

In his mu kai previous life he was schemed against by his own brother...his parents always thought of him as jinx.....after rebirth his heart was as cold as ice...with vengeance in heart he began his journey. he wanted those who hurt him pay the price with blood, he wanted those who schemed against him to live a life of hell...... Just then a girl entered his life who was cold as ice to everyone but warm to him, she slowly melted the ice in his heart wanting him to protect her with all he got... those who dared to hurt her where slaughtered....

ROHITRH907 · ファンタジー
8 Chs

chapter 6

"There are 20 designs here. Select one for the competition and send it to them. After they announce theme for next round, I will design for it. By the way I won't be appearing Infront of media, So my identity shouldn't be disclosed." Mu kai said with a cold tone.

Mu kai said it as if getting into next level was very easy for him. This competition will be held in four rounds in round one each country will select top 100 participants. In round 2 among 1000 participants from 10 countries and top 100 will be selected. in round 3 top 10 will be selected, And in final top 10 will be ranked. In each round they will provide a theme on which participants will have to design. And theme will only be released after each round and participants will be given 5 days to complete their design.

 President cai went through the draft in his hand, Some of the the design were according to the theme of the competition and each one was too beautiful to, it would be a toucher to select among them.

"okay! As you wish. I will sign in for the competition with name Mr.kai" president cai

"hmm. don't start the sale of this design now.... wait till competition ends" mu kai said as an arc was formed at corner of the mouth.

President cai was stunned for a movement, before understanding mu kai intentions

"okay..okay... I will follow your instruction" president cai behavior was like he was meeting his superior.

mu kai didn't bother with change of attitude of president cai towards him, 

"and I need your small help in one more thing" mu kai

"What can I do for you?" president cai said with daunting smile as if he wanted to curry favor of mu kai

Mu kai didn't tone didn't changed much as he said

"Soon I'm going to break up with my family, so I need a agreement for that so that I can serve tie with them legally"

 Both president cai and manager were stunned again, but president cai replied soon

"okay it will be delivered to you by tomorrow, my manager will deliver it to you"


"if you need any help in future you can contact my manager….no no no…you can contact me directly" president cai said with flaunting smile

Seeing this manager was shocked

Mu kai nodded then went out…both president cai and manager went till the door to send mu kai off.

after returning to manager office president cai took the seat, after that he took a sip of tea before turning towards manager as he said with cold tone

"while I'm not here, you must take good care of him. If he has any request try to fulfil it at any cost, if you cant then you must tell me immediately…do you understand ?" 

Hearing this manager just stunned, then he nodded his head vigorously saying

"yes president!! I understand!!"

"we absolutely can't go against him."

manager was shocked with president cai elevation of mu kai and set in his mind that he will do anything mu kai him to do. he was set that if he could get mu kai recognition then this career will be set.he absolutely cant let go of such a opportunity... 

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