
Break a household appliance

Yan Duo was woken up by the alarm clock the next morning. She didn't feel too hungry today because she took "Metabolism Boosting Cream Mate".

 After getting up, I habitually look at the game console first.

 Yesterday's task of consuming no more than 1,300 calories throughout the day was also completed. The money has increased to 165, the game level has been upgraded to level 11, and the professional title has been upgraded from beginner to bachelor. The next level requires 200 hours of study. However, you cannot learn the next skill.

 After praying in the church, Yan Duo got a state of +60 strength. She tried it on her chair and actually raised it easily with one hand. It felt like a monster was possessing her. Yan Duo was a little shocked.

 Checking the store again, among the several products today, one product called "FDZ-802 Genetically Modified Orchid (Free Nutritional Cultivation Soil with Purchase)" caught Yan Duo's attention, and Yan Duo immediately thought of the nutrients in the warehouse flowerpot.

 Yan Duo thought that his grandpa's birthday gift had not yet been received. It would be appropriate to buy a pot of orchids as a gift to his grandpa, but he didn't know if this orchid with a weird name would also look weird. And the price is a bit expensive, requiring 385 gold coins.

 With a glimmer of hope, Yan Duo talked to all the NPCs. Unfortunately, he didn't receive any special tasks, so he had to use the seven-color flower to refresh the daily tasks.

 The new tasks are as follows:

 1. Give a friend a gift that makes him happy. Reward: 30 points of money, 30 points of experience, difficulty: A level, completion progress 0/1

 2. Let 20 strangers cheer for you. Reward: 120 money points, 120 experience points, difficulty: B level, completion progress 0/20.

 3. Break a household appliance. Reward: 30 points of money, 30 points of experience, difficulty: A level, completion progress 0/1

 This is the first time Yan Duo has encountered a B-level mission in daily tasks. Although the rewards are generous, this mission is indeed a bit confusing.

 To be precise, today's three tasks are not easy.

 The first task seems simple, but in fact, many people say they like someone, but that may not mean they really like it. Most people just do it because of feelings, so it is not a task that can be completed easily.

 In the second task, Yan Duo felt that the system was making things difficult for others. What kind of things should he do to make so many strangers applaud him? Do you want her to save the people from fire and water?

 Relatively speaking, although the third task may cause some losses, it is at least not difficult to understand.

 The biggest headache is that even if all three tasks are completed, 385 gold coins cannot be collected. The plan to buy orchids may not be completed today.

 Yan Duo hesitated again and again, and finally decided to pay a 30% deposit in advance to order this orchid.

 Putting aside the troublesome tasks for the time being, I put on my newly bought sneakers and went out for a few laps. I felt that running was much easier, and I felt that I really got what I paid for.

 When I got home from my run, my mother was washing her hair in the bathroom. Ever since I read a newspaper's health column saying that washing your hair at night is bad for your energy, my mother started washing her hair in the morning instead.

 Taking advantage of the opportunity before his mother finished washing, Yan Jianjun, who was preparing breakfast, dragged Yan Duo to the kitchen and asked in a low voice: "What do you think about the summer camp? You can exercise and study at the same time, Dad." It feels good."

 Yan Duo was speechless: ...I haven't given up yet.

 In fact, the same thing happened before she was reborn. At that time, her father asked her to participate in a weight loss summer camp... Naturally, she was unhappy in every way.

 During that time, a reporter happened to make an unannounced visit to some money-making summer camps and revealed a lot of inside stories. My mother watched the TV program and was unwilling to let her go. However, my mother only sulked for a few days and did not talk to her. Dad argued.

 This time, not only did my mother protest, but my father also did not choose the weight loss summer camp.

 What happened that time that prevented her from going?

 oh! By the way, because their school organized military training in advance.

 All high school military training in M city is held in a municipal training base, and military training is managed in a completely closed and militarized manner. Because there is only one training base, each school takes turns to participate. Some schools will inevitably take up summer vacation time and go to military training in advance. Yan Duo The school is one of them.

 So when Yan Duo reluctantly agreed to go to the summer camp, he got the military training time notice, and the summer camp matter dropped.

 By the way, I got my junior high school diploma, admission notice, and military training notice on the same day, which is this Friday.

 Once familiar, twice familiar, the same reason is easier to use.

 Yan Duo casually picked up a small shaomai and stuffed it into his mouth and muttered, "I'm sure I can't go. I heard that our school will start military training during the summer vacation. I heard it will be in early August."

 "Going to military training on such a hot day!!" Yan Jianjun was shocked.

 At this time, Gu Liping walked out of the bathroom with her hair wrapped in a towel and sneered: "You still let Duoduo go to summer camp on such a hot day!"

 "Can summer camp compare with military training?" Yan Jianjun argued in a low voice before going to serve breakfast.

 In fact, Gu Liping was also very worried. While she was looking for a hair dryer, she muttered: "What should I do if I get heatstroke on such a hot day? What does the school think?"

 Yan Duo had no choice but to explain to her that the school had no control over military training and the time was not arranged by the school.

 Just as he was talking, Gu Liping suddenly said "Huh" and looked back and forth with the hair dryer.

 Yan Jianjun just walked out of the kitchen with soy milk and asked, "What's wrong?"

 "The shell of the hair dryer is cracked." Gu Liping raised the hair dryer and gave Yan Jianjun a look before plugging it in and getting ready to continue blowing.

 "Then you can still use it!!" Yan Jianjun took the hair dryer over.

 "The outer layer is cracked, but the inside is intact!" Gu Liping wanted to snatch it back, but Yan Jianjun raised the hair dryer above his head and couldn't reach it.

 "This hair dryer is more than ten years old. It's time to replace it." Yan Jianjun handed it to Yan Duo, who was standing by and watching the fun. "Duo Duo, go and throw it away."

 Yan Duole said "Hey" and took the hair dryer.

 "Don't throw it away, can it still be used? This girl is as prodigal as your father!" Seeing that Yan Duo was really about to throw away the hair dryer, Gu Liping felt distressed and wanted to stop her.

 Yan Duo glanced around and saw a pair of scissors at hand, picked it up and cut off the hair dryer cord.

 It's completely hopeless now...

 Gu Liping was dumbfounded.

 Yan Jianjun laughed and said happily: "There's no need to argue now. Duoduo goes to Aunt Lu's house next door to borrow a hair dryer for your mother to use. Let's buy another one tonight."

 Gu Liping sat down angrily and said nothing.

 Yan Duo threw the broken hair dryer into the trash can and said with a smile: "When I used it two days ago, the temperature was very unstable and my scalp was always burned. When I looked carefully, a few hairs were permed and curled. It felt quite dangerous. Yes, let's get another one. Mom, let me borrow one for you to use first!"

 "It's burnt? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Yan Jianjun was startled.

 "You're not burned, are you?" Gu Liping asked quickly, ignoring her anger.

 "It's just a few hairs that were burnt. It's not serious. I forgot to mention it." Yan Duo stuck out her tongue. In fact, this was what happened after her rebirth. At that time, she could smell the burnt smell.

 Gu Liping's face improved a lot, and she said fearfully: "You have such a brain, you can forget this kind of thing. If something like this happens, you need to get a new one in time! If something happens, it's over." After that, he waved his hand and said, "Don't borrow a hair dryer. It'll be dry in such a hot day."

 "Who was that stingy person just now?" Yan Jianjun mocked, serving a bowl of soy milk to Gu Liping.

 Gu Liping stuffed a fried bun into Yan Jianjun's mouth, raised her eyebrows and said, "You can't stop your mouth with so much food!"