
first random task

After finally successfully convincing the little boy, Yan Duo felt that his legs were numb from squatting. He never dreamed that he would have the opportunity to feed a kindergarten child chicken soup.

 In the end, Yan Duo spent money and took the little boy to buy a fluorescent bamboo dragonfly as a reward.

 The little boy ran away in surprise. Yan Duo dragged his sore legs and climbed to the top of the mountain again. He found an inaccessible place and released the fireflies. Before releasing them, he shined the light of the fireflies on the game console and thought to himself. This time it should be considered a progress.

 When I opened the game, I saw that the task of collecting light sources had been completed! ! ! ?

 Yan Duo: What kind of mysterious light was illuminated in the square just now... Could it be cosmic rays?

 This is nothing, there is an even bigger surprise waiting for her on the taskbar.

 The random taskbar that has been blank since the first time I turned on the game console is actually not empty today.

 Random tasks:

 Use any method to make a child experience the love and warmth of family, or to save a dying firefly.

 Reward: Completing any one of the two categories will reward you with 1,000 cash, completing both at the same time will reward you with 2,000 cash, and you will 100% get a random prop.

 Difficulty: Level B Completion Level: 2/2 (Completed)

 It turned out to be a completed task. There were so many surprises coming so fast that Yan Duo was caught off guard. The reward amount of 2,000 gold coins was so high that it made people question their life.

 Yan Duo actually felt a little uneasy. She carefully put away the game console and decided to go home and collect the reward.

 After returning home, she hid in her room, quietly closed the door, and turned on the game console again.

 System: The reward has arrived, money +500, and you will get a random prop. Please check it in the locker.

 System: The reward has arrived, money +2000, and a system prop has been obtained. Please check it in the locker.

 Looking at the three digits starting with three behind the money column, Yan Duo felt particularly satisfied. From today on, she was also a person with small assets. Looking through the products in the grocery store worth dozens or hundreds of dollars, I suddenly felt rich and wealthy.

 When I had no money, I wanted to buy everything I saw, but now I still want to buy whatever I see, but I still can't bear to buy it. I feel happy just looking at the numbers. Sure enough, I'm still used to being poor.

 Open the locker again to see the two newly obtained props.

 Passion Instant Noodles Triple Bucket: Within a month, the eater will be as energetic and passionate as if he had been injected with chicken blood. It can be used three times in a row.

 Bad Luck Talisman A: Makes the bearer's bad luck index +100 within 24 hours. This prop will be automatically hidden once it is activated, and its use level is 20.

 Not to mention the magic talisman that can only be used at level 20, Yan Duo always felt that the Passion Instant Noodles looked very familiar. After looking through it for a while, he found something called Passion Jelly in the storage cabinet.

 Passion Jelly: The person who consumes it will be as energetic and passionate as if he had been injected with chicken blood within a day.

 Even the instructions for use are almost identical.

 Yan Duo remembers that he spent 50 gold coins on the Passion Jelly, but the effect lasted only one day. The effect of this passion instant noodles lasts for a month, and it comes in three consecutive buckets, so it costs 4,500 gold coins! ! ?

 Why don't you just reward me with these 4,500 gold coins directly?

 Why do I always have tears in my eyes?

 Because I love this instant noodles deeply...

 The next day is Wednesday, which is also the first official day of class.

 Early in the morning, Yan Duo "touched" another state of appetite +10. For people who want to lose weight, this state is simply a nightmare.

 The first class is Teacher Zhu's English class.

 Teacher Zhu smiled and asked everyone: "Most of the students in our class already know me, right?"

 The girls all laughed. Not only did they know each other, but they also had some friendship with each other.

 English class may be the most relaxing class for Yan Duo. There are many things that need to be memorized. Yan Duo has already previewed (reviewed) the text during the summer vacation.

 Before class, Teacher Zhu asked everyone to introduce themselves in English in order of their seats, in order to get to know each other.

 The content of self-introduction is nothing more than name, English name, what hobbies I have, nice to meet you, hope to get along well with you... and so on, it is really not difficult for the students in the first class.

 When it was Yan Duo's turn, she finished smoothly. However, when Yan Duo was about to sit down, Teacher Zhu suddenly asked her a question in English.

 Yan Duo was stunned for a moment, then quickly answered the question fluently in English.

 Some students who didn't understand asked in a low voice: "What are they talking about?"

 "have no idea."

 In fact, the question Teacher Zhu asked was: "Do you feel that you have lost a lot of weight recently? You should also pay attention to your health when losing weight."

 Yan Duo's answer was: "Thank you for your concern. I exercise to lose weight."

 Students who understand will naturally smile knowingly.

 After Yan Duo finished speaking, it was the turn of Wu Chaojun who was sitting behind her. Wu Chaojun was one of the people who didn't understand at all. When Teacher Zhu talked to Yan Duo, he was stunned for a while.

 As a result, Yan Duo sat down and he didn't realize it until his deskmate Jiang Wei nudged him with his elbow and realized that it was his turn.

 In the end, he stuttered and even said his name three times before he could make it clear. There was a burst of low laughter in the classroom.

 Wu Chaojun sat down, and Jiang Wei asked him secretly: "What are you so scared about?"

 Wu Chaojun was embarrassed, so he couldn't help but vent his anger on Yan Duo, pointed at Yan Duo's back, and said angrily: "I'm not scared by that mountain-like body!"

 After he finished speaking, he thought about it for a while, and suddenly felt that his joke was really funny, so he simply lowered his voice and lay on the table laughing until his whole body was shaking.

 Jiang Wei frowned: Is it that funny?

 I couldn't help but glance at Yan Duo again. In fact, she was fine now. The first time I saw her in the small park, she was really called "Wei An".

 Yan Duo is only in the slightly fat world now. Those who still laugh at Yan Duo for being fat at this time are all from the junior high school of the Affiliated High School. Wu Chaojun is one of them. Although he and Yan Duo were not in the same class at all in junior high school, it does not hinder them. Making jokes about people's bodies behind their backs.

 After telling the same joke for three years, Wu Chaojun never got bored at all.

 The English class ended soon. Wu Chaojun felt that his performance in class was too embarrassing. In order to relieve the embarrassment, he went to the classmates with whom he had a better relationship and told the joke again, once again blaming the responsibility for his stuttering on himself. Yan Duo's figure.

 The two boys were actually very supportive, laughing so hard.

 Sitting in front of these two boys happened to be Xi Yin and Hao Yunshu. Xi Yin was so angry when she heard their conversation that she wanted to scold these three bitches right away.

 Hao Yunshu pulled Xi Yin and said to her, "I'll tell them."