
Dude, come and take a social class class

Hao Yunshu turned around, raised the corners of her pretty eyes, and said to Wu Chaojun: "So you were the one who couldn't even introduce yourself in class just now? Are you afraid that others won't hear you when you speak so loudly?"

 Wu Chaojun was stunned by the beauty's eyes. He quickly came to his senses and said with a flushed face: "What does it have to do with you?".

 "I think I heard you say you were scared?" Hao Yunshu held his chin and acted like I didn't hear clearly.

 What do you mean by being scared! Wu Chaojun had the urge to repeat the joke just now to regain his position, but at last he was not too stupid. Telling such a joke in front of a girl was not a way to get back at him, so he had no choice but to talk nonsense.

 Hao Yunshu sighed heavily and said, "Is it an earthquake or aliens attacking the earth? You are so scared that you can't even speak when the teacher asks you a question. You are really promising."

 Wu Chaojun thought to himself that this girl must be a little too familiar. She didn't even know her yet, so she taught her a lesson.

 He was a little worried about his face, and replied to Hao Yunshu with an unhappy look: "Beauty, you have to worry about too much."

 Hao Yunshu looked stern and said in a very serious tone: "I'm not joking with you, this is a very serious question."

 Then Hao Yunshu educated Wu Chaojun in all aspects, from "the face of the first class" to "the backbone of a man", and from "cultivation of psychological quality" to "social development", and finally said with a heavy face : "Although society has become degenerate, our generation cannot be confused. The future of the world still rests on our shoulders. Do you want to leave a beautiful and harmonious future to your next generation, or a decadent, The future is about to be destroyed. There are still so many ups and downs waiting for us in the future life. A small question in class will knock you down, and you don't even have the courage to face mistakes, and you are always thinking about what to do. If you shirk responsibility, how can you shoulder the future with such a psychological quality? You still think I'm meddlesome after talking too much, but modern society is full of such a depressing situation, how can I not feel sad and how can I not say a few words. Forget it, I'd better not say anything and let society continue to deteriorate! Hey..."

 The two boys stared at her dumbfounded. Their mouths were so big that they could fit an egg in. They almost became suspicious of life due to her words.

 And Wu Chaojun...

 who I am? Where do I come from? Where am I going?

 He has lost himself...

 Xi Yin looked at Hao Yunshu with admiration and exclaimed: "Hao Yunshu, I have never seen you show off your power before. Only when I saw you today did I understand what it means to be a talker."

 Hao Yunshu said calmly: "My mother is the office director of the unit and often writes documents at home."

 So Xi Yin became even more admirable, but she was still a little worried: "What if he doesn't like your behavior at all, and instead wants to cause trouble for you?"

 Hao Yunshu said expressionlessly: "Then he will be miserable. I can't guarantee that he can go home safely."

 Xi Yin thought that the beauty was really confident, and she became Hao Yunshu's die-hard fan from then on.

 No one knew how devastated Wu Chaojun was when he returned to his seat. In fact, he wanted to defend himself, but he felt that no explanation was right. The beauties had already said that there were earthquakes and aliens attacking places below the earth. It's nothing. If he dares to say that he was scared by a fat girl, maybe the topic will rise to the level of the universe!

 Obviously he went to his friend to save face, but now he felt even more embarrassed than before.

 As one of the parties involved, Yan Duo knew nothing about this matter. In fact, she had long been immune to others making fun of her as a "fat girl". Even if she heard it in person, she would just laugh it off. Strictly speaking, she is now Loli's aunt in appearance. Is it possible that she still has to argue with children?

 After school in the afternoon, Jiao Yang came to Yan Duo and told her that there was a street specializing in women's products nearby, selling everything from clothes and accessories to various snacks. He asked her if she wanted to go shopping before going home.

 Yan Duo knew it was Hawthorn Road, and she loved walking there before she was reborn, so she agreed.

 When I walked to the door, I met Hao Yunshu who was carrying a bag and was about to go home. Yan Duo also invited her by the way.

 Hao Yunshu and Jiao Yang looked at each other. Suddenly there was lightning and thunder, dark clouds gathered, and no one spoke for a long time.

 Yan Duo waved his hands in front of them depressedly and asked, "Are you going or not?"

 Jiao Yang said angrily: "Of course you go! Why not go!" She was the one who initiated this activity.

 Hao Yunshu really didn't want to go, but Jiao Yang's tone made her feel that if she didn't go, it would be as if she was afraid of Jiao Yang. If you lose, you won't lose, so she said firmly: "Go!"

 The shopping trio was temporarily formed.

 Hawthorn Road is actually a mini pedestrian street. Vehicles are not allowed to enter. It sells women's products, especially girls' products. It has the most jewelry stores and clothing stores, as well as handicrafts, pets, potted plants, bedding, etc.

 However, what impressed Yan Duo the most was the snacks on Shanzhao Road. Among them, there is a boiled tofu shop and a hibiscus egg roll that Yan Duo must eat every time he comes.

