
future head teacher

Teacher Yang carried Mei Yimeng on his back, and considering that he was a male teacher, he ordered two girls, Yan Duo and Song Yang, to join him.

 Of course, Instructor Hong had no objection and immediately agreed, but Song Yang was confused. She didn't understand how this teacher who appeared out of nowhere knew her name.

 The infirmary was very close, but there was only one doctor, a young male doctor. Yan Duo and Song Yang were a little hesitant after helping Teacher Yang put him down, not knowing whether they should leave.

 To be honest, this doctor was probably an intern, and he was a little embarrassed when he saw that the person coming was a girl. He didn't even know where to put his hands and feet during the examination. They were really worried about the situation.

 Fortunately, another nurse came in at this time. The nurse skillfully untied the coat of Mei Yimeng's camouflage uniform. By this time, Mei Yimeng had already woken up, but her face was frighteningly white. The nurse took her temperature again and asked her if she was okay. Vomit. When taking the ice pack, the nurse said to Yan Duo and the three of them: "Go and sit aside first. Don't worry, it's not serious."

 Song Yang looked at her in surprise and asked, "Don't you need to check?"

 The nurse glanced at her and said, "Every year there is a queue of people coming to the military training infirmary. I have seen many students suffering from heatstroke."

 Yan Duo and Song Yang had no choice but to sit aside obediently. Teacher Yang asked a few more questions and followed them out.

 Everyone feels that compared with the doctors in this infirmary, the nurse is more like a doctor. The doctor is simply a foil.

 Yan Duo thought more. The nurse said that every year, students line up to suffer from heat stroke. If this were left for more than ten years, parents would not complain to the world!

 When Teacher Yang came out, Song Yang was very cautious. He stood up in a hurry and shouted: "Hello, teacher." Yan Duo also stood up and called: "Teacher Yang."

 Teacher Yang nodded and motioned for them to sit down quickly, then looked at Song Yang and then at Yan Duo, and said with a smile: "What a coincidence, two students I randomly found turned out to be familiar to me. It seems I must go there later." Bought a lottery ticket."

 Song Yang scratched her head in confusion. She couldn't remember when she had seen this teacher.

 Teacher Yang reminded her: "One year you represented the school in a recitation competition in the city and won the second prize. I was the leader of the high school team. Do you remember?"

 Song Yang suddenly realized that although the junior high school and senior high school of the attached high school were not together, they were still the same school after all, and they made unified arrangements when going out to participate in activities.

 Teacher Yang said to Yan Duo again: "I looked through your file a few days ago. I almost didn't dare to call your name just now. You have changed a lot in the past month or so."

 Yan Duo smiled and said, "I just think you are complimenting me."

 Teacher Yang laughed and said, "I was just complimenting you. You seem to be more energetic now. I was right not to treat you to ice cream last time."

 Song Yang's mouth opened in surprise, and he seemed to vaguely hear the sound of a click and the drop of his jaw.

 Then I heard Teacher Yang say: "But I still have to repay the favor I owe you. I will find an opportunity to treat you to something else next time."

 Yan Duo was embarrassed: "Teacher, you are too polite." Teacher Yang, couldn't he think of other ways to return favors besides eating, such as praising her more during the parent-teacher meeting...

 Song Yang, who had been unable to speak, was already thinking about whether he should pick up his chin and eyes from the ground.

 ******I am the dividing line******

 Mei Yimeng's condition was indeed not serious. Seeing that her condition was stable, the nurse gave her some medicine and told her that she could go to the dormitory and rest.

 Teacher Yang gave her a few words to tell her to have a good rest. He would say hello to the leading teacher and instructor and leave first.

 Of course, the delay was still a little longer. When Yan Duo and Song Yang helped Mei Yimeng back to the dormitory, everyone else had already returned from lunch.

 The roommates first asked about Mei Yimeng's condition. They heard that she would be fine as long as she rested for a while, and they were all happy for her.

 Ai Jia pointed to the three lunch boxes on the table and said, "Teacher Zhu asked us to bring you lunch. The lunch boxes belong to Teacher Zhu and will be returned to her later."

 Yan Duo thanked her, mixed the food with Song Yang, and handed one portion to Mei Yimeng first.

 Mei Yimeng blinked slowly and shook her head: "I don't want to eat it."

 "Then let's drink some water first." So some people went to get cups, and some people went to get water bottles, and they busied around enthusiastically.

