
first day

Aijia looked out the window and said, "I don't know if it's over in the square. That instructor looks so scary."

 Before anyone could answer, Xi Yin took Huang Xiaomin's hand and came to visit.

 Huang Xiaomin's loud voice could be heard throughout the dormitory: "Did you see that girl is still standing there!"

 As soon as he finished speaking, everyone's ears perked up, those who were chatting stopped chatting, and those who were packing their luggage also stopped.

 Jiang Xiaoai shook her head: "I don't know, you can't see the square from the window."

 Huang Xiaomin said: "You can see it from our dormitory. Do you want to take a look?"

 Ai Jia suddenly became excited: "Go, go, of course, let's go together!"

 Everyone's eyes were full of gossip. Huang Xiaomin waved her hand and led the gossip crowd to run briskly to the dormitory next door.

 Song Yang tried to use her actions to tell everyone that she was not actually a gossip. She pretended to be calm and said that it was not good for so many people to watch gossip together, so she stopped going... but was dragged away directly by Ai Jia.

 Ai Jia ran to the door. Seeing several other students still hesitating, she shouted: "We want to watch the fun together!" After that, she ran away.

 It is probably natural for Chinese people to love watching the excitement. Under Ai Jia's encouragement, Li Jing and Mei Yimeng couldn't help but follow.

 Ding Mingxue curled her lips and did not follow them, looking like she couldn't stand them. Zhang Ying saw that Ding Mingxue didn't go, so she hesitated and didn't go either. Li Xiexin still packed her things silently, as if she was unaware of the sounds from the outside world.

 Yan Duo actually didn't understand what was so interesting about a student just standing there for punishment. Instead, she felt that the fact that so many people rushed up to watch the excitement was much more interesting than standing for punishment.

 A group of people happily rushed to the dormitory next door, which shocked other students in the dormitory next door. When they heard that everyone was here to watch the fun, they started talking about it.

 The windows of the dormitory are quite big, so it's no problem to squeeze in three or four people. The scene of rows of heads taking turns squeezing the windows is quite spectacular.

 However, after watching the excitement, everyone was no longer excited.

 After a moment of silence, Jiang Xiaoai said tangledly: "The instructor must be too cruel."

 "Yeah." Everyone agreed.

 Originally, there were a lot of people standing in the square, and the girl stood out among the crowd. Now there are fewer and fewer people in the square, and there is a large open space around the girl. Standing there alone, it looks so desolate.

 Huang Xiaomin said: "If she had gone running with others just now, it would not have been so embarrassing. Now everyone only looks at her and has forgotten the runner."

 Xi Yin despised this kind of thing and nodded in agreement.

 Mei Yimeng's idea was a little different. She whispered, "Maybe she is not in good health and she really can't run ten laps?"

 Huang Xiaomin has been a class monitor for many years, and it became clear when she applied the effective method of hitting teachers with a stick and giving sweet dates to instructors. She told everyone: "The instructors are just trying to scare the monkeys. As long as the purpose of establishing prestige is achieved, it should be It won't be too difficult for them."

 Yan Duo looked out the window and nodded: "No one is watching over there at the playground. They can run away however they want."

 No matter what, the days ahead are definitely going to be difficult. Everyone returned to their dormitories with a heavy step. Some people wanted to laugh, but when others didn't speak, they had no choice but to shut up.

 Zhang Ying looked at them curiously, wanting to ask but not daring to ask.

 Ding Mingxue said contemptuously: "In poor taste." The voice was neither loud nor quiet, just enough for everyone to hear. Zhang Ying quickly pulled her sleeves to signal her not to say anything.

 Someone was originally in a bad mood, but Ding Mingxue's words were like adding fuel to the fire. Li Jing, the most explosive, slapped the table and shouted: "What nonsense are you talking about!!"

 Ding Mingxue was not afraid of her. She rolled her eyes and said, "I didn't mention you by name. Why do you like to match up with others so much? Do you think people often say you are in bad taste?"

 Li Jing rolled up her sleeves and was about to hit someone, but the others quickly stopped her.

 It just so happened that the assembly whistle sounded downstairs.

 Li Jing had no choice but to give up her plan to beat him up and said viciously: "Remember this."

 Children who have just graduated from junior high school are indeed innocent, and their threats are so simple and crude.

 Ding Mingxue said disdainfully: "Your face is so big, it's hard not to remember."

 Li Jing almost rushed forward again, but Yan Duo and others had no choice but to hold on behind.

 Yan Duo didn't have deep memories of these classmates whom he had only known for one semester before his rebirth, so he also used concentration when he identified their names just now.

 Just like in memory, Li Jing and Ding Mingxue have been at odds since the beginning of military training.

 When it comes to talking, Li Jing is indeed very good at talking. She is often made furious by Ding Mingxue, but she has a fiery temper that makes her angry at the slightest disagreement. Most people don't dare to offend her.

 As for Ding Mingxue... The first day we met, he offended almost everyone with just one sentence, which is considered a strange thing. However, she is confident and most people are not willing to offend her. It is said that Ding Mingxue's father works in the education department. There seems to be a vice principal in our school who is Ding Mingxue's uncle. Both brothers work in education. No wonder she is not afraid of offending her. people.

