

Indra the youngest son of the two Primordial Gods Ran and Raya reincarnates after getting killed by his own elder brother Asura who envied him. Asura kills his brother and family including his father the ruler of heaven to become the new king. Asura now the king of heaven waits for the return of his brother whose soul escaped to the mortal realm.

Clement_Osei_6060 · アクション
52 Chs

The tournament of power

At the first dimension (specifically Earth)

its been 3 months since the battle with the Sapphire Kingdom. the search for Dante had been called off and all damages to the kingdom had been dealt with. Due to the unexpected attack and infiltration on Avilor the Kingdom's Barrier was strengthened even further. Most of the citizens that lost their homes were all brought to a new town where they could reside. As the year was coming to an end all the preparation for the tournament of power which was held every 5 years at the Grand Colosseum. The Grand Colosseum could hold a total number of 50,000 people. This tournament was held in order to find out the top 10 strongest knights in the kingdom. it also serves as an opportunity for many knights as the top 10 knights get the chance to be promoted in rank, receive Rin enhancing pills and also train with the royal knights. The tournament is held in the presence of the king and his Royal knights. The rules for the tournament are very simple.

the first rule is for every squad to choose six participants making a total of 36. Since the death of four Royal knights only eight remain. and out of the eight two are the protectors of the King who do not have a squad. their sole duty is to protect the King.

The last rule is that any one who uses their family name to threaten their opponents will be immediately disqualified and striped of their rank.

After all the preparation and rules had been laid out, all the squads were given a time period of two weeks to choose their contestants.

Two weeks later( the start of the tournament of power)

(Crowds shouting and making noise).

Rebecca: today is the day you have all been waiting for. Just like what we have been doing for a every five years the tournament to determine the future of our knights have returned again.

noises and cheering from the background as all the 36 participants from the various Squads make their entrance to the Colosseum. most of the ladies in the crowd start blushing after seeing Sasuke, Shinsui and a few other boys. Laila's beauty attracted so much attention to the point were most of the men in the crowd were having nosebleed.

Rebecca announces the name of all the participants from the various Squads.

Hunter Squad

Sasuke Zenith, Laila, Shinsui Beastrin, Edward Stratfield, Erza, Hope Lionheart.

after all the announcements had been made, all the participants were put on the same stage almost like a battle royal. suddenly the outer spaces of the battle arena begun descending into the ground leaving space for only the battlefield.

The rules were very simple but also hard.

Anyone with a levitating ability was prevented from using that ability in case he or she fell outside the arena.

secondly any form of regenerating ability was to be disabled in order to prevent cheating.

Lastly one can only win if he or she defeats their opponent rendering them unable to fight or manages to send them out of the arena.

Rebecca: since all the rules had been laid out may the Tournament Of Power BEGIN.

Shinsui: we have to stick together. since this a Battle royale we have to fight as a group in order to increase our chances.

Sasuke: you are right but fighting as a group ain't my thing. secondly my power isn't suited for group battles also I think fighting individually improves our chances so am out.

Sasuke leaves the group in order to fight on his own. the rest of the members also do same and leave the group leading to a one on one battle.

Sasuke: before the start of the battle I sensed an insanely huge aura. just who is that person.

As Sasuke keeps on moving he encounters an opponent. You must be Sasuke Zenith is such a pleasure to meet you. I'm Methupimeka from the Asier Squad he said. Sasuke ignores him almost as if he didn't care. this irritates Methupi and he tries attacking Sasuke to which Sasuke dodges and punches him in the face so hard that it almost sent him out of the ring.

Sasuke looks at him with such cold eyes indicating that he see him as trash and he shouldn't bother fighting him. Methupi begins to laugh so hard that it could even be noticed outside the Colosseum.

Methupi: you see me as trash don't you hahaha. well that's were you failed. My ability is called exchange. With every damage I receive from my opponent I'm able to exchange that damage with my opponent but is far more powerful. let's say you hit me with a power output of 10 am able to exchange that and deal a damage twice as much as your output. Also I can either decide to convert that attack power into my physical abilities and also regenerate hahahaha. if only this tournament didn't prevent the use of regeneration you wouldn't stand a chance.

Sasuke begins to bleed. An ability that is able to exchange the damage one receives with their opponent that is some insane power you got there. I guess I should take you serious now, said Sasuke.

Sasuke: since you can't kill your opponents I cannot draw out my sword. well then..

within a blink of an eye Sasuke closes the gap between him and Methupi. they begin to exchange a barrage of fist attacks. Sasuke manages to dodge all Methupi attack and hits Methupi at his vitals before drawing him in and hitting Methupi with an elbow attack which send him flying again.

Methupi: I got to hand it to you your martial arts skills are amazing but as you know I won't take any damage plus I just became way stronger than I was before hahahaha.

Sasuke begins to feel all the damage he delt to Methupi but this was twice as much. with this he was severely Injured and could barely stand up.

Sasuke: you did take damage

Methupi: huh

Sasuke begins explaining Methupi ability. You do take damage from an attack. at first it was just a guess but after we traded fist I was able to confirm it. your ability allows you to exchange the damage dealt by your opponent but not all of it. if your opponent would receive 90% you take the remaining 10%. secondly your ability needs time before it can take effect. for example when we were trading fists your exchange ability didn't work because it couldn't process all that attack power at the same time but after I created that space between us it was able to fully analyse it and send the damage to me. also even if you get stronger with the more damage you take it has a limit right.

Methupi laughs and tries shrugging it off by telling Sasuke that knowing the dynamics of his ability doesn't guarantee him a sure win.

Sasuke: you may be right but once I know my chances are a 50 is over.

At Erza side

Erza: damn it am surrounded. I could take them all out but that would consume a lot of energy.

As Erza keeps on thinking a strange man attacks the four opponents surrounding Erza sending all of them out of the ring.

Announcement: four members from the Silver Age squad has been eliminated.

I heard you are strong . I hope you could entertain me a bit since all the other opponents are quite weak, said the man.

this guy he's strong said a frightened Erza.

With this only 22 opponents are left. which Squad will stand out on top in this tournament and gain the title as the strongest?

To be continued