
Not much homework, really not much

Using a skill once consumes 20 points of energy, and 300 points of energy will be exhausted instantly.

 However, Yan Duo saved it once and planned to use it on Teacher Yang.

 Teacher Yang is probably not in a good mood lately, and he handles things very simply and rudely. If a student who makes a mistake happens to hit the muzzle, he will have to walk around with nothing to eat.

 Yesterday, several boys in the class were caught by Teacher Yang eating sugar-roasted chestnuts together in the self-study class. After eating a hearty meal, they stood in the back of the classroom for two full classes with their heads hanging around their necks. bag.

 In fact, a similar thing happened in the class before. That time, several students were eating melon seeds during self-study class. Teacher Yang punished each of them to peel 300 melon seeds. After peeling, they handed them over to his office. The melon seeds were kindly provided by Teacher Yang. of...

 A few days ago, Zhang Ying was twenty minutes late in the morning. She was caught by Teacher Yang who came to check on her duties. Teacher Yang scolded her in front of the whole class: "If you don't want to go to morning self-study, you don't have to come anymore."

 The girl was so thin-skinned that her eyes turned red on the spot, and she didn't smile for several days afterwards.

 The worst thing was Gao Feng. He secretly played with his mobile phone during class and was confiscated by the physics teacher Zeng. After school, Teacher Yang came to the classroom before everyone left, patted Gao Feng on the back, and carried him directly to the office without knowing what he said.

 It is said that when Gao Feng came back that day, his steps were empty.

 A few days later, "Bao Qing" Jiao Yang got some news. He heard that something happened at Teacher Yang's family.

 Today, Teacher Yang's face was indeed as dark as the previous two days. Wherever he looked, all the students lowered their heads tremblingly, and there was a dead silence in the classroom.

 However, there are those who are not afraid of death. Yan Duo heard a girl whisper: "Teacher Yang is so pitiful. Something must have happened at home, and he still forces a smile on his face to teach us. If only he could do something to help him... "

 Yan Duo is embarrassed, it's only been one month since school started, and Teacher Yang's crazy fans have already appeared...

 When class started, Yan Duo took advantage of Teacher Yang's lowered head to flip through the textbook and quickly used consciousness control on him. The implication was: All big things will pass, and no matter what happens, the students are innocent...

 After a while, Teacher Yang's tense jaw relaxed a little, his face was not as dark as before, and he began to teach everyone.

 When get out of class was about to end, Teacher Yang assigned the homework to be written during the holiday. He took out one of the test papers and said: "This was originally prepared for you to do in the self-study class. I talked about it in class, and now I will give it to you to take back. Let's do it at home. Don't be all worried. This amount of homework was originally planned for you to take three days off, but now you only have one extra paper after seven days off. Is that much?"

 Everyone (some students still wore happy smiles) said listlessly: "Not much——"

 "Yes." Teacher Yang nodded, "During the holidays, you will need at least one extracurricular book and take notes. I will check them at any time if necessary."

 "I got it - (some students were overjoyed)"

 "You seem to be quite happy. Do you think I have too few arrangements? Do you want to add more?"

 "NO, NO, no!!! (Some students cried with joy)"

 Yan Duo buried his head deeply into the hole in the table... I was wrong, I was really wrong. I will never use my classmates to brush up on skill proficiency again.

 Two papers plus one essay, which means there are three essays alone, which is really not much, not much at all.

 After the Chinese class ended, assignments for other subjects were soon assigned. For each major course, two test papers were guaranteed, three papers were average, and there were several homework exercises. The teachers all said that there was not much homework this time. , seven days off! This little homework is nothing.

 When the representatives of each subject brought the homework back, Yan Duo piled it on the table one by one. After all, it was nearly forty centimeters by visual inspection.

 The students in Class 1 accepted it "with faces full of joy".

 The teachers immediately looked at Class 1 with admiration and lamented that the key class was a key class and they were so happy to see the homework.

 Ye Yun stuffed the homework into her bag, and when she was halfway there, she asked, "I can't even put it in my bag, how about you?"

 Yan Duo obviously couldn't fit it in either.

 So when school was over today, most of the students in the attached middle school went to the bus holding a thick stack of books.

 The most depressed person was Hao Yunshu. She had planned to go shopping on Hawthorn Road before going home, but she definitely couldn't go shopping with a pile of homework in her arms. "I'm not happy" was written all over her face.

 Yan Duo comforted her: "Let's finish our homework first. In the next few days, we can go shopping as much as we want."

 Hao Yunshu held a twenty centimeter-thick homework book and said, "Will there really be 'the next few days'..."

 Yan Duo: Probably...

 Hao Yunshu said: "Hey... I originally wanted to go to the boutique to pick out some gadgets as gifts for everyone."

 Yan Duo burst into tears: ...I still remember this.

 But then Hao Yunshu showed a confused expression: "But after I think about it carefully, it's better to stop it. If you give too many gifts, it won't be rare for everyone."

 Yan Duo shed more tears: It's great that you think so...

 ******I am the dividing line to home******

 Yan Jianjun worked the night shift tonight. After dinner, Yan Duo was dragged into their bedroom by Gu Liping, who started with "Let's have a chat," and then asked with a strange expression: "Doduo, has anything wrong with your dad recently?"

 "No?" Yan Duo was confused by her question.

 "Think about it again. He didn't say anything strange. Is there anything different from usual?" Gu Liping's expression was serious, which made Yan Duo also become serious.

 "It's not different. What happened to my dad?" Yan Duo's curiosity was aroused.

 "Yesterday, your dad... first asked me if I wanted to drink mung bean soup. I said I was too full and didn't want to drink it. Then he suddenly said that he was really sorry for me. He had lived with me for more than ten years and didn't even know that I didn't like mung bean soup with sugar. , and also said that there is no need to add sugar to mung bean soup in the future. If you like to add sugar, you can leave it if you don't! Then your dad said that he was too careless and didn't add sugar after so many years together. Knowing what I like and don't like, he also asked me what else I like to eat and play." Gu Liping frowned more and more, "I said I didn't have any special hobbies, they were all the same, but he still didn't believe me, so I just said. Just a few words..."

 "Then what?" Yan Duo's eyes widened.

 "Later... Anyway, I said a lot of things that I couldn't understand." Gu Liping's lips twitched when she thought about what happened last night.

 "Did you guys chat all night?" Yan Duo finally understood why his father had dark circles under his eyes when he woke up this morning.

 "There's never been a night when I was chatting and realized it was already 2 o'clock, so I fell asleep."

 Yan Duo's heart skipped a beat, wondering if it might have something to do with the skill he used last night, but he said, "Isn't this good? It's rare for my dad to talk to people."