
Brave man, you got a nest...

Then Yan Duo heard Jiao's father saying on the phone: "Yangyang, who are you talking to? Is it a boy?"

 Yan Duo was a little embarrassed when he accidentally heard it.

 Then I heard Jiao Yang lower his voice and say, "Who is it this time?"

 Yan Duo scanned the various anime posters on the wall and said calmly: "Well... Hisoka."

 Jiao Yang: "Hisoka? Who is that?"

 Yan Duo: "A pervert who likes unripe fruits..."

 Jiao Yang: ...My good friend is getting worse and worse. Urgent! Waiting online.

 Junior high school students are still very accepting of changing their favorite objects and being obsessed with two-dimensional characters. The main liking is really just a little "like". This kind of good feeling is so hazy that many students , and cannot distinguish it from feelings such as worship.

 In fact, Yan Duo's favorite star back then was Leonardo DiCaprio, but now Yan Duo can't speak when she thinks that DiCaprio will transform from a male god into a bloated uncle in the future. Although Leonardo DiCaprio can't be said to be useless after transforming into a bloated uncle, compared with many Hollywood actors who become more manly as they get older, he simply doesn't follow the ordinary path.

 Sure enough, after Jiao Yang paused for a moment, and then said a long "Oh--", he decisively changed the topic and asked Yan Duo that since he didn't want to do homework anyway, he wanted to go shopping and buy some anime CDs or something recently?

 Yan Duo thought for a while and agreed. She had lost interest in anime for a long time, but when she was running this morning, she found that she did not have suitable sportswear!

 She is still running in her school uniform. For girls who play sports, this is intolerable!

 Because Jiao Yang had signed up for summer classes and had to make up classes, the two girls made an appointment to go shopping together next Saturday.

 After hanging up the phone, Yan Duo went through his wallet and found that he still had more than 200 yuan, which was more than enough to buy a sportswear.

 Relieved, Yan Duo glanced at the game console and found that the system prompted her to level up. It turned out that her daily tasks had been completed without her realizing it.

 Yan Duo quickly opened the map, and sure enough, the new map "Ice Spring Secret Realm" had been opened.

 As soon as he clicked to enter the new map, he saw a mysterious silver-haired beauty carrying a bow and arrow and looking at her solemnly. Yan Duo suddenly stared at her. This is the most beautiful NPC that has appeared so far.

 Choose to talk to the beautiful NPC.

 Elf guard Yinghuo: "Hello, adventurer from afar, if you are not strong enough, I do not recommend you to step into the secret realm of ice spring. Countless humans and elves have been lost in the secret realm and cannot turn back."

 What is strength? Is it level?

 Then select the second item: Adventure, and three more options appear.

 1. Exploring for ten minutes consumes 10 energy points.

 2. The adventure lasts for fifty minutes and consumes 50 energy points.

 3. Exploring for 100 minutes consumes 100 energy points.

 Exploring and studying cannot go together.

 The vitality that has been going on for a long time is used here.

 To be cautious, Yan Duo chose the first option first.

 10 points of vitality were deducted instantly, and a countdown of 9 minutes and 59 seconds appeared in the upper right corner.

 There was nothing to do while waiting, so Yan Duo was going to pour a glass of milk.

 Before she could exit the ice spring secret realm, she suddenly realized that something seemed wrong.

 She didn't know when she had exited the "focus" state! !

 But the time has obviously not arrived yet?

 Was it when I was talking on the phone, when I was reading a cookbook, or when I was counting money. Due to the transition between the normal state and the "focused" state that he was accustomed to, Yan Duo was completely unaware that he was no longer in the "focused" state.

 After checking the skill tree, she found that the proficiency of "Concentration" just now was not less than hers, but she looked at the time again, and it should be at least three minutes before it reached twenty minutes.

 Why did the skill suddenly stop?

 Yan Duo simply activated "Mind Concentration" again, and then silently said "Quit", "Quit" in his heart. A few seconds later, Yan Duo found out to his embarrassment that he had really quit the "Concentration" state...

 Could it be that this skill can be quit midway from the beginning? If I hadn't accidentally exited just now, wouldn't I have never discovered it?

 Adding a sentence to the description would be fatal! Why on earth is she working so hard to gain proficiency! !

 But soon she discovered that the skills she used this time did not count towards her proficiency...

 How is it going to play out?

 Well, since we also quit midway, and the proficiency level was calculated once and not calculated the other time, then it is most likely a matter of the length of time. Anyway, the "well" state will last all day today. The energy value has overflowed several times just now, and a lot of it has been wasted, so I will just play with it to the end.

 Yan Duo decided to use experiments to confirm how long it takes to use skills to be considered proficient.

 Use it for one minute for the first time, and then add one minute each time until confirmed.

 If it were normal, Yan Duo would not bear to waste his energy points like this, and it would cost ten points at a time! Ten o'clock!

 In the following time, Yan Duo was concentrating on calculating time, whatever energy, whatever tasks, just let them go!

 Fortunately, the system wasn't too shameless. After Yan Duo voluntarily quit the skill for the fifth time, he finally saw his skill proficiency increase a little.

 Once every five minutes... Yan Duo breathed a sigh of relief, it was still acceptable.

 As a result, the time required for skill upgrades has been greatly shortened, and today I accidentally got the super blue recovery skill "Fountain" state. With such unique conditions, if you work harder, it is not impossible to upgrade your concentration to level 4 today. Daily tasks Three will do it.

 Not knowing what the next skill will be, Yan Duo has been looking forward to it for a long time.

 If you're lucky, you can complete all three special tasks, which would be really perfect.

 In an instant, Yan Duo was bursting with enthusiasm.

 Oops, I'm so excited that I don't know which step to start with.

 Of course, the moment "Mind Concentration" was turned on, she immediately calmed down.

 The first step... must be to go back to the Ice Spring Secret Realm to take a look. Ten minutes has already passed.

 The moment I clicked on the Ice Spring Secret Realm, I was immediately greeted by several system messages.

 System: The expedition is over. Due to your lack of strength, you returned to the camp with nothing.

 System: You got the golden nest melon*1.

 Yan Duo suddenly felt her palms sink, and a pocket pumpkin slightly larger than her fist appeared in her palms without warning. Even though it was not the first time she encountered such a thing, she was still shocked.

 Lifting the pumpkin up and taking a look, Yan Duo couldn't help but be amazed. No wonder it's called the Golden Wogua. This little pumpkin is really beautiful. The golden skin has no flaws at all, and even the pumpkin base is a bit crystal clear.

 She didn't know how it tasted, so out of curiosity she couldn't help but pinch it with her nails, and her nails bounced out by an unknown force.

 I saw another prompt pop up on the game console screen.

 System: Mission props cannot be used.

 Yan Duo: "..." It's quite strict.