
Affinity bonus

After eating, Yan Duo washed the dishes again with lightning speed. Then she was about to review her homework, but found her mother lingering at the door of the kitchen, seemingly hesitant to speak.

 Yan Duo probably did it for her to live on campus.

 So Yan Duo said sadly that she had a test tomorrow. Although she didn't have to go to school this afternoon, she had to review!

 Gu Liping had no choice but to swallow back the words that were about to come to her lips. The world was not as big as her daughter's study.

 Yan Duo hid in the room and quickly went through the routine procedures in the game, including exploring, checking the store, checking the vegetable patch, and praying. Oddly enough, the grocery store has been refreshing its "Good Luck" series of products for several days in a row.

 From the Good Luck Candies on the first day, to the Good Luck Cookies on the second day, to the Good Luck Keychains, Good Luck Rings, Good Luck Sachets, etc., although the usage is different, the effects produced are It's all the same: consistently generates good luck for twenty-four hours.

 In fact, Yan Duo's game currency limit was enough to buy this trial version, but it was rare to have more than a thousand tickets on hand, and Yan Duo was not so eager to buy it, so he saved it.

 Today, she was planning to turn off her phone after just one glance. Who knew that she would spend money after just one glance?

 Item: Sacred Doctrine. Item description: Game prop No. 026. Use this item when praying in the church to choose the content of your prayers, and the results of your prayers will be greatly tilted towards the content of your prayers. Price: 30 gold (event price: 30% off)

 Yan Duo saw numbered props for the first time, and also saw discounted props for the first time.

 But judging from the functions of the props, they seem to be quite useful. It would be a (SHOU) shame (HEN) to (YANG) not to buy them!

 So the number of gold coins dropped from another four digits to three in an instant, and there was one more item in the locker.

 It was very inconsistent with Yan Duo's temperament to buy things and not use them at home, so she immediately clicked on the church and chose to pray.

 The system suddenly popped up an option: "It has been detected that the player has the prop Sacred Doctrine. Do you want to use it immediately?"

 Yan Duo: Yes.

 The effect of a book glowing and disappearing appears on the game console screen.

 System: Please enter the prayer: _______________

 Yan Duo thought for a while and said to the game console: "I have an exam tomorrow. I hope everything goes well in the exam."

 Another formation-like halo appeared on the game screen, and it flashed away. Yan Duo thought to himself: Those who spent money are different. I have never seen any halo before.

 System: You chose to pray to the sacred teachings. You feel quick thinking and extraordinary memory. Quick +100, valid before 24 o'clock. (The final effect of this prayer is related to thinking ability.)

 According to the game, thinking ability is IQ. Yan Duo's thinking development skill has been upgraded to level four, which is a 20-point IQ bonus, which should not be low.

 You will know if it is low or not after just one use. To test the level of IQ, the brain is naturally used.

 Yan Duo dug out his bookshelf as quickly as possible and took out all the non-linguistic books he had used in junior high school. He spread them out on the desk and piled them half as high as a person. Then find out the textbooks for the first grade of junior high school, start to concentrate, and start reviewing.

 After just turning a few pages, Yan Duo was shocked, because he read so fast, his eyes were like a scanner, and he finished reading the page at a glance. If there was little content on that page, he would flip through the book. The speed may not be as fast as reading a book.

 This is nothing, what is even more frightening is that after reading it, the brain begins to understand the content of this page several times faster than usual. Although it is just that her understanding speed has become faster, her understanding ability has not exceeded her original level. The effect may not be that obvious when learning new courses, but if it is just a review...

 Ten minutes later, Yan Duo had finished reading the first grade mathematics. It took a little longer to read Chinese and English, fifteen minutes each, because I had to memorize the parts silently.

 A lot of content in the first grade of junior high school was repeated with the elementary school curriculum, so Yan Duo felt that there was no need to read the exercises to consolidate. After flipping through a few supplementary textbooks, he directly opened the textbook for the second grade of junior high school.

 The second grade of junior high school and the first grade of junior high school are basically two levels of content, and it is much more difficult to review. Different from the first grade of junior high school, the time to review mathematics is much longer than that of Chinese and English. Chinese and English take 20 minutes each, but mathematics takes half an hour, although both Chinese and English take 20 minutes. The situation is different. Most of the English is memorized, while for Chinese, you have to open the exercise book and refer to various exercises to review.

 This time it was definitely not enough to review the textbook. After reading the textbook, Yan Duo took out all the exercise books and test papers and read them one by one, which made the speed even slower...

 By the time all the review for the second grade of junior high school was completed, it was already evening.

 She had no idea when Gu Liping and Yan Jianjun came home. She didn't hear Gu Liping calling her to eat. After several times, Gu Liping had no choice but to let her go. Until ten o'clock in the evening, when Yan Duo wanted to start concentrating again, the system prompted that he was low on energy. Yan Duo was shocked to find that he had been reviewing for nine hours continuously.

 Yan Duo had never done something so focused before, and he actually felt very happy.

 Of course, there are sequelae. At this moment, her stomach is growling and her temples are a little sore.