 Cooking dried tofu is actually more than just dried tofu. You can also add kelp, tofu skin, duck blood, vermicelli, lettuce, etc. according to the needs of foodies. Add delicious soup and add a little chili sauce. The fragrance can spread hundreds of meters away. .

 Yan Duo solemnly recommended boiled dried tofu to them and treated them both to a portion.

 The taste of the soup is still as delicious as in memory. Yan Duo prefers the dried tofu and duck blood in it. These two things absorb the soup and taste full of flavor.

 It was the first time for Jiao Yang and Hao Yunshu to eat, so they both followed Yan Duo and asked for more dried tofu and duck blood. Jiao Yang also asked for a little more chili. This child loves spicy food and would feel sluggish without chili for a day.

 The three of them walked around and ate with disposable small bowls. After walking about 50 to 60 meters, all three of them actually finished eating.

 Jiao Yang reluctantly threw the small bowl away and asked, "I think it's delicious, what do you think?"

 Hao Yunshu and Yan Duo nodded. Although neither of them wanted to admit that they were foodies, it was delicious.

 Jiao Yang asked cautiously: "Does anyone want to eat again?"

 So the foodies turned around and went back to buy a bowl each. After finishing the second bowl, the three of them finally started shopping with satisfaction.

 Jiao Yang is keen on looking at all kinds of bags recently, Yan Duo prefers looking at clothes because she has lost weight, and Hao Yunshu is good-looking and she likes to look at them all. Anyway, if you are good-looking, you will look good in anything.

 Sun protection clothing is particularly popular this year, and all kinds of sun protection clothing, sun protection hats, sun protection cloaks, sleeves and masks are selling extremely well.

 Yan Duo's interest in sun protection has greatly increased since the military training. After lingering in a clothing store for a while, he unexpectedly found a particularly unique long sun protection garment among a pile of sun protection clothing.

 Yan Duo took it off and tried it on, and it was just above the knee.

 At this time, Hao Yunshu finished shopping in another store and happened to walk into this one. Yan Duo quickly called her to come over and look at this dress and asked, "Does it look good?"

 Hao Yunshu's eyes lit up and he nodded.

 Yan Duo took off his clothes and handed them to her. Hao Yunshu took the clothes and put them on to try on.

 Speaking of having a good figure, it is different. Hao Yunshu wears it much better than Yan Duo. The light and soft fabric looks particularly elegant. What will this effect be called in a few years? By the way, it's "immortal".

 An ordinary piece of sun-protective clothing actually gave her a magical look.

 Yan Duo sighed: "This long one is better than the short one. Wearing a skirt in summer can also block the arms and legs. It can protect from the sun and can be worn as a jacket. Unfortunately, it doesn't work well for me."

 Hao Yunshu's heart moved, and she thought about how she would be criticized if she wore a dress with off-shoulders and waist in the summer. If she wore such a dress outside, no one would be able to say anything... The problem is She didn't plan to go shopping today, and she didn't bring that much money with her.

 Seeing her frowning and not speaking, Yan Duo asked, "Do you like it?"

 Hao Yunshu nodded.

 Yan Duo asked again: "Want to buy it?"

 "I think..." Hao Yunshu hesitated for a moment. She really liked this dress, but not bringing any money was a big problem. She didn't know how much money they had brought, and whether they would lend her some first.

 To be honest, she had never asked anyone to borrow money, and she really didn't know how to ask.

 Who knew that she was considering whether to ask for a loan? Yan Duo had already called the boss to tell her that she had bought this dress, and it was too late to stop her.

 Then she watched dumbfounded as Yan Duo and the boss exchanged words. The boss gave them a cheap price with heartache (probably pretending), thinking that's all. In the worst case, he could just ask them to borrow some.

 Unexpectedly, before she could speak, Yan Duo had already paid the money and said to her, "I gave it to you."

 Hao Yunshu frowned: "Why do you give me something for no reason?"

 Speaking of this, Yan Duo was also forty-five degrees sad: "Didn't you give me sunscreen before? I wish I had known that that bottle of sunscreen was so expensive. I wouldn't accept it casually no matter what."

 Hao Yunshu was stunned for a moment and said: "I gave you sunscreen to express my gratitude. If you give me something back, what does that mean?"

 "This is what comes and goes." Yan Duo chuckled, "Our country has always been about courtesy and reciprocity. Of course you have to reciprocate gifts when you receive them. Besides, the price of this dress is not half as expensive as the sunscreen you gave me. If I have a rare opportunity, let me show off my wealth."

 "When you receive a gift, you have to give a gift in return..." Hao Yunshu murmured to herself. Family relationships were all the parents' business. She had never had this concept before.

 Yan Duo's words were humorous and tactful. In addition, this was the first time in Hao Yunshu's life that he had received a gift from a friend. It felt very novel and he was convinced instantly. (Gifts given by boys are not included in her calculations)

 Since knowing the price of the bottle of sunscreen, Yan Duo has been thinking about it until now. Seeing that Hao Yunshu finally agreed to accept the clothes, his worries were finally put aside.

 After leaving the store, "rich" Yan Duo touched his empty wallet and his heart was filled with tears of noodles.