
A game console falls from the sky

"Back then, when I came out of S City, I was as strong as a gorilla, with a black-and-white figure. You know the sunshine over in S City, your skin will peel off after a day in the sun, so living there would be... The red is tinged with black, or it was black and white. I had to do farm work every day... There are still traces on my body, have you seen this, this, and this? "

 Wearing a handmade custom OL skirt, Fang Qian, who was as slender as a runway model, opened her collar in an exaggerated manner and pointed at her neck and arms to show Yan Duo.

 "I saw it." Yan Duo opened the lunch box with no surprise and saw a head of garlic. He picked it up in disgust and threw it into the trash can without even raising his head.

 Fang Qian frowned: "Garlic kills bacteria and prevents cancer. It's a pity to throw it away. However, your braised prawns were over-oiled, not only losing nutrients, but also high in calories. It's better to boil them in water."

 Yan Duo's hand holding the chopsticks paused, silently avoiding the braised shrimp, and picked up a piece of celery.

 "By the way, where did we just talk?" Fang Qian asked.

 "Speaking of beauty and beauty." Yan Duo actually didn't remember where she was talking about, but Fang Qian's memory wasn't very good either.

 He happened to glance across the window and met the eyes of Lisa, who was new to the office next door. She was looking in this direction with horror and curiosity.

 Yan Duo smiled at Lisa, the smile was a bit oozing, and Lisa was so frightened that she quickly lowered her head.

 "That's right." Fang Qian picked up a tissue and pressed her reddish eyes: "Who knew how to take care of skin in those days? Wearing long sleeves and a hat is just sun protection. Only when we got to the city did we realize that women still have so many things. Be particular about it. Later, I spent eight years losing weight, removing scars, conditioning my skin with traditional Chinese medicine, and spent even more time studying fashion. From a little girl who didn't even know how to use sunscreen to where I am today, it's definitely not just It depends on luck, of course there is luck. "

 Speaking of this, Fang Qian suddenly paused and asked, "Do you think I am...that now?"

 "It's changed. You used to have a swollen waist, strong shoulders, severely red bloodshot cheeks, freckles all over your face, your neck and arms are covered with white spots left by sunburn, your hair is dry and frizzy, and you walk like a gorilla. ..." Yan Duo read the lines mechanically, even though she had never seen Fang Qian look as strong as a gorilla.

 She kept listing Fang Qian's past shortcomings. If it were anyone else, they would have jumped on the matter, but Fang Qian became more and more satisfied as she listened, and even nodded in agreement.

 "Compared with the past, you look like a different person now, from appearance to temperament. You have become a completely different person. People in your hometown will definitely not recognize you now."

 When Yan Duo said the above words without changing his expression or heartbeat, Fang Qian showed a satisfied smile, the fine lines at the corners of her eyes curved up, and said embarrassedly: "It's not that exaggerated!"

 Yan Duo breathed out, she knew Fang Qian's preferences too well.

 Then Fang Qian started from her childhood nickname of "Hu Niu" and talked about "sleep is the most important part of health preservation". She rambled on for half an hour and finally left with satisfaction.

 After sending Fang Qian away, Yan Duo ate the last piece of lettuce leaves without chewing, and finally did not dare to touch the braised shrimps.

 The taste of diet meals is hard to describe in words, and it becomes even more difficult to swallow when you are in a bad mood.

 Yes, Yan Duo has been in a very depressed mood recently.

 If you ask why, it probably started half a year ago.

 One day half a year ago, Yan Duo was discussing the topic of a fitness club with his colleagues. As a fat man weighing 158 pounds, Yan Duo revealed to his colleagues without thinking that he had never been to such a place. The tone is still a little bit arrogant.

 Unfortunately, these words were overheard by her boss, a handsome blue-eyed crooked nut.

 The ancients said that misfortune comes from the mouth, sincerely do not deceive me.

 "Why do you mean that kind of place is not suitable for you! Are you an ET? As long as you are a human being, there is nothing that is not suitable for fitness! Especially women, women!"

 "What is a woman's bounden duty? To show the beauty of women without reservation. You can be born unattractive, but you can't be lazy! I have said it a hundred times, there are no ugly women, only lazy women. Look at it. What are you wearing?"

 "All girls can be elegant and cute, but I can't agree with giving up before trying!"


 After Waiguo's boss scorned and ridiculed Yan Duo for twenty minutes for his laziness, lack of progress and dressing sense, Yan Duo finally became angry.

 This is clearly sexism and personal attack. My uncle can tolerate it and my aunt can't! It doesn't matter how handsome you are!

 Yan Duo was so angry that she decided to fire her boss. She completely forgot that she had tried her best during the interview and finally performed exceptionally well. The reason why she entered this company was that there was a blue-eyed foreigner among the interviewers who was too cute. So handsome! .

 But when Yan Duo was about to submit her resignation report the next day, the foreigner was one step ahead of her.

