly got rid of the onlookers and chased her out.

 After chasing him for a few steps, he was pulled back by a boy about the same age as Yan Duo.

 This boy was the music-mad boy who was wearing headphones in the car just now. He glanced at Yan Duo, hesitated for a moment, and then said to Yan Duo: "I think it's better for you, a girl, not to take action rashly. What if this happens?" What if he is a murderer! What if he carries a sharp weapon?"

 Yan Duo rushed to chase Hao Yunshu, but was also stunned by his words.

 The young man coughed quickly and said sheepishly: "Forget it, just pretend you didn't hear it."

 Yan Duo didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Knowing that he was actually reminding her kindly, she nodded seriously and said, "Thank you."

 The young man's eyes widened, and he almost thought he heard wrongly, and then ran away with a blush.