

In his mu kai previous life he was schemed against by his own brother...his parents always thought of him as jinx.....after rebirth his heart was as cold as ice...with vengeance in heart he began his journey. he wanted those who hurt him pay the price with blood, he wanted those who schemed against him to live a life of hell...... Just then a girl entered his life who was cold as ice to everyone but warm to him, she slowly melted the ice in his heart wanting him to protect her with all he got... those who dared to hurt her where slaughtered....

ROHITRH907 · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 3

chapter 3

After returning home he saw a new set of computer in the house as he was thinking he heard.

"big brother see mom and dad brought us a new computer." mu bai said

He said as if it was for both of them, but he knew it was only for mu bai.

Mu kai glanced at mu bai but didn't say a thing. In his previous life when ever they brought thing for his younger brother and his younger brother used to say this words .And mu kai used to be quit happy because of this ....he used to think that atleast his brother care for him and because of this mu kai used to dote on mu bai but now he was only mocking himself for not seeing through his younger brother real face.


"what are you standing there for? Go and fix the computer in you brother room. And don't even think about using the new computer , what if you break it. A jinx like you only know how to destroy. " Lou Shu said.

"big brother don't take mother's word to heart".mu bai

Mu kai didn't say anything and went to fix the computer. After fixing the new computer he placed the old computer in his own room and went to dinner.

At dinning table his mother was putting some off food to his brothers bowl when he sat. when he heard

" have you fixed the new computer."


"what about the old one." Lou Shu asked

Just as mu kai about to answer he heard

"well let him take that old one I have asked around on one is ready to buy it" mu you said .


" you can keep the computer before I find a someone to sale it. Don't damage it or else..." Lou Shu.

After dinner mu kai went to his room he opened his mail.

In the morning after getting the mail and attached jewelry design president cai was stunned for a minute then then went checked if it was plagiarism after confirming that it wasn't ,he was stunned again because the design to too beautiful even if he just imagined the finished product he couldn't stop his blood from boiling. If this product came to market then it will surly make commotion but it was signed with name "kai" as the president of one of the leading jewelry company he knew all famous designer but he has never heard of this name .

Then he immediately got alert. As a president of one of the leading company he new that no one will help others for nothing , people are all greedy beings especially in business world where there in no such thing as free food. 

 After thinking about it for sometime he sent a mail "what can I do for you? why are you willing to help us?."

Seeing the message, mu kai smiled slightly. Then he sent a mail

" tomorrow 4 pm near your branch office in yan city".


After sending the message he started to write a novel in the computer, in his previous life he had written many novel and all of them were best seller. After completing the whole book its was already three in the morning, he sent one third of the novel to a leading publisher with a message 60:40", then went to sleep.

In the morning morning just when mu kai went outside he he mu bai in the corner , he remembered in previous life mu bai would always use this type of trick to harm him then he would act innocent and he would never even doubt him. Just as mu bai was about to push him down the stair case, mu kai slightly dodged him and gave a slight push, Mu bai couldn't get balance and went down the stair case rolling.

"why did you push me?" mu bai asked angrily 

Hearing someone falling both mu you and lou shu came. When they heard mu bai both looked at mu kai fiercely.

"hmm!! Then why were you trying to push me?"

" when did I try to push you, don't spout nonsense. I was just coming down stair" mu bai said with aggrieved tone , listening to this a mocking smile came on mu kai face

" you jinx what are you smiling for? Not only did you hurt your brother and now even blaming him" lou shu

mu kai totally ignored lou shu. 

"don't you get tried of acting "mu kai said looking to mu bai , who act acting innocent

"jinx why are talking to your brother like that" lou shu was boiling with anger.

"I don't need a brother like him"

Upon seeing that mu kai was talking against them mu you went to him and gave a tight slap, he did hold back at all.

"if you don't lie this family then leave!"

Mu kai could taste blood in the mouth, he smiled mockingly as he said with a cold face. He didn't say anything.... rolling his eyes, he went out. 

"you…. Just you wait…."

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email: is041rohitrhiremath@gmail.com

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