

"Your wings have become stiff. Be like others and act bravely!" When my mother got angry, the queen's aura was fully activated, and Yan Duo was a little unable to resist.

 "You can't just ignore it..." Yan Duo whispered.

 "What if that person has a knife! Even without a knife, you, a little girl, can beat a grown man!" Gu Liping said with hatred.

 Yan Duo nodded mechanically.

 "With so many people in the car, don't you know how to ask for help? Just be a hero!"

 "Yes Yes..."

 "Don't be reckless next time you encounter something like this. You won't be so lucky every time. If you get hurt, it won't kill me!"

 Yan Duo was a little unconvinced: "What if no one cares about me when I ask for help?"

 "Then at least the matter is exposed, and the bad guys won't dare to do anything bad again."

 Yan Duo retorted to her: "This society is indifferent enough. It sees someone committing a crime and still ignores it. What should I do if one day I meet a bad person and everyone just stands by and watches."

 Gu Liping was shocked and speechless for a moment.

 Yan Jianjun couldn't help but interrupt: "That's not what your mother meant."

 Yan Duo tilted his head and looked at him: "What do you mean?"

 "No one wants this society to be indifferent. What your mother means is that as parents, we would rather you live a mediocre life than see you in a dangerous situation. To trade one life for the title of a hero, this news to us We have seen too much. Of course those heroes deserve our respect, but we don't want to see you become such a hero. We just want you to live in peace. "

 Yan Duo was silent for a while and then asked: "If someone is really dying..."

 Yan Jianjun said: "Of course you have to lend a helping hand when your safety is guaranteed. If you can't guarantee your safety, you can ask for help and do whatever you can. If you still can't be saved, then just do your best and accept fate!"

 Gu Liping nodded: "It sounds very selfish, but parents are all so selfish."

 Yan Jianjun added: "Perhaps society is indeed becoming more and more indifferent because of this, but ability equals responsibility. You are just a student, and society has not yet reached the point where you need to bear such a heavy responsibility."

 The topic was a bit heavy, so Yan Duo had a little insomnia when he went to bed at night.

 Since Yan Duo was reborn, she occasionally felt that she was different and a little bloated. Her parents' words seemed to wake her up and make her see clearly that she was still just a useless middle school student. In the eyes of his parents, he is the kind of person who may lose his life even if he acts bravely.

 Yan Duo has never been a parent, so she can't understand this feeling, but she is still touched.

 I would rather you be selfish, indifferent, have no noble moral character, or even be a scum of society, as long as you live safely.

 Only parents can say this, which is completely contrary to social moral standards.

 Yan Duo sighed and shrank his head into the blanket.

 Sometimes, people tend to react faster than they think. She was really just a conditioned reflex that day. Can she really stand by and watch the next time something like this happens?

 Hopefully there won't be a next time.

 After a few days, Yan Duo finally discovered a seven-color flower. She was so moved that she almost cried.

 It happened that the next day was my grandfather's birthday. That morning Yan Duo refreshed the tasks and got three relatively common tasks.

 Normal is also good, at least the task is simple and easy to complete.

 1. Say "good morning" to twenty different people before 8:00. Each time you say "good morning", you will get an additional 3 gold coins. Reward: 60 points of money, 60 points of experience, difficulty: A level, completion progress 0/20

 Yan Duo thought this was a good opportunity to make money, so he was very active and would greet every morning exerciser he saw enthusiastically. Although most of the morning exercisers were surprised, most of them smiled in response, and some simply pretended not to hear. The most interesting reaction was Jiang Wei. He was stunned for a moment and asked: "Is there something good?"

 Yan Duo had no choice but to laugh: "Yeah, I'm in a good mood today."

 There is also an old lady who said last time that she would bring her grandson to watch Yan Duo. Today she actually dragged her meaty grandson here. She was angrily scolding her grandson for being too lazy. When she saw Yan Duo coming, she became even more excited and kept saying: "Look at how diligent and polite my sister is, look at your lazy look biabia..."

 Yan Duo ran away quickly. If she didn't run away, her grandson's hatred would be transferred to herself.

 2. Apply for a Keke account. Reward: 20 points of money, 20 points of experience, difficulty: A level, completion progress 0/1

 Yan Duo didn't even have a computer at home, let alone the Internet. After dinner, she found an excuse to go to an Internet cafe, but she was blocked from entering by the words "No entry for minors" clearly visible on the door of the Internet cafe.

 By the way, she is still a minor.

 He had no choice but to change direction and go to Jiao Yang's house to borrow a computer. Jiao Yang's father was a junior leader. The family was in good condition and he had bought the computer a long time ago.

 Jiao Yang is a natural computer idiot, and he can't even play Koke. Seeing Yan Duo skillfully using the keyboard and mouse and typing to apply for Koke, Jiao Yang said depressedly: "Why do I feel that this computer is better?" It seems like it belongs to your family. When did you learn to use computers so quickly? I remember that your family didn't have a computer."

 Yan Duo nodded meaningfully: "Geniuses don't need explanations."

 Jiao Yang directly chased her to the living room.

 In the end, Yan Duo, under Jiao Yang's various coercion and inducements, helped her find a lot of interesting websites and added Keke before letting her go home.

 The last task is a little more troublesome, and I will definitely not be able to complete it today. Fortunately, I spent a lot of money on task one, and it is enough to pay off the final payment of Orchid.

 3. Use a high-level appraisal technique. The older the item is, the richer the reward will be. Reward: 100 points of money, 100 points of experience, difficulty: A level, completion progress 0/1

 That's right, the appraisal skill was upgraded a few days ago. To be precise, after the appraisal skill is fully proficient, an additional high-level appraisal skill will be added. The original appraisal skill will remain unchanged.

 Advanced identification technique: can obtain the detailed name of a target object, as well as a random detailed information. It consumes 100 energy points once, cannot be upgraded, and has a cooling time of 72 hours. (After use, the item and its randomly obtained information will be directly entered into the diary) The current cooling time remains: 20 hours and 8 minutes

 In other words, this newly obtained advanced identification technique can only be used once every three days. After use, not only can you know the name of the item or person being identified, but you can also get a random detailed information.

 This information is random, meaning anything is possible.

 On the day when the advanced identification technique was activated, the sixth page in the game, which had been in a gray state, was finally lit up.

 The name of the sixth page is: Diary