 He sincerely apologized to Yan Duo and explained that he just couldn't accept that young people gave up on themselves so easily (Yan Duo: When did I give up on myself...), so he said something excessive and hoped that she could forgive Yun Yun.

 What's even more outrageous is that he actually gave Yan Duo a beautiful dress, hoping that she would not give up on him, and promised that if Yan Duo could wear this dress at the year-end dance, he would invite her to be his dance partner...

 The story in the fairy tale appeared vividly in front of Yan Duo's eyes. Yan Duo's anger was like the lingering snow in spring, melting and evaporating, and she felt like she was getting drunk and fainting.

 In the dream, she became slim and beautiful, wearing that dress, dancing on the dance floor, winning the attention of everyone (handsome guys).

 From that day on, Yan Duo's affection for the foreigner greatly increased and soared to the level... Moreover, Yan Duo made the biggest decision in his life, to lose weight!

 Now Yan Duo has been practicing morning exercises for nearly half a year and has initially seen results. The clothes at home are a little looser than before...a little. For a heavyweight like Yan Duo, it is really difficult for "human" eyes to detect a few pounds of weight loss, but the scale cannot be faked.

 Yan Duo is now a medium-sized fat man weighing 148 pounds.

 In order to "not give up on herself", Yan Duo also asked the company's director Fang Qian, a beauty, fitness and health enthusiast, for weight loss tips. He did not hesitate to listen to her nagging every day. After listening to her inspirational stories for almost half a year, he also heard some revolutionary feelings. Come.

 Now the whole company knows that Yan Duo "has embraced Director Fang's lap" and cannot be offended easily.

 Yan Duo didn't want to argue too much, she wanted to prove herself with actions.

 However, a few days ago...

 Button on:

 Lisa: Sister Yan! (Gossip face) I heard the manager is gay!

 Yan Duo: ...who said that?

 Lisa: Many people say that! I said... No wonder he always treats female employees as his best friends and takes special care of them (snickering.jpg). In fact, this is not bad. At least our life is much easier, but it would be better if he is not gay. It's such a shame that he looks so handsome biabia...Sister Yan? Sister Yan? What are you busy with?

 Yan Duo: The wind is messy...

 ...end of memories.

 After repeated confirmations, Yan Duo finally confirmed that the manager is indeed gay. No wonder he always likes to emphasize the vocation of "women". No wonder sometimes he feels that he is a bit of a girl, and he treats himself as a woman!

 Even the skirt he gave her was picked out by her boyfriend with him...

 This news was like seven or forty-nine thunderbolts hitting Yan Duo's head. She was so battered that her beautiful dream was shattered into pieces in an instant.

 You cried and told me that fairy tales are all lies...

 God, Buddha, Maria, although she only liked that face, it didn't mean that she wasn't disappointed.

 Yan Duo poked at the braised prawns that were also in pieces with chopsticks. The terrifying scene of a handsome foreign guy dancing with him in a skirt kept popping up in his mind, and he couldn't help but shudder.

 Fortunately, Yan Duo is an open-minded fat man.

 The open-minded fat man sighed and decided to be more open-minded.

 So she patted her butt and went to the bathroom to solve her physical problems.

 After happily expelling toxins, Yan Duo returned to the office and found an express package on the table.

 The doorman was really hardworking today and came to deliver the express during lunch break.

 Skillfully removing the dirty outer packaging, Yan Duo was stunned.

 A palm-sized electronic product lies quietly in the box.

 This electronic product has perfect streamlines, a translucent shell, and a warm color. At first glance, it seems like there are countless gorgeous symbols flowing inside.

 She searched over and over again, but there was no label or instructions, and she couldn't find anything that could indicate the brand and model.

 There are no other buttons on the entire body except the power button, and the easy-to-grab streamlined design on both sides clearly told her that this should be a game console, not an MP4 or a mobile phone. As a game expert who always pays attention to the trends in the gaming industry, Yan Duo has bought several handheld consoles. She has basically seen all the major brands of handheld consoles. This model has never appeared in her memory. …Maybe it's a new model!

 But the problem is...she hasn't bought a game console recently! ! ?

 If she were a beautiful woman, Yan Duo would also wonder if it was a gift from someone who had a crush on her.

 Too bad she wasn't.

 Holding the game console carefully with both hands, Yan Duo's mind was filled with countless possibilities.

 Maybe the online store where she often buys game products gave back to old customers and she won a grand prize?

 Maybe someone in the family wanted to surprise her?

 But there is actually an easy way to know the truth: look at the express delivery manifest!

 So she put down the game console and rummaged through the trash can, and picked out the packaging bag that had been cut into pieces.

 There was a thick layer of mud floating on the packaging bag. There was no express delivery receipt, nothing, only four words written in marker: Personally signed by Yan Duo.

 The font has been smudged around due to moisture.

 It feels old, like it's been sitting around... somewhere for years.

 Without the express delivery note, we don't know who the sender is. Could this be...falling from the sky?

 Just when Yan Duo was confused, her cell phone suddenly rang.