
On "Sympathy"

As soon as this boy delayed him, Hao Yunshu had already run away.

 "Hao Yunshu! Pay attention to the car!" Yan Duo shouted while chasing. On a hot day, he chased for more than 300 meters before catching up. He was really sweating.

 "Why are you following me!" Hao Yunshu was annoyed.

 "I see you are in a bad mood..."

 "Seeing my misfortune, you must be proud this time!" Hao Yunshu interrupted her and shouted angrily, "Now you are a hero who is brave enough to do what is right, and I am a joke in everyone's eyes. One by one, they pretend to be sympathetic. He looked like he was not sure how to laugh at me."

 Yan Duo opened her mouth, simply not knowing what to say. Intellectually, she should understand that Hao Yunshu was in a bad mood now, but emotionally she still felt that Hao Yunshu was a bit indiscriminate, and what she had just experienced was also disturbing. If people are unhappy, Yan Duo will inevitably be a little angry.

 Hao Yunshu was still venting her full resentment: "Everyone said something nice and watched the fun in the guise of comforting me. In their hearts they were laughing at me. They scolded me for wearing revealing clothes and attracting perverts. I deserve it."

 "You used to say that I'm a coquettish person and that I'm not serious. I know everything about it. How come wearing two beautiful clothes is not serious? What does good grades have to do with whether I like to dress up or not? Are you gossips behind my back any more? What a good person."

 Yan Duo was silent for a moment, then raised his head and looked at Hao Yunshu's face and asked, "What kind of attitude do you think others should adopt when encountering this kind of thing so that you would feel satisfied?"

 Hao Yunshu: "I..."

 Without waiting for her answer, Yan Duo added: "I don't deny that the situation you just mentioned does exist. I also hate people like that, but are those people who comforted you just now watching your jokes? Are most people Isn't it because I sympathize with you?"

 Hao Yunshu: "I don't need..."

 Yan Duo interrupted her again: "Are you trying to say that you don't need sympathy from others? Sympathy is because people see others suffering misfortunes and hope that they will get better. It is human nature and instinct, and it is positive without any malice. This is the same emotion as when you see a blind man crossing the road and want to help him, without any irony. If the blind man said to you angrily, "I don't need your sympathy," would you be happy? People who say things like this are just living a comfortable life and are used to it! Ask those who can't even put food on the table if they need sympathy from others, they wish the whole world could sympathize with them."

 Hao Yunshu didn't expect Yan Duo to say so many words in one breath, and every word struck her heart. She couldn't help but retort: "I'm not saying that sympathizing with others is a bad thing. You don't understand my feelings at all. I haven't been since I was a child. A true friend, everyone around me does one thing in front of me and another behind my back. They seem to be very close to each other in front of me, but they all slander me behind my back. They say I am coquettish when I wear a nice dress, and I am not decent if I look a little better. After all, if something like this happened, others would definitely put the blame on me again. Do you think those people just now were really sympathizing with me? They were secretly happy to have something new to talk about when they returned home! I can decide who I provoke!"

 Yan Duo nodded: "I understand, some of those people will definitely tell what happened today as a joke when they get home, and maybe they will gloat that you deserve it."

 "So you still know." Hao Yunshu was furious, "I have been criticized a lot these years, and now it happens to me again. God is not fair to me at all."

 Yan Duo asked calmly: "Since you think your appearance has brought you such deep pain, then if I tell you that I can give you an ordinary face today, and I will never hurt you behind your back again, you You can also make a lot of 'real' friends, are you willing to change?"

 Hao Yunshu was stunned. She had never thought of such a thing. If it was really possible...

 "Of course you don't want to," Yan Duo said, "because when you are complaining that God is unfair to you, you are also enjoying the convenience brought by being beautiful. Beautiful people are more likely to be favored by others and get what they want. It will be much easier than ordinary people to get a job or find a partner in the future. With such a unique talent, what does a trivial matter like a few envious people slandering you behind your back mean? "

 Hao Yunshu blushed and said, "Why are you looking for a partner? I...I haven't thought about it so much."

 Yan Duo nodded in understanding and said: "Don't mind me, I'm not mocking you. The reason why I understand your feelings is because my situation is exactly the opposite to yours. I have been criticized by others since I was a child. I feel sick when people call me fat. I don't have many friends because I have had low self-esteem since I was a child and don't dare to interact with others. If I follow your logic, my life should be happier than yours. You're right, but that's not the case." She paused, organized her words, and then continued, "Everyone has their own troubles. People with average looks will worry that they are too ordinary, and people with a wide circle of friends will worry that they don't have one. Friends who treat each other sincerely, a fat guy like me will worry about why he is not a beautiful girl like you~"

 Hao Yunshu's expression almost broke out into laughter, and he hurriedly lowered his head in a desperate attempt to control his expression.

 Yan Duo smiled: "You are indeed quite unlucky today. Such a low-probability event can happen to you, but bad luck doesn't always haunt the same person. I would say there are still many good people in the world. point."

 Hao Yunshu lowered her eyes. She actually didn't agree with this statement.

 Yan Duo added: "Speaking of which, I am actually quite unlucky today. If someone hadn't happened to help me prove it, I might have been accused of intentional injury today, haha."

 Hao Yunshu frowned and said: "How is it possible? If this really happens, then I will definitely..." What she originally wanted to say was that if it really came to that point, then she would definitely stand up and testify for her, but she thought of herself The timid bear just now was speechless again.

 Yan Duo chuckled: "Actually, I know you didn't mean to say anything just now, but you just need a little time, right? Who doesn't have a problem in their heart?"

 After finally holding back her tears, Hao Yunshu's nose suddenly became sore again. At that time, she really didn't mean to escape. She was just struggling in her heart whether to stand up or not. She was really afraid of the days when people pointed fingers... ...But she herself is not sure whether she will really stand up in the end.

 Yan Duo: I was just trying to comfort her, but it seemed like she was about to cry again. Could it be that she was really going to stand by just now, so she felt sorry for me?

 Hao Yunshu: Wow, wow, why didn't I find her so eloquent before? It makes me want to cry again.

 Yan Duo: We can't cry anymore. Many people are looking at us.

 Hao Yunshu: If you can't hold it back, I'll shut you up.

 Passers-by A, B, B and D: A family ethics drama? Did a creditor happen to meet someone who owed a debt and refused to repay it? Mother educates daughter? A bit young.