 Yan Duo and Song Yang were really hungry, and when they got their chopsticks, there was a gust of wind and residual clouds.

 Song Yang asked everyone mysteriously while eating his rice: "Guess who the male teacher was just now?"

 In fact, everyone had already been discussing the identity of the male teacher just now. As soon as Song Yang opened her mouth, everyone's attention was instantly attracted to her.

 Song Yang smiled coquettishly: "Let me tell you! Our future teacher Yang!"

 There was an uproar in the dormitory. In fact, most students knew that the future head teacher of the first class was a male teacher named Yang, but few people had seen him. If they said they were not curious, it was definitely a lie.

 "I suspect that he has come to the military training base to observe us in the dark a long time ago. You see, he appeared so timely just now, and he was able to call us both by name. If he hadn't been prepared in advance, how could it be such a coincidence. And I found out A secret -" Song Yang was very excited. For a moment, he didn't care that his mouth was full of rice, and the rice was flying everywhere. Everyone was busy listening to the gossip, but they didn't mind it, "Yan Duo and Teacher Yang are acquaintances, Yang The teacher just said that he owed Yan Duo an ice cream or something, and also said that he would treat her to food in the future. "

 Yan Duo almost sneered: "What an acquaintance? I just met him once on the roadside. At best, he is just a passerby."

 "No matter, passerby classmate A." Song Yang's smile was like a little fox with squinting eyes, "If I commit adultery in the future, I'll have to rely on you to help me."

 Yan Duo put down his chopsticks and said righteously, "I will definitely kill my relatives out of justice."

 How could such a treat happen between two passers-by? Everyone recognized that Yan Duo and Teacher Yang were acquaintances, and immediately became energetic. They patted Yan Duo on the shoulder and said, "Everything will depend on you from now on." If you have any inside information, please inform us as soon as possible." No matter how Yan Duo explained, no one believed him.

 Yan Duo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and he felt like he couldn't argue for the first time.

 Although Instructor Hong and Teacher Zhu both said that Mei Yimeng could rest for a few more days and not be in a hurry to return to the team, she only rested for one day and went to work on the farm with everyone the next afternoon.

 However, starting from this day, the number of girls asking for leave suddenly increased.

 At first, it was because a few girls asked for leave because of their menstrual periods. Later, one after another girls asked for leave. Most of the reasons were because of their menstrual periods or simply saying that they were not feeling well.

 No one knows whether it's really uncomfortable or just trying to be lazy. Anyway, no one will compare it to the truth.

 So Yan Duo and his team suddenly lost eight people, and the remaining forty people could just fit into a rectangular shape.

 In the end, no one in Yan Duo's dormitory asked for leave.

 It's not that the people in their dormitory are particularly enlightened. In fact, at the beginning, Jiang Xiaoai and Ai Jia discussed whether to tell the teacher that she had a stomachache or her menstrual period when asking for leave...

 As a result, the sick and injured classmate Mei Yimeng went into battle even though she was sick. Those of them with rosy faces and full of vitality were really embarrassed to say that they were sick.

 ******A few days later******

 On the day the base arranged for everyone to watch an outdoor movie for the second time, many people did not go because the first time they watched the movie, the control was very loose, and some people ran away halfway without anyone noticing.

 The movie shown that day was "The Dog King". Yan Duo remembered that part of the plot was very sad, so he simply ran away to take a shower.

 When he returned to the dormitory after taking a shower, Yan Duo found that Ding Mingxue was the only one in the dormitory, sitting by the bed in camouflage uniform in a daze.

 Since the last sunscreen incident, Ding Mingxue has barely spoken to Yan Duo, and she always takes a detour when she sees Yan Duo.

 Yan Duo was very confused.

 "Ding Mingxue, who never shows weakness in confrontations with anyone, seems to be avoiding Yan Duo." This incident itself seems to imply to everyone that "Yan Duo is more terrifying than Ding Mingxue."

 Yan Duo was confused. She seemed to feel very safe, okay?

 So she took the initiative to say hello to Ding Mingxue: "Why didn't you go to the movie?"

 Ding Mingxue looked up and saw that it was her. She was a little surprised. She held her neck and said in a slightly aggrieved tone: "Anyway, you all don't like me. Why should I go alone?"

 Yan Duo: "..." Then you deserve it.

 Since the last rumor spread, everyone has intentionally or unintentionally alienated Ding Mingxue. Originally, Li Xiexin, who was on the bunk below her, had a few words with her because they shared sunscreen, but they also had a falling out this morning. .