
before school starts

Gu Liping returned to the bedroom. Yan Jianjun was leaning on the bed reading a book. When he saw her coming back dejected, he asked, "She won't agree?"

 Gu Liping sighed: "She didn't say she wouldn't agree."

 Yan Jianjun: "What?"

 Gu Liping said: "She asked me how many days it would take to paint the whole house, and I said it would take several days to paint everything. Then she persuaded us to move to my mother's house with her, and she said It was inconvenient to live there, but my mother could still live in a crowded place. I said it wouldn't be that troublesome, and it would be over if we just persisted, and she said she could do it if we could."

 Yan Jianjun sneered: "You're just shooting yourself in the foot! This girl is so smart now that she still knows how to make progress by retreating."

 Gu Liping's cheeks felt hot and she was annoyed: "You also thought of this method! What should we do now?"

 Yan Jianjun said: "You asked me to help you think of a reason, so I did it for you. The idea was not mine. I didn't agree with Duoduo moving out from the beginning. Your mother's house lives so close to ours, Duoduo She may run back at any time, and we can't keep this kind of thing from her forever. Besides, it's okay to stay for three to five days. If you stay for a long time, even your parents will become suspicious, so let it take its course. "

 When Gu Liping saw his indifferent attitude, she became furious and raised the pillow fiercely: "What kind of psychological impact will it leave if Duoduo really bumps into her? Are you responsible?"

 Yan Jianjun tilted his head and muttered in a low voice: "Psychological shadow? You must have mistaken the person. The most powerful person in the family now is your daughter."

 ******Dividing line for perspective re-conversion******

 When the quilts and pillows in the master bedroom fell on Yan Jianjun's head like rain, Yan Duo was carefully carrying the game console, opening the door and coming to the yard.

 At night in late August, as long as it is not cloudy and rainy, the moonlight and starlight are still very bright.

 Yan Duo once read some sayings that the moon and stars are not considered light sources, but others say that most of the stars that can be seen are stars and should be considered light sources.

 He stood in the yard with the game console for a long time. Just when Yan Duo thought there was no hope, the task progress suddenly jumped and increased a little. He didn't know which star finally entered the system after being picky for a long time. of discernment.

 The current mission progress is 6/10.

 After that, no matter how much Yan Duo waited, walked back and forth, and changed the direction of the game console, the mission progress stubbornly stayed at 6/10, and there were no more surprises.

 Yan Duo, who felt a little disappointed, put away the game console, but she was not ready to go back to the room yet.

 Something happened at home, that's for sure, otherwise her mother wouldn't have come and said so many incomprehensible things to her.

 Yan Duo, who has the ability to concentrate his mind, recalled it repeatedly and felt that the biggest thing that happened to his family during this period was that one thing.

 If that had happened, that thing should have been left on the courtyard door...

 Yan Duo took advantage of the moonlight and searched along the edge of the courtyard gate.

 Sure enough, she found a few white smash marks, and the gaps were still brand new.

 Yan Duo immediately threw an advanced identification technique over.

 System: Marks caused by Fang Yuzhen's tapping with a wooden stick.

 Fang Yuzhen was Gu Liping's ex-husband's mother, and Gu Liping's ex-mother-in-law. It was said that Yan Duo came to the house once to cause trouble during military training.

 The so-called rumor was actually what I heard from my aunt before she was reborn. At that time, Yan Duo had graduated from college, and several years had passed since then.

 In fact, Yan Duo felt that it was really difficult for her big-mouthed aunt to hold this matter in her heart for so many years before speaking out.

 This incident originated from my mother's first divorce. As soon as the formalities were completed, my mother took away all her dowry from her ex-husband's house. This kind of thing was understandable.

 They're all divorced, why do you still keep the dowry in your ex-husband's house? Do you still want to keep it in mind?

 But the problem is that my mother received a bride price when she got married for the first time, which was very troublesome.

 At that time, people's wedding gifts were gradually being phased out, and the colors of red and green were just beginning to sprout.

 In that era when the average salary of ordinary workers was only 200 yuan, as one of the first people to successfully go to sea to pan for gold, Gu Liping's ex-husband generously gave a cash gift of 3,000 yuan, which made the Gu family more proud and made the aunt depressed. I couldn't eat for three days.

 In the end, grandpa and grandma didn't want the three thousand yuan, and gave it to Gu Liping as a dowry and took it to her husband's family.

 Later, the money was gradually spent in daily life. Until the two divorced, no one mentioned the whereabouts of the money again.

 After more than ten years, Gu Liping's former mother-in-law, Fang Yuzhen, suddenly came to her door and asked Gu Liping to get back the bride price.

 What she said was clear and logical. Since your dowry has been taken away, the bride price should also be returned. It is only fair that the brothers should settle the accounts.

 It was impossible to explain clearly that all the gift money was spent in daily life, let alone provide evidence. Gu Liping's ex-husband knew about this, but it was impossible for Gu Liping to ask him to testify.

 Maybe the fact that Fang Yuzhen came to ask for money had something to do with him.

 Fang Yuzhen pestered her in every possible way, but Gu Liping kept swallowing her anger. Finally, she couldn't help but decided to settle the matter and give her three thousand yuan without telling her family.

