
Early dismissal incident

When they got home, Gu Liping and Yan Jianjun still felt strange about what they were doing with their classmates and why they were carrying such big bags.

 Yan Duo threw the remaining cucumbers into the kitchen for her own salad. She vowed never to grow cucumbers again.

 The biggest feature of high school is that there are many exams and homework. Basically, the homework in one weekend is worth several days in ordinary days. If you procrastinate a little, you may not be able to finish it.

 However, Yan Duo is focused and can handle even more homework in one day.

 On Tuesday morning, the teachers had basically finished correcting the homework collected on Monday. Teacher Yang enthusiastically selected and read several excellent essays, among which Yan Duo's essay was prominently included.

 Yan Duo discovered that Teacher Yang especially liked emotional compositions. She had been particularly fond of sensational writing recently, and Teacher Yang would give high marks to almost every composition.

 Now Teacher Yang looks at Yan Duo more and more kindly. For the first time in his life, Yan Duo feels proud to be "the kind of student who is favored by the teacher."

 Now the classmate's title for her has changed from "the one who came first in the Chinese language test" to "the one who writes well in essays".

 Yan Duo was helpless, didn't she have a name?

 Today she also received a gift from Hao Yunshu - a furry bag pendant.

 Yan Duo was very puzzled, so Hao Yunshu reminded her: "Didn't you say that there should be a back-and-forth when giving gifts?"

 Yan Duo couldn't laugh or cry: "Sister, your understanding is not endless."

 Hao Yunshu then smiled and said, "Today is your birthday."

 Yan Duo was surprised. Even Jiao Yang and Xi Yin didn't know her birthday. How did Hao Yunshu know it.

 Hao Yunshu was so proud that she asked her to go back and guess slowly, but she wouldn't say anything anyway.

 Yan Duo glanced at the class contact book hanging on the wall speechlessly. You were on duty for the past two days, beauty.

 Recently, Hao Yunshu's old classmates generally think that Hao Yunshu's temper has become gentler and she has more smiles on her face. However, classmates who just met her this semester commented that she is a cold-looking girl with a soft heart, coupled with her outstanding appearance. , most of the boys in the class recognized her as the class beauty of Class 1, a goddess-level existence.

 Wu Chaojun only cried silently in her heart after being criticized several times: You have all been deceived by her appearance——

 Yan Duo also feels that Hao Yunshu's character is softer than before, but she has reason to suspect that the reason is that "broken love makes people mature."

 The third class in the afternoon is information technology class, which is also the legendary computer class.

 The computer class and the physiological hygiene class are regarded as two legendary courses by the students of the attached middle school. The reason why they are legendary courses is because they have not seen them several times since they entered high school. They are either occupied by major main courses or arranged for self-study.

 Class 1, Grade 1, had an information class last week. Information teacher Tao was a lively and talkative young man, completely different from Yan Duo's impression of the silent IT industry otaku. After one class, Teacher Tao gave Yan Duo the impression that his computer skills were actually very average, roughly the same as Yan Duo who had passed Level 2 in computer science. Of course, it was more than enough to teach a group of high school students who were new to computers.

 This week, it is said that in order to respond to the national call for quality education, the computer room was ready to be renovated and upgraded, but classes were suspended again.

 Everyone heard that the computers in the computer room were going to be replaced with better ones, so naturally they were extremely excited. They had no complaints about the suspension of classes, but they just didn't know which teacher would take up this class.

 As a result, a class of students waited and waited in the classroom. After waiting for half a class, no teacher came. In the end, Teacher Yang asked an unknown teacher to inform them that they could go home.

 Happiness came so suddenly, and the students said they were caught off guard. Since entering junior high school, they have almost never been sent home before finishing the third period. Could it be a mistake? As the squad leader, Yu Wenyou raised this question on behalf of everyone.

 The teacher said impatiently: "How could it be wrong? Let's go home."

 Everyone in the other classes had already run away with joy, but the students in Class 1 were still a little hesitant and even asked, "Should we finish this self-study class before leaving?"

 Seeing that this group of "good students" were so eager to learn, the teacher's tolerance immediately became much higher. He waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's go. I also want you to read more books and learn more." It's not all the people who reported it."

 What report? One sentence piqued everyone's curiosity.

 After the teacher left, everyone turned their attention to Ding Mingxue. Isn't your relative the vice-principal? Isn't your father the bureau of education? He should know some inside information.

 Seeing so many eyes staring at her, Ding Mingxue said angrily: "It's all about me. I don't know anything."

 The classmates around her gave her gossipy suggestions: "Why don't you go back and ask about it?"

 Ding Mingxue was not interested in this kind of thing and said perfunctorily: "Let's talk about it later."

 Yan Duo's only thought about leaving school early is that she regrets it. She would have brought all the things to sell vegetables if she had known earlier. Today, the new crop of tomatoes has matured again, and the harvest is particularly good, with more than forty .

 In fact, Yan Duo wants to grow fruits more. The vegetables are so delicious, but the fruits are not so delicious that they can be swallowed by the tongue.

 It's a pity that Yan Duo's warehouse has no space, and fruit seeds are very expensive, requiring 3-20 souls. She doesn't understand why the price of fruits is several times that of vegetables.