 Rubbing his temples, Yan Duo hesitated for a few seconds between the few remaining test papers and eating and sleeping, and then turned to eating and sleeping. After all, lack of sleep is also a taboo in exams.

 There was food left for Yan Duo on the dining table. Hearing the sound of Yan Duo opening the door, Gu Liping leaned out of the bedroom and asked, "Shall I heat up the food for you?"

 Yan Duo shook his head: "I'm hot myself."

 Isn't it just a spin in the microwave oven? Why kill a chicken with a butcher's knife?

 ******Separating line from weekly meetings******

 The next morning, Yan Duo couldn't get up in time and naturally didn't go for a morning run. Fortunately, the exam time was at nine o'clock and he could have a leisurely breakfast.

 Yan Jianjun and Gu Liping went to work at half past seven. Before leaving, Qian warned Wan not to be too nervous about the exam and just perform normally.

 Yan Duo agreed simply and quickly, and as soon as the couple left, he started to sigh.

 How could I not be nervous? I haven't taken an exam in years!

 After preparing papers, pens and other items for the exam, Yan Duo saw that he still had some time, so he started the game.

 The "Good Luck Continuous" series of products were still hanging high in the grocery store. Today was the "Good Luck Continuous Nail Polish". There was nothing else of interest. If possible, she really hoped that the grocery store could refresh her mind. Uplifting merchandise.

 Although he found the seven-color flower in the Ice Spring Secret Realm yesterday, Yan Duo didn't want to spend time on the task considering that he had an exam today.

 Then Yan Duo hesitated for a long time at the door of the church.

 The reason why she turned on the game console only after returning home yesterday was because she was worried that the effect of "hair curl +XX" would appear when she prayed. Perms are not allowed in school.

 Even if it's not the curliness of the hair, if it's the darkness of the skin, the dilation of the nostrils, or the bright redness of the lips, it's not going to scare people to death!

 Yan Duo pondered over whether he should pray again in the future, and then asked the question to "Miaozi", who quickly gave the answer.

 Miaozi: The church prayer effect will not change the player's genes, and the hair curling is an effect that can be achieved artificially.

 Yan Duo asked again: Can the speed be achieved manually?

 Miaozi: Our company already has the technology to develop the brain's potential. However, brain development is a step-by-step process. Using the brain's potential to a large extent in a short period of time will have side effects.

 Yan Duo felt that there was no need to ask anymore. The previous cleanliness, strength, and artistic soul either developed the potential of the brain or the body.

 But she couldn't help but ask one last question: I pray every day, will this constant use of my brain and body's potential cause harm to my body?

 Meow Zi: A bonus of more than 100 will have an impact on the body. A bonus of less than 100 and brain development in a short period of time can have an exercise effect on the brain.

 Yan Duo suddenly realized that it was no wonder he had a headache last night.

 The doubts in his heart were all resolved. Yan Duo felt very comfortable and praised Miaozi profusely.

 Meow Zi: Thank you, Master Duoduo, okay.

 Miaozi's intelligence seems to be much higher than Yan Duo imagined.

 Since it would not change the tanness of her skin, the dilation of her nostrils, or the bright redness of her lips, Yan Duo was worried and prayed, just in case she could get into a state where she wouldn't be nervous.

 System: You chose to pray to %...&*R%)*^&. You feel that everything in the world is as warm as the wind, and your affinity is +45. It is valid before 24 o'clock.

 Yan Duo: ...I'd better hurry up and go to school (manual goodbye).

 When we arrived at school, there were still twenty minutes before the exam started.

 My deskmate Ye Yun is doing a pre-exam relaxation ritual, that is, closing her eyes and constantly pulling away the distracting thoughts in her brain... pulling away... pulling away...

 Jiang Wei at the back table saw Yan Duo, frowned and said, "You didn't go to exercise this morning." Jiang Wei's mother is a university physical education teacher. It is said that Jiang Wei has received hellishly strict training since he was a child, and he can't stand others giving up halfway. .

 Yan Duo (smiling): "I reviewed too late last night and got up late in the morning."

 Jiang Wei said seriously: "You have to persist in exercising."

 Yan Duo (smiling): "What you said makes sense. I'm just not persistent enough. I will definitely keep exercising no matter it's windy or rainy in the future. But you still have to be careful when there's thunder, strong wind, or hail. Don't forget Wear rain gear and don't bring headphones or mobile phones."

 Jiang Wei: "...that makes sense, thank you for reminding me (no one should go out to exercise in this kind of weather, maybe she is being sarcastic)"

 Yan Duo (smiling): "You're welcome. I wish you good luck in the exam!"

 Jiang Wei: "Uh... each other."

 Jiang Wei's deskmate Wu Chaojun was stunned: Is this a popular joke recently?

 Yan Duo smiled and said to Wu Chaojun: "I also wish you good luck in the exam!"

 Wu Chaojun stammered and replied: "I know...I know."

 Jiang Wei (confused): What happened to her today?

 Yan Duo (confused): What happened to me today?

 Ye Yun turned a deaf ear to everything and was still busy pulling away... pulling away... pulling away...