

In his mu kai previous life he was schemed against by his own brother...his parents always thought of him as jinx.....after rebirth his heart was as cold as ice...with vengeance in heart he began his journey. he wanted those who hurt him pay the price with blood, he wanted those who schemed against him to live a life of hell...... Just then a girl entered his life who was cold as ice to everyone but warm to him, she slowly melted the ice in his heart wanting him to protect her with all he got... those who dared to hurt her where slaughtered....

ROHITRH907 · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Not only mylife but everyone was shocked because defeating a rank 10 holder in such a miserable way means if mk challenged higher ranker holder then he can definitely win. Just when everyone was think about this, a new challenge was issued… 

"mk has challenged kinghacker"

seeing this many people were shocked again. Many thought mu kai was overstmating himself....but some were starting to lean towards mu kai. they thought maybe mk(mu kai) mate have skill to issue the challenge...even through they thought that but no one belived that mu kai might win.

Seeing mu kai was issuing a challenge to him. kinghacker replied

"kid even through you won against mylife but you are still far from being my opponent"

Seeing that others are still underestimating him mu kai a small arc formed at corner of his mouth. He then typed on the keyboard very slowly, and her expression was very relaxed.

"do you guys can even know hacking or only know how to talk??? "

Seeing this many hackers got angry, kinghacker was top5 on devil ranking and insulting him like this….

"This kid is too arrogant. Does he really think that there's no one in our hacker world?"

"kinghacker defeat him!!!"

"kinghacker you have to teach this arrogant a lesson !!!"


At this moment, many hackers were still didn't believe in mu kai's skills and because of his arrogant behaviour. Many hackers wanted king hacker to accept the challenge, then defeat him.

Seeing his arrogant behaviour kinghacker didn't say anything further and directly accepted the challenge

As kinghacker accepted the challenge many hackers become happy…

"This arrogant kid is going to lose in a miserable way."

"I'm waiting for him to lose. Let us see how he will act arrogantly after losing??"

Many people thought that mk (mu kai) was doing to lose… but there were some who thought mk might win…

While the discussion was in full swing, challenge had already began. Mu kai didn't wanted to wate to much time. So while kinghacker was still clearing level 7 suddenly a message popped up

"mk wins"


"what the f%^K"

Seeing the message kinghacker's face was completely dark. He a top 5 rank holder was defeat???....

Other party completed the challenge before he could even complete half of the challenge…..

"what the heck!!"

"what is going on here???"

At present not only kinghacker but everyone present's thought were same, they couldn't believe what just happened….

Before they could even overcome there shock there was another notification

"mk challenged thegod"

seeing this everyone was dumbfold... they even forgot to react...

The challenge fees 100million was already placed

Thegod " let us have a good match"

Seeing mk's skill thegod didn't dared to underestimate him.

The competition began. Thegod quickly typed on the keyboard. Lines of code appeared on the computer, as he began to clear the level.

Mu kai also focused his attention and began to clear the level . He did not dare to underestimate thegod too much either. After all he was holding on to rank 1 for a long time, so his skill's can't be underestimated...

For top1 ranking position challenge were lot tougher…

Even mu kai took some time to break through the level. And the further levels were even more difficult to complete.

At first both mu kai and thegod were having a close competition but soon a distance was formed, mu kai was taking the lead but he didn't dare to relax. Both mu kai and thegod were writing code at an extremely fast rate…

Other were also waiting for the result… no one was chatting…it was complete silent..

By this time both mu kai and thegod were at final level of the challenge just then a notification strated to load. Everyone was holding there breath…all the people present wanted to know the result...

The few second of loading seeming like few years to them. everyone was holding there breath...

Just then result came…..

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