 After getting off the bus, Yan Duo returned to her community. From a distance, she saw several people surrounding her door, and a harsh "dang-dang-dang" sound reached her ears.

 The smash mark on the courtyard door at home suddenly appeared in his mind. Yan Duo's heart skipped a beat, and he packed his school bag and ran forward.

 The closer he got to his home, the clearer Yan Duo could see. The people surrounding the door were all neighbors. It was not yet after get off work, so there were not many people watching the excitement.

 Uncle Liu next door stopped at the door and was saying something to an old lady in her sixties holding bricks in her hands. Yan Duo used his identification skills to find out that the old lady's name was indeed Fang Yuzhen.

 Good guy, last time it was a stick, this time it has become a brick, and even the weapons have been upgraded.

 Just listen to Uncle Liu say: "If you have something to say, why don't you wait until the other person comes back to say it? Why do you have to break down the other person's door?"

 Yan Duo became angry when he heard this. He rushed over angrily and said to the neighbors who were watching: "What's going on? Is someone going to break into the house? Some uncle or aunt can lend me a mobile phone and ask me to call the police!"

 Uncle Liu saw Yan Duo and said quickly: "Yan Duo, you're back just in time. Call your mother and ask her to come back."

 Another neighbor, Aunt Lu, said: "I've already been beaten and I'll probably be back soon."

 Fang Yuzhen was stunned when she heard about calling the police or something, but she became more energetic when she heard that she was Gu Liping's daughter: "You are Gu Liping's daughter. Call your mother out quickly and let's have a good talk."

 Yan Duo raised his eyebrows and said sternly: "What do you want to say? The door lock is hanging outside and you can't see it clearly? You know that there is no one at home, so you smashed the door of my house with rocks, or are you planning to break into the house?" , or it was intentional destruction of other people's property. Fortunately, the neighbor uncles and aunts discovered it early and stopped your criminal behavior. Otherwise, you can choose one of these two crimes. "

 Fang Yuzhen was also very angry when she saw Yan Duo talking about robbing and committing crimes. However, there were so many people around and she could only suppress her anger and said: "Children are talking nonsense. Who knows if your mother is hiding in there and refusing to come out? Why don't I smash it?" When I knocked on the door, she pretended not to hear it!"

 Yan Duo sneered: "Then you go in and try to lock the door from the inside. If it doesn't lock, it proves that you are talking nonsense and are actually here to cause damage. In this case, I can call the police and arrest you."

 Fang Yuzhen stomped her feet angrily: "What do you mean by sabotage? What do you know? Your mother owed me money and refused to pay it back. She avoided me all day long. I still want to call the police! They said I broke the law and didn't pay back the money. It's illegal. If you can, sue me and let's see who is unlucky in the end!"

 "Okay." Yan Duo nodded, "Uncle Liu, please call 110 for us. Just say that someone came to my house to cause trouble, destroyed my property and tried to blackmail me."

 Uncle Liu couldn't figure out what was going on in their home at all, and he thought there was a real property dispute between them. Of course he didn't dare to call the police, so he just took out his cell phone as a pretense.

 Of course Fang Yuzhen didn't hit the door with a brick just to break it open, but to deliberately make such a loud noise. It was best to make the noise known to everyone, so that Gu Liping would be unbearable and have no choice but to compromise with her. She didn't really want 30,000 yuan, but she just wanted to blackmail her a little more. If Gu Liping really couldn't bear it, he could give her 12,000 yuan. If Gu Liping really didn't want to, she would accept 3,000 yuan. .

 She just wanted to ask Gu Liping for money, and didn't want to have any more entanglements with Yan Duo. In her eyes, Yan Duo was just a child who definitely didn't understand anything. She thought that as long as she used the fact that Gu Liping owed money and violated the law to scare her, she would be able to do it. Scare her off.

 Unexpectedly, Yan Duo didn't accept this trick at all. Fang Yuzhen immediately got angry and smashed the brick in her hand on the ground, cursing: "I'm just here to make trouble. What's the matter? Your mother owes me money." If you don't pay back, don't let me cause trouble!"

 Uncle Liu and Aunt Lu were afraid that she would hurt Yan Duo, so they quickly stood between them and said to Yan Duo: "Don't worry about this matter. Wait until your mother comes back and ask your mother to handle it."

 Fang Yuzhen was still shouting: "You yellow-haired girl can't do anything. If I don't tell you, ask your mother to tell me. It's okay if you don't pay back the money you owe!"

 Yan Duo said coldly: "I have the final say in my family's affairs. My mother never owes anyone money. Since you say that my mother owes money and won't pay it back, then take out the IOU. If you can't take it out, let's discuss it and throw it away." Calculate how much you should pay for damaging my door."

 Fang Yuzhen was stunned: "How can there be an IOU for the bride price?"

 Yan Duo said: "If there is no IOU, call for witnesses. Otherwise, if you say that my mother owes you money and refuses to pay it back for no reason, can I sue you for defamation without evidence?"

 Fang Yuzhen shouted angrily: "In any case, it is true that your mother accepted the bride price from my family back then, and your mother admitted it herself. Now that we are divorced, isn't it right for me to get the bride price back? This is the same everywhere, who dares to say I shouldn't ask for this money."

 More than ten years have passed since the incident, and naturally there are no witnesses.