

Dear player Yiduo Xinqing:

 Hello! Thank you for your feedback on the issue of "low speech recognition". The newly developed game "XX's Diary" by our company has a wide coverage and involves many languages. In some areas, the pronunciation cannot be comprehensive, and the game experience of players in relevant areas is affected. For this group of players, our company has developed a new game plug-in and given it to players for free. In addition to the voice error correction function, this plug-in also has a basic game guidance function. Players can experience the specific usage in the game.

 If you have any questions, please write to us. Thank you for your support.

 After Yan Duo closed the letter, he found a small, cute, pink, round-faced, hairy, strange creature logo in the upper right corner of the game.

 In fact, this game is basically manual operation, and there are really not many places that require voice.

 She touched the strange creature's head with her finger, and a word bubble immediately popped up on the little thing's head:

 Hello Yiduo Xinqing, I am a game assistant. How can I help you? Tips: 1. Use voice mode to operate the game. Please describe the operation you need in as concise language as possible, such as "turn to the first page." 2. Game guidance function. Please add more keywords to the question so that the assistant can filter it. 3. Press and hold me or voice input "Setup Assistant" to set up the assistant.

 System: The voice function is turned on.

 Yan Duo tried to say to the game console: "Set up assistant."

 The game interface instantly switches to the assistant setting interface.

 In the settings interface, you can change the assistant's name; modify the assistant's name for the player; choose whether the error correction function needs to be turned on for homophones and near-syllables during voice input; the entry of keywords, that is, in the case of homophones, priority is given to entry Vocabulary; whether the assistant also turns on the voice when popping up the text bubble, etc.

 Yan Duo looked at his little assistant's cute little face, and after thinking about it again and again, he decided to name his little assistant "Miaozi".

 Before she was reborn, she had considered raising a pet. She even thought of a name. If she wanted to raise a cat, she decided to call it "Meow", and if she wanted a dog, she would call it "Wangzi". In the end, her mother said, "You are too busy raising pets in the end." She objected on the grounds that "it's all me", but my mother still made a serious "drawing inferences" and asked her, "If I raise a hamster, should I call it Zhizi?"

 Yan Duo thinks it makes sense. If you have the opportunity to raise a hamster, just do it.

 Who knows, two days later, my mother was confused again and asked her: What should I name the baby if I raise silkworms? Silkworms don't know how to bark.

 Yan Duo deeply believed that although her mother said she didn't want to keep pets, she had actually seriously considered keeping pets.

 So Yan Duo also thought carefully for five minutes and told his mother that the silkworm babies could be called "Mozi". Considering that it was impossible to raise only one silkworm baby, they could be called "Mozi 1", "Mozi 2" and "Mozi" respectively. Three"... and so on, if you can tell who is against whom.

 As for the assistant's name for the player, Yan Duo abandoned her sense of shame and changed it to "Master Duoduo". She originally wanted to change it to "Duoduo Beauty", but since it is now a voice input, she felt that once the two "beauties" were used, Once the words are spoken, you really give up on saving.

 Things like moral integrity should still be retained appropriately.

 As for the error correction function for homophones and near-syllables, when there is an error in voice input, the player can say "correct" to the game console and tell the game console which word it should be.

 For example, the previous "leisurely lazy" -

 Yan Duo can use the method of "correction - seeing is seeing - south is the south of pumpkin - mountain is the mountain of peaks", and the key words that need to be used in the game operation process, the game company It has been entered in advance, so there is little chance of ambiguity.

 As for the assistant's function of popping up text bubbles and turning on voice at the same time, Yan Duo turned it off. She believed that the sound during the game was too loud and could easily be discovered.

 After setting up, Yan Duo closed the setting interface and tried to operate the game with voice.

 First is the simplest "turning the page".

 Yan Duo: "Turn over the first page."


 "The third page."


 "Page five, page four, page two..."

 Yan Duo spoke very quickly, and the game actually responded without any lag.

 "Enter the shopping street, enter the grocery store."

 Pammy's laughing face immediately popped up, and Yan Duo nodded: "Not bad! This little assistant is still useful."

 Meow Zi: "Thank you for your compliment, Meow Zi will work harder."

 Yan Duo: "..."

 There was only one item in the grocery store today. This was the first time Yan Duo had encountered this kind of thing.

 Good Luck Lian Lian Candy (one trial pack): One of the Lian Lian Lian Lian Good Luck series products produced by the largest company in the universe has been widely praised by customers since its birth. The new product Lian Lian Lian Candy can be consumed after consumption. Produce good luck to customers that lasts 24 hours, and good luck is constantly surprising. If you need to order, please contact the game company directly! ! !

 Price: 600 gold.

 Suddenly seeing such a down-to-earth company name and domineering contact information, Yan Duo was immediately shocked and felt refreshed and smooth.

 I don't know how much this kind of candy can improve good luck. If you buy lottery tickets after eating candy...hehe!

 It's a pity that the price of a candy is only 600. If this is a box of candy and a bag of candy...

 Yan Duo only had 371 gold left over from before the military training. Although he was very interested in this magical candy, he was short of money and had used up all the colorful flowers, so he couldn't complete daily tasks.

 Thinking of the colorful flowers, Yan Duo quickly directed his assistant to go to the Ice Spring Secret Realm to hang up. He hadn't played for a long time and the game process was unfamiliar.

 The face of the beauty Elf Yinghuo who guards the secret realm is still as cold as ice. As soon as Yan Duo saw her, he couldn't help but complain: "I've been teasing you for so long, why haven't my favorability levels been upgraded?"

 A dialogue bubble suddenly popped up on the head of the robot Meowth: "Game NPCs require players to reach a certain level and be able to interact effectively to increase their favorability. For example, the Ice Spring Secret Realm requires players to reach level ten to increase the effectiveness of the secret realm guards. Sensitivity."

 Yan Duo suddenly realized that what Yinghuo said every time before the tenth level was: "If you are not strong enough, I do not recommend you to step into the Ice Spring Secret Realm."

 After level ten, it becomes: "Hello, adventurers from afar, the spirit of the World Tree is the most precious treasure of our elves. They are scattered in every corner of the Ice Spring Secret Realm. If you can retrieve them, you can go to Exchange the treasures from the elves' shops in the shopping street. Sylph wishes you a safe journey!"

 Wish you a safe journey!

 They were completely different before and after, and the relationship was not an effective interaction before.

 Yan Duo lamented that it is good to have multiple assistants.

 However, she soon discovered that what Yinghuo said today was different from before.

 Elf guard Yinghuo: "I wonder if you have noticed that the fog in the secret realm has become increasingly thick recently, like the darkness of human nature. That is because the things locked in the depths of the secret realm are roaring and roaring, disturbing the tranquility of the abyss. This time of year is full of evil. When we are most active, we will invite human warriors to find ten magical light sources to dispel the fog and suppress evil. Can you help me collect these ten light sources this year? "

 Do you want to accept the special task: collect ten light sources for the elf guard Yinghuo?