 Yan Duo still remembers the rumors in the school during her freshman year of high school that Ding Mingxue was able to get into the first class not by grades at all, but by connections.

 The other people gathered around (tugged) the two girls who were groaning in anger, and kept trying to persuade them: "Okay, okay, let's talk about it later! If you don't hurry up, you will be punished by standing still."

 When we arrived at the square, it was already completely dark. The stubborn girl had disappeared and was probably lost in the sea of people.

 The instructor directed everyone to line up according to the order of the dormitories. Hundreds of students huddled together. The square was noisy, but no one dared to speak loudly. Coincidentally, Li Jing and Ding Mingxue were about the same height, and Li Jing was standing behind Ding Mingxue. As soon as the two people met, they immediately started to release sparks to each other, but they didn't dare to speak.

 When all the freshmen arrived, the instructors and the vice-principal in charge of military training began to take turns giving routine lectures. They were all talking like the third child, making everyone yawn.

 When the vice principal came to the stage to speak, Yan Duo happened to see Ding Mingxue smiling proudly at Li Jing. Li Jing was puzzled by her smile. So Yan Duo began to suspect that the vice-principal was Ding Mingxue's uncle. Although the vice-principal was half-bald and had a square face, the more Yan Duo looked at him, the more he felt that he looked similar to Ding Mingxue's pointed face.

 After the lecture, it was lunch time. Under the leadership of the teacher, everyone lined up to eat in the cafeteria.

 There is one table for ten people in the cafeteria, which is exactly one table for one dormitory.

 The conditions of the cafeteria here are not as good as those in university cafeterias. Each person has one meal. To eat here, each dormitory must first pick up five large basins and ten sets of tableware, and then line up to get the meals. The basins are very large, so two people must divide the labor. Cooperate, one person holds a bowl and the other holds the food. Each table has one bowl of rice, two bowls of vegetarian dishes, one bowl of meat dishes, and one bowl of soup. If there is not enough, you can add more, but no food is wasted.

 This is easy to handle. Yan Duo is in a group with Jiang Xiaoai, Ai Jia is in a group with Song Yang, Li Jing is in a group with Mei Yimeng, Zhang Ying is in a group with Ding Mingxue, and Qiu Yong is in a group with Li Xiexin. After the meal, Zhang Ying and Mei Yimeng took the initiative to get the tableware. The others were too embarrassed to eat ready-made, so each group sent one person.

 The food in the cafeteria really doesn't taste that good. Although it's not bad, the vegetarian dishes and soups are bland. The only meat dish is braised chicken, which is too salty. There are far more ingredients such as chili pepper and garlic than chicken nuggets. As a result, the meat dishes that were expected to be sold out were completely unpopular, and there were a lot of them left. Because of the regulations not to waste food, all the meals had to be eaten, so some people started to complain that there were too many vegetables.

 Ai Jia and Song Yang were preparing the meat dishes, and they gnawed the chicken bones in silence without saying a word.

 Ding Mingxue didn't even use her chopsticks to eat dishes she didn't like, so she didn't complain. Mei Yimeng is a petite girl with a slightly pale face. She just responded to the sentence of "feeling weak". After eating a few mouthfuls, she whispered that she was full and couldn't hold it anymore.

 The others had no choice but to hold on hard. Song Yang comforted himself: "At least I know that I can't eat too much food in the future."

 In addition, the meal was a bit too much. Yan Duo and Jiang Xiaoai made the meal. Both of them were very ashamed. Thanks to Li Jing, a big eater, she kept saying "It's okay, it's okay" and rounded up the leftover rice. .

 As a result, Ding Mingxue was caught laughing at her for being a loser, and they almost started arguing again. At this time, Teacher Zhu passed by and saw their clean plates and said in surprise: "Your table is not bad at all." "Waste." She said happily, "Among the girls in my journey, you are the only one who has not wasted food. You should be commended."

 The ten girls looked at each other, and Ai Jia couldn't help but ask: "Isn't it forbidden to waste food?"

 "It's not allowed." Teacher Zhu chuckled, "But we can't overwhelm you. If you get too hungry later, someone will report us and say that we are abusing the future of our motherland."

 Li Jing burped heavily and didn't want to talk or quarrel anymore.

 Yan Duo felt that he had gotten to know Teacher Zhu again. He was afraid of being reported or something, so he told the students so straightforwardly.

 But this way Teacher Zhu is not annoying.

 Later, Yan Duo also saw several students reporting to the teacher that today's dishes were salty and bland, and suggested improvements. As a result, they were scolded a lot, saying that they were here for military training and not for a restaurant.

 After lunch, everyone lined up to go back to the dormitory.

 Taking advantage of the free time during the lunch break, several young instructors came to the dormitory to teach everyone how to fold quilts and place daily necessities.

 The instructor who teaches Yan Duo and their dormitory is named Qi and looks to be a few years older than them. He tried desperately to put on a serious expression, but his childish face betrayed him, and Yan Duo couldn't help laughing until his stomach hurt.

 In the end, Instructor Qi also reminded them that there would be checks at night, and if they were caught not sleeping... Starting from tomorrow, they would also be randomly checked to see if the quilts and daily necessities were placed in a standard manner. If they were not up to standard...

 Always, you know.

 Yan Duo and others all said that we understand, we really do.