 Who knew that Fang Yuzhen was not here to settle accounts with her brothers, but to blackmail others? Seeing that Gu Liping relented, she said loudly that it had been more than ten years, inflation had to be taken into account, and prices had risen. She paid almost ten times, so Gu Liping should pay her back 30,000 yuan.

 Speaking of this, Yan Duo admired this old lady. She had studied economics before, and she actually knew what inflation was.

 But let alone the fact that the Gu family had not confiscated the bride price back then, even if Gu Liping accepted it, it would be impossible for her to agree to such an excessive request. Thirty thousand yuan was her salary for more than two years.

 After her ex-mother-in-law and daughter-in-law broke up on bad terms, Fang Yuzhen started to make trouble. Today she went to the door of Yan Duo's house and cried and said that Gu Liping would not pay back the money she owed. The next day she went to Gu Liping's work to make a fuss and wanted to report it.

 During Yan Duo's military training, Fang Yuzhen had already come to the door to cause trouble once. Everyone in the neighborhood knew that the smash marks on the door were caused by the wooden stick Fang Yuzhen picked up on the roadside.

 Fortunately...or unfortunately, Yan Jianjun worked long hours and often worked overtime, so he never encountered him at first.

 On the one hand, Gu Liping was so upset by Fang Yuzhen, on the other hand, she tried her best to hide it from the whole family. At her workplace, she was also urged by her boss to resolve "personal issues" as soon as possible so as not to affect her work.

 I really want to die.

 In fact, Gu Liping's motive for wanting to hide it from her family was good. She was worried that the trouble she caused in her first marriage would make her husband resentful and trigger a marital crisis again.

 As a mother, she must fight to the death to protect her daughter, who is "soft, fragile and vulnerable" in her heart, and whose "pure heart is not polluted by the ugly aspects of the world."

 Over-protection is probably a common problem among parents in this era. After all, most families at that time had only children, and at most they only had two children.

 To put it bluntly, Gu Liping is the kind of person who thinks too much and worries too much, and has never truly trusted her husband and children.

 Yan Duo sees this very clearly. A person's character is determined in childhood, and family and environment have a great influence on it. Once insecurity arises, and if there is no timely attention and adequate care during childhood, it will follow. A person's life. So Yan Duo is not blaming Gu Liping, but hopes to do her best to make her mother trust her and her father more.

 In Yan Duo's view, although his father has his various shortcomings, he is generally a responsible man, and this alone is enough to make up for other shortcomings.

 So when he found out that his wife didn't trust him so much, the shock was conceivable.

 But this time dad seems to have known about it in advance?

 The next morning, Yan Duo looked in the mirror with a toothbrush stuffed in his mouth and saw the couple hiding aside and whispering again.

 Sometimes he murmured in a low voice, and sometimes his father didn't know what he said, which made his mother's brows widen.

 There is no grudge here, this is clearly flirting.

 Yan Duo secretly despised it in his heart and decided to ignore the crowd of people showing affection and return to normal society alone.

 At present, it seems that the emotional issues of her parents that need her most concern no longer need her to worry about. However, she still doesn't understand what happened at home during her absence.

 Last night, Yan Duo took advantage of his parents to sleep and lit everything in the house that could make a fire, such as gas stoves, candles, lighters, and secretly burned a piece of paper and a handful of hay in the yard.

 As a result, the system only calculated two points of progress for her, and she didn't know which ones they were.

 Current special mission progress: 8/10.

 Now Yan Duo can no longer think of anything else that can be regarded as a light source. Yan Duo is ashamed that he did not learn physics well in middle school.

 Yan Duo had good luck in the next few days and got three seven-color flowers in a row. The game level that had not changed for a long time was finally upgraded by one level, and the title was also upgraded by one level.

 The basic information becomes:

 Name: Yiduo Xinqing

 Title: Scholar (Time required for next level: 480 hours)

 Birthday: September 9, 19XX

 Gender: Female

 Level: 14 (next level experience 860/1110)

 Vitality: 240/240

 Energy: 290/290

 Satiety: 80/100

 Fatigue: 25/100

 Occupation: Scholar

 First secondary occupation: none

 Secondary occupation: None

 Amount of money: 1026

 Finally, August 31st arrived. Tomorrow is the first day of school, and everything is still calm at home.

 Yan Duo, who had been gearing up for a 300-round battle with his enemy (Fang Yuzhen), felt extremely disappointed after waiting for several days before the enemy came to challenge him.

 So on the 31st, I went to the mall with my parents to do some shopping and bought a few sets of clothes. My mother had promised to take her shopping for clothes before school started.

 As a reward for Yan Duo's weight loss success, her father bought Yan Duo another pair of branded sports shoes worth more than 200 yuan. Yan Duo finally ended her days of only having one pair of sports shoes.

 You must know that Yan Duo finally broke through the 120 mark this morning, and the number displayed on the scale was 59.5 kilograms.

 After getting along with each other for the past few days, Yan Duo clearly felt that the atmosphere between his parents was different from before the military training. It was not a matter of good or bad relationship, but an increased sense of trust.

 Why is the development of things different from before the rebirth? It seems that I haven't done anything yet?

 Yan Duo was as curious as a cat, wishing he could go back in time to see what changed everything.

 She even used an advanced identification technique on her father, hoping that the random results would reveal some information, but she only got one sentence: Yan Jianjun felt that his scalp was itchy recently, but he was too lazy to wash his hair...

 Yan Duo: ...You might as well not even bother to take a shower.